Wednesday, February 12, 2025
الرئيسية بلوق



Msonkhano waposachedwapa wa UTM, umene unachitikira ku Mzuzu ndipo ndikusankha Dr. Dalitso Kabambe kukhala mtsogoleri wa chipanichi, wasiya anthu ambiri atamangidwa mphukusi. Msokhanowu, maka zotsatila za zisankhozi zadzetsa mafunso ambiri omwe mpaka pano mayankho zakupezeka.

Enafe sitinali muchpinda momwe msonkhanowu umachitikira poti sitinali ma deligeti, koma tili panja tinamvako kuti magetsi anali vuto maka mmene anthu anali kuwerengera mavoti. Onenawo akuti magetsiwa anazima kokwana kasanu ndi kamodzi. Mpaka pano palibe wina aliyense wa ku chipani kapena kwa awo amayendetsa zisankhozi amene wafotokozapo kuti chimachitika ndi chani.

Nkhani ina imene ikuoneka kuti anthu akungoyilambalala ndikusiyana kwa namabla ya anthu omwe anavota pa mtsogoleri wa chipanichi ndi awo amene anavota mipando yosiyanasiyana.

Mukaundula munaonetsa kuti anthu 748 ndi amene amayenera kuvota patsikuli ndipo pa mipando yonse inaonetsa kuti anthu awawa anavotadi koma chodabwitsa ndi chakuti pa mpando wa mtsogoleri ma voti onse owerengedwa kuchotsa owonongeka anakwana 727 pamene owonongeka anali 9. Ngakhale zonsezi zinali choncho anthuwa amavota kugwiritsa njira ya ka bunkhu komwe kanali ndi masamba 11 kuyimira maudindo onse kumphatikiza a mtsogoleri wa chipani. Mpaka lero palibe wa kuchipani kapena mmodzi mwa awo amene amayendetsa zisankho wafotozapo kuti kodi mavoti 12 anapita kuti.

Kwa aliyense okonda UTM komaso okonda Malawi izizi zikudzetsa mafunso kuti kodi chpani cha UTM chomwe chimayimira polimbikitsa chilungamo, kusintha pakachitidwe kandale komanso kuchita zinthu mokomera ali yense, chikuchitadi monga chinenera. Chodetsa nkhawa kwambiri ndi chakuti amtsogoleri atsopano achipanichi angoyang’ana kumbali pakhani zimenezi and kwaiwo sakuonapo vuto.

Nkhani ina yomwe yaponyedwa kuchipinda ndiyakuti oyendetsa chisankhochi anasankha kugwiritsa tchito kampani ya mchimwene wawo wa a Honourable Shadreck Namalomba kuti iunikire kuwerengera kwa ma voti ngati ma Auditors. A Namalomba ndi mneneri wa DPP, yemwe alinso mneneri wa mtsogoleri wa DPP a Peter Mutharika. President wopumayu ndi atsibweni awo a Dr. Kabambe.

China chofuna kuganizira mwakuya. Zotsatira za Dr. Kabambe zinali 636; mavoti 21 anapita kwa Dr Patricia Kaliati, 22 kwa Dr Matthews Mtumbuka, ndi 26 kwa a Newton Kambala. Ena akambapo kuti izizi zikuoneka ngati kuti mavoti awawa anali okoza kale ndipo chisankho chinangopangika momata anthu mphula mmaso. Kunena zoona ngakhale izizi zingatengedwe ngati nkhamba kamwa chabe koma ndikhani zomwe zikhoza kuononga chipani cha UTM maka pamene dziko la Malawi likupita kuzisankho chaka chamawachi. Enaso akambapo kuti zikhoza kutheka kuti ndalama zinagwiritsidwa ntchito pogula ngakhale anthu amene amayendetsa chisankhochi kuphatikizapo ma monita.

Chodandaulitsa china ndichakuti ngakhale atolankhani akuoneka kuti alibe chidwi chopanga kafukufuku pa nkhani zimenezi. Funso mkumati kodi atolankhani angolemphera kugwira ntchito chabe kapena nawo anapatsidwa kena kake pofuna kubisa chilungamo? Sitinganeneretu komano kutsatila bwino mmene ndalama zagwiritsidwira ntchito pakampeni ndi kuti chisankhochi chikomere mbali ina yache sitingatsutse pamaganizo amenewa.

Monga tanena kale, mu 2025 kuli zisankho za dziko pamene UTM motsogozedwa ndi Dr Kabambe akuyembekezera kukapikisana nawo. Funso mkumati kodi ndi nkhani zimenezi, a Malawi ali okozeka kukhulupirira kuti UTM ndi Dr Kabambe ali nkuthekera kulamulira dziko lino mopanda chinyengo, katangale kapena kusolora.

Chipani cha UTM chikuyenera kuchitapo kanthu kuti chibwezeretse chikhulupiriro chimene a Malawi anali nacho pa chipanichi. Kungokhala ngati palibe chili chonse chachitika ndikosanthandiza.

