Chakwera Doctored ACB Report to Hang SKC


An exclusive interview with the Anti Corruption Bureau spokesperson Egritta Mdala suggests President Lazarus Chakwera doctored a report that was sent to him in an attempt to politically hang his Vice President Saulos Chilima.

In the interview aired on Zodiak’s Tiuzeni Zoona programme, the graft busting body has squarely put the blame on President Lazarus Chakwera for telling the public that investigations on Vice President Saulos Chilima were completed and what remained were formal charges.

Two months ago the President, quoting an ACB report, told the nation that Chilima and three other had there investigations on corruption complete and had cases to answer.

The President went ahead to withhold his delegation powers from his Vice while suspending State House Chief of Staff Prince Kapondamgaga, dismissing Police IG as well as suspending the PPDA Chairperson.

But in the interview, Mdala – the ACB spokesperson – denied giving the President a report that had found anyone in the wrong or that the ACB had completed investigations.

“We gave the President a report that he demanded from us. We never said we had completed investigations on some people,” said Mdala failing short of saying the President lied or doctored the report to hang his deputy.

It has been over 90 days since the President humiliated his Vice President yet the ACB has never questioned or summoned him, attracting sympathy from the public that the act was indeed political to soil the Veep’s image.

The interview has catergoricary indicated that they only provided a general report to the President without indicating that investigations were completed on the Vice President.


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