Chokhumudwitsa china ndichokuti panopa anthu amene akusapota Dr. Kabambe ali kalikiliki kutukwana ndi kunyazitsa awo omwe zisinayende pa chisankho chimenechi zimeneso zikupangitsa kuti kusakondwa kudzipitililabe. Izizi zilibe mphindu patsogolo la UTM. Nthawi ino nkofunika kuti Dr Kabambe ndi masapota awo adzichepetse ndi kuyesetsa kuwafikira anzawowa monga mayi Kaliati, a Dr Mtumbuka, ndi a Kambala ndi ena maka awo amene ankhala akuyendetsa chipanichi kuyambira 2018 pamodzi ndi malemu Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima.

Atsogoleri a chipani cha UTM ayenera kuonetsa kugonjera ku chilungamo ndikudzifunsa mafuso awa: Kodi anthu akamapita kuzisankho mu 2025 adzichiona bwanji chipanichi? Kodi a Malawi ankhala okhutila kuti chipanichi chikwanitsa kukwaniritsa masomphenya a mtsogoleri wakale wa UTM malemu Chilima? Apo bii, UTM iyiwale kaye zochita bwino pa zisankho zikubwerazi ndi kulamulira dziko lino.



The recently concluded UTM convention, which saw Dr. Dalitso Kabambe clinch the party presidency, has left a cloud of suspicion hanging over the party’s credibility. From reports of power outages during vote counting to unexplained discrepancies in ballot totals, the election process has raised critical questions about fairness, transparency, and the party’s commitment to its reformist ideals. Alarmingly, the glaring issues surrounding the convention appear to have been largely ignored by the party itself (read the new executive) as well as both traditional and print media, raising further concerns about the culture of accountability in Malawi’s political discourse.

Unanswered Questions About the Process

One of the most notable irregularities during the election was the discrepancy in the presidential vote count. While every delegate was issued a single booklet for all positions, the total ballots for the presidential election fell 12 votes short of the numbers recorded for other positions. Coupled with six suspicious power outages during the vote-counting process, this anomaly cannot simply be dismissed as a logistical error. Instead, it underscores the need for an independent review to determine whether these discrepancies were accidental or deliberate.

Reference is made to the 2019 elections case when the defence tried to labour itself justifying some mathematical errors dismissing them as insignificant to the voting process. However, the presiding Judges observed that what was important was not the magnitude of the thievery but the spirit behind such actions.

Adding to the controversy is the decision to engage an auditing firm linked to Shadrick Namalomba, the DPP’s publicity secretary and a close ally of DPP President Peter Mutharika. Namalomba’s connections to DPP President Peter Mutharika—Kabambe’s direct uncle—raise legitimate concerns about a conflict of interest in overseeing the election. Was the auditing firm truly impartial, or did its involvement serve to shield Kabambe’s camp from scrutiny? The optics of this decision alone are enough to undermine confidence in the process, and not only UTM members but also Malawians at large deserve an explanation.

The Role of Money in the Outcome

Dr. Kabambe’s sweeping victory—636 votes compared to Patricia Kaliati’s 21, Matthews Mtumbuka’s 22, and Newton Kambala’s 26—has also fueled allegations that financial resources played a significant role in shaping the outcome. Reports suggest that Kabambe’s camp may have used money to secure loyalty from delegates, election administrators, and even rival camps. Such tactics, if true, run counter to UTM’s founding principles of fairness and integrity.

The party must now reckon with the reality that unchecked financial influence in its leadership elections could erode trust among its members and supporters. Beyond the convention, it raises a broader question for Malawian politics: Can a system tainted by money ever truly serve the people?

Media Silence: A Failure of Accountability

Equally troubling is the silence of Malawi’s media, both traditional and print, on these issues. Despite the gravity of the allegations and their implications for democracy, there has been a noticeable lack of investigative reporting or in-depth analysis. Why have these issues been swept under the rug? Is it complacency, fear of reprisals, or something more insidious? Whatever the reason, the media’s failure to interrogate the integrity of the UTM convention represents a missed opportunity to hold power to account and promote transparency in Malawi’s political processes.

The Way Forward for UTM

For UTM to maintain its credibility and relevance, it cannot afford to sweep these issues aside. The new leadership, under Dr. Kabambe, has a responsibility to address the allegations head-on and restore trust within the party. This begins with a serious retrospective of the election process.

As a starting point, the party should engage a neutral body, unaffiliated with any political actors, to investigate the discrepancies and allegations of vote-buying. The findings of this review must be made public to reassure members and supporters of UTM’s commitment to integrity.

There is also need for electoral reforms. UTM must establish stricter guidelines for campaign financing and delegate engagement to prevent undue influence in future elections. Transparency and fairness should be the cornerstones of its internal democracy.

Dr Kabambe and his team must work to reach out to aggrieved parties instead of further antagonising them as is the case now through various social media posts which glaringly shows that they are meant to “kumvetsa kuwawa” the other side. Dr. Kabambe and his team must prioritize reconciliation with people, such as Kaliati, Mtumbuka, and Kambala. Alienating further these key figures risks further fracturing the party, while an inclusive approach can strengthen UTM’s unity and effectiveness.

The party must go beyond damage control and actively rebuild trust by recommitting to the values that inspired its formation. This includes fostering a culture of accountability and ensuring that decisions reflect the collective will of its members.

Moving Forward Together

While the allegations surrounding the convention cast a shadow over Dr. Kabambe’s leadership, they also present an opportunity for UTM to demonstrate its resilience and commitment to reform. Addressing these issues openly and transparently can set a powerful example for other political parties in Malawi and help the party regain confidence from Malawians.

For those who lost in the elections, this is a moment to show leadership as well as statesmanship and rise above these turbulent moments to focus on the greater good. The legacy of late Saulos Klaus Chilima, who championed reform and unity, should inspire all UTM members to work together for the party’s success and Malawi’s progress.

Finally, the media must step up and play its role in holding leaders accountable. Without rigorous scrutiny, the principles of democracy are weakened, and the public loses faith in its institutions.

As UTM charts its path forward, its leaders and members must ask themselves this difficult question: Are they willing to confront uncomfortable truths for the sake of integrity, or will they allow the party to drift away from its founding ideals? Only by choosing the former can UTM truly embody the change it promises to bring to Malawi, if not then forget it.

December African Print Party Set to Kick Off the Month in Style

Get ready to usher in the festive season with a bang! The December African Print Party is just around the corner, and it promises to be an unforgettable night of music, fashion, and fun.

Scheduled to take place on Friday, December 6, 2024, at the luxurious Amaryllis Hotel, the event will kick off at 6:30 pm.

The highlight of the evening will be a thrilling performance by the talented Kell Kay.

Tickets for the event are now available, with standard tickets going for MK15,000, VIP advance tickets for MK250,000, and door fees set at MK20,000.

For those looking to make a night of it, accommodation packages are also available, with double occupancy rooms starting at MK280,000, including bed and breakfast, tickets for two, and a complimentary bottle of wine for bookings made within five days of the event.

The December African Print Party is being organized by Entertainers Promotion, in partnership with Amaryllis Hotel and Gold Mountain.

With its unique blend of African print fashion, live music and luxurious ambiance, this event is set to be the perfect way to kick off the festive season in style.

Insurance Association envisions increased Insurance penetration with DMVIC

Orientation session in progress

The Insurance Association of Malawi (IAM) says it expects an increase in insurance penetration as the country fully migrates to a digital motor insurance system by January 12025.

During the launch of this year’s Insurance Awareness Week some months ago, the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) expressed concern over the continued low uptake of insurance services in the country as statistics and research carried out by various institutions showed the insurance penetration ratio was at 1.9 percent as of December 2023.

But during an interface session to brief police traffic officers and the media in the southern region about the new system in Blantyre on Tuesday, IAM Executive Secretary, Dharles Kasonda-Kuyokwa was optimistic that apart from simplifying life, the digitalized system will help increase the numbers.

“We believe that our numbers will increase because people will not travel to get the services but access them online. Even those in the rural areas will not come to urban areas to get the service. So, numbers in terms of penetration will increase.”

Insurance Association officials pose with participants

“We would like to ask the public to go and change their insurance certificates if they are still using the old ones, and at the same time we ask them to embrace the new system which is going to help the insurance companies and the public in terms of efficiency,” said Kuyokwa.

Police Regional Traffic Inspector responsible for the South East, Assistant Superintendent Jonathan Chitedze said the new system is vital and will ease their work.

“I am urging the public to comply with the new technologies as also required by the Malawi 2063 agenda,” said Chitedze.

The General insurance companies will cease issuing pre-printed certificates and fully migrate to Digital Motor Vehicle Insurance Certificates (DMVIC) by December 31 this year.

Among other benefits, DMVIC will help the law enforcers to be able to trace stolen and hit-and-run vehicles.

IAM officials pose with participants

PIL donates K6million textbooks to Bwengu CDSS

Msimuko (right) handing over some of the books to the Headgirl

Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL), a consortium of four oil marketing companies in the country, has donated textbooks worth K6 million to Bwengu Community Day Secondary School in Mzimba.

Speaking after handing over the textbooks on Monday, PIL General Manager, Martin Msimuko said the gesture was part of transforming lives, opening doors, and laying the foundation for the student’s brighter future through education.

“For too many students in rural areas, resources are limited. Lack of access to quality learning materials often stands as a barrier between students and their dreams. This donation of school books helps to remove that barrier, providing students here with the tools they need to learn, explore, and achieve their full potential.”

“The call of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number four under Education aims at ensuring that all girls and boys should complete primary and secondary education by 2030. PIL recognizes that the private sector has an important role to play in contributing to achievement of the SDGs in Malawi,” said Msimuko.

Receiving the books on behalf of the Northern Education Division Manager, Emmanuel Luhanga commended PIL for aiding the Government in the development of education in the country.

Msimuko (2nd right) handing over the books to Luhanga flanked by Inkosi Jalavikuwa (right) and Headteacher Chimwemwe Shaba (Left)

“This donation by PIL will go a long way in ensuring that the students here at Bwengu do not scramble for resources in their studies. The Ministry, through our office, has mechanisms in place to ensure the books are safe from damage or being stolen. We urge the students, teachers and members of the community to take care of the books so that even those students still in primary school now, should benefit in future,” said Luhanga.

One of the students, Triphonia Kamanga, indicated that before the donation, the situation was bad as students grappled for the few available books.

“We are over 400 students here, but we had few books. We believe these books will motivate us to keep working hard. If we managed to pass well with the limited resources, then nothing can stop us now that we have the books. We thank PIL for choosing us,” she said.

Inkosi Jalavikuwa Munthali of the area also commended PIL for the donation, but appealed for more support especially on the science laboratory which the school lacks.

PIL comprises Total Energies, Petroda, Vivo Energy, and Puma.

Msimuko (right) makes symbolic presentation to Bwengu CDSS students

NBS Bank plc donates desks worth K17.5 million to Kalinyeke School

Nakoma (2nd Right) with Kadzamira handing over desks to Thombozi (far left) ministry of education official Benard Kumanda

NBS Bank plc in partnership with Roads Fund Administration (RFA) have donated desks worth K17.5 million to Kalinyeke Full Primary School in Dedza.

Speaking during the handover ceremony held at the school on Thursday, NBS Bank plc Head of Corporate Banking Frank Nakoma said the donation is part of the Bank’s ongoing commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR), specifically in the education sector.

“We are more than a Bank and we believe in being an integral part of the communities we serve in, and for that reason we are always concerned with the problems communities face. So, when we saw that the school was lacking desks, we decided to come in and assist them with 160 desks.”

“These desks must not just be looked as desks, but as brighter and great minds for the future Malawi. Therefore, the donation is one step in our broader efforts to support quality education across Malawi,” said Nakoma.

The Roads Fund Administration Tolling Operations Manager Dalitso Kadzamira commended NBS Bank plc for the donation at the school.

“We thank NBS Bank plc for the helping hand. Two years ago, we identified the need for desks and other equipment at the school following our program of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). And we partnered with NBS Bank plc to come to the rescue of the school and hence the 160 desks being donated today,” said Kadzamira.

Speaking after receiving the desks, the school’s Headmaster, Clara Thombozi also expressed her overwhelming gratitude to NBS Bank.

“Kalinyeke FP School, like many rural schools, has faced significant challenges in providing adequate furniture for its growing student population.”

“Many of the students were sitting on the floor which saw a greater number of students not attending school. But with the donation made by NBS Bank plc and Roads Fund Administration we have seen the numbers increasing greatly,” said Thombozi.

Kalinyeke FP School has a total number of 1438 pupils who have benefited from the donation made by the Bank

PDP Calls for Urgent Electoral Reform Amid Voter Registration Crisis


The People’s Development Party (PDP) has raised alarm over what it calls a “crisis” in the voter registration process ahead of Malawi’s 2025 general elections.

In a press statement delivered at the Golden Peacock Hotel in Lilongwe, PDP President Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa criticized the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) and the National Registration Bureau (NRB) for what he described as a “flawed” and “inefficient” voter registration exercise, which is currently underway in multiple districts across the country.

Dr. Nankhumwa expressed deep concern about the widespread delays and technical failures in the process, warning that many eligible voters could be disenfranchised if immediate action is not taken.

“The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) is implementing the second phase of voter registration in several cities and districts,” Dr. Nankhumwa said.

“But as we speak, the ongoing voter registration exercise is encountering significant challenges, and many eligible voters across the country risk being denied their fundamental right to register for the upcoming election.”

At the heart of the issue, Dr. Nankhumwa pointed to the failure of the NRB to issue national identification cards (IDs) to citizens in time for registration.

“The NRB’s ability to issue these IDs in a timely manner is central to ensuring that no eligible citizen is left out of the process,” he explained.

“Unfortunately, bureaucratic inefficiencies, lack of public awareness campaigns, and inadequate resources have created barriers that could disenfranchise large portions of the electorate.”

The PDP leader warned that such failures could call into question the legitimacy of the 2025 election.

“The failure to address these challenges risks disenfranchising thousands, if not millions, of eligible voters—many of whom are already marginalized by systemic inefficiencies,” he said.

“This is not just a logistical challenge; it’s a direct attack on the democratic rights of Malawians.”

Dr. Nankhumwa further criticized both the MEC and the NRB for their lack of preparedness and efficiency, emphasizing that the credibility of the electoral process is at stake.

He also expressed concern over the NRB’s capacity to manage the registration process effectively, citing delays in ID issuance and the absence of staff at many registration centers.

“These issues are compounded by concerns over the credibility and neutrality of the NRB itself,” he said.

“Given the central role this institution plays in the electoral process, its ability to act with impartiality and competence is essential.”

To address the challenges, Dr. Nankhumwa proposed the creation of an Electoral Integrity Platform (EIP)—a collaborative forum aimed at bringing together key stakeholders, including the MEC, NRB, political parties, and civil society organizations, to ensure that the voter registration process is transparent, inclusive, and effective.

“The establishment of EIP could be a strategic initiative aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges associated with the electoral process,” Dr. Nankhumwa said.

“This platform is essential for fostering dialogue, building trust, and implementing effective solutions to enhance electoral integrity.”

The proposed platform would focus on resolving issues such as the delayed issuance of national IDs, technical failures in MEC’s systems, and allegations of voter suppression.

Dr. Nankhumwa also called for a transparent investigation into reports of irregularities and called for the MEC to act decisively to restore public confidence in the election process.

The PDP leader also weighed in on the ongoing calls for the resignation of the MEC Chairperson, Justice Anabel Mtalimanja, who has faced criticism due to her familial ties to former MCP president John Tembo.

Despite defending her personal integrity, Dr. Nankhumwa advised Mtalimanja to consider stepping down, given the public perception that her position may not be neutral.

“Many Malawians now perceive Justice Mtalimanja as a member of MCP regardless of whether her decisions are right or wrong,” he said.

“She has lost the trust of the people, and my advice to her is to protect her integrity.”

Dr. Nankhumwa concluded his statement by calling for unity and collaboration among all stakeholders to resolve the issues plaguing the voter registration process.

“Now is not the time for division or inflammatory rhetoric but for collaboration, with a shared commitment to ensuring that every Malawian can participate in free, fair, and credible elections,” he urged.

As Malawi prepares for the 2025 elections, Dr. Nankhumwa’s remarks highlight the urgent need for electoral reforms to address the inefficiencies and challenges undermining the voter registration process.

120 golfers tune up for Std Bank tourney


A field of 120 golfers is ready to tee off in Saturday’s tournament by Standard Bank Plc at Lilongwe Golf Club.

LGC Captain Maziko Kumbani said the Standard Bank-sponsored tournament promises intense competition from golfers who will be swinging hard to outgun each other for prestigious medals lined up.

“As Captain, I am thrilled to welcome back Standard Bank to Lilongwe Golf Club as they bring their prestigious “Be More Golf” tournament, themed “Sustainable Swing.” This highly anticipated event promises intense competition and unforgettable moments on the course with over 120 golfers vying for top honors,” he said.

Kumbani thanked Standard Bank for its unwavering commitment to the game of golf and the bank’s remarkable support for the LGC fraternity.

“This partnership continues to elevate the sport and inspire excellence both on and off the course. I wish all the golfers all the best, ” he said.

Saturday’s tournament under the theme “The Sustainable Swing”, will spotlight Standard Bank’s role in harnessing economic sustainability and responsible business.

The tournament is designed to bring together business leaders, clients, and sustainability advocates for a day of golf. They will network and share ideas on sustainable development in both respects of business continuity and community well-being.

“At Standard Bank, we believe that sustainable growth is key to creating long-term value—for our clients, our communities, and our economy. We are again excited to host this unique event that not only showcases the beauty of the sport but also highlights our commitment to supporting the individual and business growth,” said the sponsor’s Chief Executive Phillip Madinga.

He added that Standard Bank is committed to embedding sustainable practices into its operations, from reducing carbon footprint to financing projects that have a positive financial and social impact earmarked to grow the economy.

“The tournament is a celebration of the positive impact that sport and sustainability can have when they work hand in hand. We are proud to bring BeMore golf again to see so many golfers taking steps to promote financial sustainability that drive growth,” added the Chief Executive.

The tournament will culminate in a celebratory reception, where attendees will learn more about the Standard Bank initiatives to support green banking, including renewable energy investments, sustainable lending practices, and partnerships with environmentally conscious businesses.

The 2024 edition of BeMore Golf Tournament will use the Individual Medal format with all the proceeds channeled towards Kamuzu Central Hospital’s Children’s Cancer Centre.

Vendors hail establishment of additional Police Unit in Limbe


Some vendors plying their trade in Limbe Central Business District have hailed the Malawi Police Services (MPs) for establishing an additional Police Unit in the township.

The decision follows a gesture by the Pacific Limited to offer an office space in one of its Pacific Tower to the law enforcers which is being used as a Police Unit.

Secretary for the Limbe Town Vendors Association, Newton Mwenyekondo has disclosed to Malawi voice that this has helped to reduce a distance the vendors used to cover when taking suspects to Limbe Police Station.

“The situation was really tough before the coming in of the police unit as we used conduct our businesses with fear of being robbed. There were also a lot of cases of our customers being robbed by some street kids. We can safely say there is currently maximum security which has greatly enhanced our businesses”, said Mwenyekondo.

On his part, Limbe Police Station Deputy Public Relations Officer, Sub Inspector Chibisa Mulimbika disclosed that the development has contributed to a reduction of crimes by five percent.

“To us, this has given us an added advantage as it has enabled us to have an additional listening post of our men who patrols the city whose number has been doubled”, said Mulimbika.

On his part, operations manager for the Pacific Limited Abdul Gomiwa said apart from the company offering an office space for a new police unit it’s Pacific Tower, the company has also allocated an office space to an old Limbe free Market police unit in its Pacific plaza.

Limbe is Township is one of the busiest township in Blantyre apart from Blantyre Central Business District with criminal activities reportedly being on the rise in the recent past.

Chakwera assures of development


Mchinji, November 13, Mana: President Lazarus Chakwera has reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to ongoing development efforts in Mchinji District and the country at large.

Addressing people at Kamwendo Trading Centre on Wednesday during a whistle-stop tour, Chakwera highlighted various initiatives aimed at improving infrastructure and economic opportunities in the district.

This stop was the fourth on his tour, which also included visits to Tembwe and Waliranji Trading Centres and a meeting with local chiefs at Mchinji Teacher Training College.

“We are making sure that development reaches everyone so that people can live dignified lives without reliance on aid. We have started rehabilitating railways and roads to help farmers transport their produce more easily,” Chakwera said.

The President cited the planned rehabilitation of the Mkanda to Kasungu road, which will connect Mchinji with Kasungu District, as an example of projects aimed at enhancing district connectivity.

He also emphasised the government’s efforts to improve access to the National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF) by removing collateral requirements, enabling more people to establish sustainable businesses.

Earlier, Member of Parliament for Mchinji Central Constituency Jephther Mwale expressed appreciation for the increase in the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to K200 million, which he said is facilitating construction of classroom blocks and bridges.
Mwale also praised Chakwera for revitalising agriculture in the district, a sector he noted had been in decline.

Mwale also encouraged the people to register, a message President Chakwera and Malawi Congress Party (MCP) regional governor Patrick Zebron Chilondola also tackled.
Chilondola said people are already registering in large numbers but there are some who have not.

“Do not wait for the last day of voter registration. You have to go now and make sure you have registered,” said Chilondola

Insurance Association for improved efficiency through DMVIC

Participants following the presentation

Insurance Association of Malawi (IAM) says they expect improved efficiency by all the general insurance companies in the country following the introduction of the new Digital Motor Vehicle Insurance Certificates (DMVIC). 

IAM representative, Dickson Malamba made the remarks in Mzuzu on Monday when the association held an interface session with police traffic officers, the media and others to brief them about the development and key distinguishing features between the old and new certificates. 

He said all general insurance companies will cease to issue pre-printed certificates by December 31 this year, and the new system allows them to use one system for issuing the certificates, therefore there will be no excuses for inefficiency. 

“Effective January 1, 2025, IAM will no longer use pre-printed insurance certificates for printing insurance certificates. Preprinted insurance certificates will be valid until December 31 2026. Further, the system will be instrumental in tracking stolen vehicles and eliminating fraudulent motor vehicle certificates on the roads of Malawi.”

“It is therefore important that we engage these stakeholders including the media so that they help us disseminate the information with the masses,” said Malamba.

Regional Police Traffic Officer for the North, Superintendent Augustine Chakanika commended IAM for the sensitisation meeting. 

Malamba making a presentation

“We thank IAM for engaging us and for the new system. Our work involves enforcing such things like insurance, we therefore needed to know of the changes and how to easily track the counterfeit ones through the verification process that we have been told,” he said. 

One of the journalists, Grecian Mbewe from Tuntufye Radio in Karonga also commended IAM for including them in the picture.

“As journalists from community radios, we play a big role in sensitising members of the community on any new developments. Most people follow community radios because they relate well with developments around their locations and the local languages used. The DMVIC will play a crucial role in eliminating accidents in our areas especially those caused by drivers with fraudulent certificates, this time they can’t beat the system,” said Mbewe.

Through the system, people can access DMVIC from their brokers digitally using platforms like WhatsApp and then print. 

They can also verify the validity of the certificates using USSD code *4273# or download an application and install in their smartphones. 

Participants in Mzuzu

EXPOSED: Orama Namalomba receives K10million from State House for propaganda


Reports reaching our publication shows that Orama Namalomba, the individual who recorded Martha Chizuma, has allegedly received K10 million to target prominent figures and government critics.

Known by his real name, Anderson Mwakyelu, he currently faces theft charges for allegedly claiming allowances for 1,000 nights in a single year during his tenure as an accountant in the Accountant General’s office.

It is reported that he was subsequently promoted to a director position as a reward for his role in the Chizuma case, with protection from Police Head of Operations, Commissioner Muwanga.

Mwakyelu is reportedly using his influence to defame figures such as Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, DPP, UTM and AFORD officials, Catholic bishops and judiciary members.

Additionally, he is said to have fabricated a story targeting Prophet Shepherd Bushiri as part of his broader campaign.

According to sources, Mwakyelu has been promised a new position at the State House if he continues his efforts.

He has allegedly been coordinating his activities using the phone number +265 99 937 5158, in collaboration with senior Malawi Congress officials and Commissioner Muwanga.

Chakwera honours fallen heroes on Poppy


President Dr Lazarus Chakwera today led Malawians in commemorating the 2024 Poppy Day at Zomba War Memorial Tower in Zomba.

The ceremony also marked Centenary (100 years) Celebrations of the War Memorial Tower’s existence. It was commissioned on 15th January, 1924.

Observed on 11th November annually among Commonwealth member States, Poppy Day, also referred to as Remembrance Day, was set aside in honor of the sacrifices made by military men and women, who died in the line of duty, during the Two Major World Wars, and also other Wars.

The Malawi leader, was the first to lay a Wreath at the War Memorial Tower, in honour of the fallen heroes followed by the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Madalitso Kazombo and Deputy Chief Justice, Lovermore Chikopa SC

MDF Commander Paul Valentino Phiri, Secretary to the President and Cabinet (SPC) Colleen Zamba also laid their wreaths representing Defence Force and Civil Service respectively.

The opposition was represented by Zomba Chisi Member of Parliament, Mark Botomani.

During the ceremony,a living war veteran, Warrant Officer Class 1, Frank Masiano represented all war veterans who took part in wars by laying a wreath while Tanzanian Ambassador to Malawi, Agness Kayola represented members of the Diplomatic Corps in laying wreath.

In Lilongwe, Chakwera was represented by Youths and Sports Minister, engineer Uchizi Mkandawire while in Mzuzu, Chakwera was represented by Agriculture Minister, Pastor Sam Kawale.

ROAD TO 2025:PDP President Dr Nankhumwa takes voter registration awareness campaign to Blantyre

Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, President of the Peoples Development Party (PDP), on Friday embarked on a voter registration awareness campaign in Blantyre, ahead of next year’s polls.

During his campaign, Nankhumwa met with area committees to strengthen the party’s grassroots.

In Lunzu, Chilomoni, and Macheka, he addressed supporters and sympathizers, exuding confidence that the PDP will form the next government.

Senior officials accompanied him on this outreach, which follows his recent visits to Phalombe, Chiradzulo Mulanje and Neno

As a seasoned politician and former senior cabinet minister, Nankhumwa brings a wealth of experience to the table.

He previously served as leader of opposition in Parliament.

With a strong track record in government, Nankhumwa aims to tackle poverty and unemployment, while improving Malawi’s infrastructure and education system.

His leadership skills and vision for a better Malawi have made him a formidable force in the country’s political landscape.

Castel Malawi bags 3 awards at the IMM Awards

Giant alcoholic beverage producer in the country, Castel Malawi managed to bag three awards at this year’s Institute of Marketing in Malawi (IMM) Awards ceremony over the weekend.

Castel Malawi’s newly-introduced alcoholic product Pomme Breeze won two awards namely Social Media Campaign of the Year for its #Yoursider social media campaign, while ‘It’s a Lifestyle’ campaign was named the Local Marketing Campaign of the Year.

The company’s Head of Corporate Marketing and Communications, Lavern Chitakata was also honoured as the Public Relations Personality of the Year.

Chitakata was recognized for her role in promoting the Castel Brand with football, strategic product communication, amplifying brand presence through media recognition, and championing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives for community engagement.

In reaction to the awards, Chitakata said the recognition is a testament of Castel Malawi’s effort to build meaningful relationships with its customers and the public.

“The #Yoursider social media campaign therefore aimed at amplifying the awareness of our product Pomme Breeze. The campaign ensured Castel Malawi engages with its customers with lucky winner expected to win a three-day trip to Dubai.”

“Pomme Breeze deserved to win these awards due to its remarkable success in the challenging flavored beer market, and defying industry norms. Research indicates 70-90% of New Product Developments (NPDs) fail. Pomme Breeze is indeed a lifestyle.”

“Our CSR activities in sponsoring the Castel Ibongetse Cup, also helped us to increase awareness about our products. I thank the Castel management and colleagues for making this happen,” explained Chitakata.

Castel Malawi sponsors the Castel Cup to the tune of K400 million.

Over the years, the company has engaged in various CSR activities including the environmental conservation, and safety awareness campaigns.

Malawi’s Super Star Tay Grin to perform live at Fusion Sports Bar in Nottingham this Saturday

Malawi’s multi-award winning Hip-hop Icon, Tay Grin, will be performing live at Fusion Sports Bar in Nottingham this Saturday, November 9!

This is your chance to experience an electrifying performance by the super star popularly known as The Nyau King.

“Join us for a night filled with music, dancing, and good vibes. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable event! Come see Tay Grin perform live at Fusion Sports Bar in Nottingham- it’s gonna be lit!

“Brace yourself for an unforgettable night, Amfumu ndi Nyau zawo akonzeka kuzakuthyoletsani Dance mpaka fumbi kobo. Ali ndi mwana agwilitse! Ali ndi chiuno, afewetse!” reads part of the promotion advert.

The show will be supported by DJ Hannie G.

Tickets will be £15 at the door. GET YOURS NOW FOR £10 plus BF!!!

Follow this link

FDH Bank plc shines at the Marketers’ awards

Nkunika (left) poses with FDH Bank marketing team and their awards

Malawi Stock Exchange listed FDH Bank had a grand time at this year’s Institute of Marketing in Malawi (IMM) Awards ceremony over the weekend where they bagged four awards.

The Bank’s Salama Banking was named the Print Commercial of the Year, while its marketing team emerged the Marketing Team of the Year.

FDH Cares Program was named the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative of the Year, while its Head of Marketing and Communication, Levie Nkunika was named Marketer of the Year.

Reacting on the awards, including his accolade, Nkunika said the recognition will help them to continue to inspire and empower the next generation.

Nkunika- Marketer of the Year

“This award is not just a personal achievement, but a testament to the collective efforts of our team, partners, and stakeholders who have supported me throughout my journey. I extend my sincerest gratitude to our senior management for their unwavering trust and vision, senior marketers for their guidance and mentorship, and young marketers and students for their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn.”

“This award reinforces my commitment to driving innovative marketing strategies that resonate with our customers and contribute to the growth of FDH Group and the industry. I dedicate this recognition to everyone who has contributed to our success,” said Nkunika.

This year, the Parliamentary Committee on Social and Community Affairs commended FDH Bank plc for the investing K6 billion in the CSR initiatives for the past five years.

MDF Team wins 2024 War Veterans Golf Tourney

Mkandawire (Middle) presenting trophy to the winners Brown (Right) and Dzonzi (Left)

The Malawi Defence Force (MDF) Team are the champions of this year’s Military Veterans Thanks Giving Golf Tournament, which took place at Limbe Country Club at the weekend.

NBS Bank plc was the main sponsor of the tournament this year pumping in K70 million, and attracted 160 golfers across the country.

The MDF team comprised Private Witman Brown and Private Alick Dzonzi who secured 50 points to earn the championship and both walked away with a trophy, cash prize of K350,000 and a hamper.

Team NBS plc consisting of Roza Mbilizi and Charles Chirwa claimed second place with 48 points, while MDF Team 2 comprising of Private Mbeza and Private Mpanje finished third with 47 points.

Speaking at the prize presentation ceremony, NBS Bank plc Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Temwani Simwaka expressed satisfaction with the tournament saying it gives a chance to the Bank to continue to build its existing partnership with MDF.

“Every Malawian, we say, let’s do our part, let’s support them. This is not about competition; this is about supporting people who brought us the things that we are enjoying today. So, we appeal to everyone to say, let’s support the veterans in whatever way we can to make a difference.”

“As NBS Bank plc, we believe it is our responsibility to support the veterans,” said Simwaka.

MDF General Commander, Paul Valentino Phiri applauded NBS Bank plc for sponsoring the tournament. 

“It is very important that NBS Bank plc came in and others have also contributed. But this should also be an encouragement to other financial institutions, specifically banks to emulate what NBS Bank is doing in support of the Military Veterans,” said Phiri.

Minister of Defence Harry Mkandawire was the guest of honour, standing in for the country’s President Lazarus Chakwera.

Mkandawire also thanked NBS Bank plc for being the main sponsor at the Tournament and encouraged others to emulate the same example.

“We are most grateful to NBS Bank plc for their true friendship and bond to MDF. You have supported, not only this event, but almost all the initiatives that have been happening across the country. And I would like to appeal to the corporate world and the public to continue supporting the country’s war veterans,” said Mkandawire.

He said the Veteran Thanksgiving Golf Tournament is a very important event, which goes back to the history of the First and Second World Wars.

Political analysts Mvula, Chaima dismiss EIU report on Chakwera’s impeachment, MCP calls it an outlier

Political analysts, Humphreys Mvula and George Chaima have outright dismissed the Economist Intelligent Unit report that is suggesting that President Dr Lazarus Chakwera may lose power before next year’s election through impeachment due to economic meltdown, hunger and unemployment levels that have engulfed his administration.

But reacting to the report, two prominent social and economic analysts, Humphreys Mvula and George Chaima have ripped apart the report saying it is biased and questions its sample size.

In his remarks, Mvula says there are no reports that suggest that Malawians can rise against government to topple president Chakwera before elections or through impeachment.

“How did they come up with the sample? How did they come up with the sensational report ahead of election with 11months to go? MCP and DPP are the most stable parties in the country and the report is a “mockery” as from now up to elections, there will be activities that will sway voters either way so am slow to accept the wholesale understanding of the report,” said Mvula.

In his remarks, Chaima said though he acknowledges that Malawians are struggling on basic needs with the government of MCP, but to suggest that Chakwera can be impeached at the moment is sheer power play.

“Yes no doubt Malawians are struggling to make ends meet. But the sample was taken by economists to survey the economic policies of the Chakwera administration and tailor them to people’s income, but to go and declare that it will end into impeachment is very ‘childish’ and no Malawian will agree that at the moment,’ said Chaima.

Reacting to the report, MCP Publicity Secretary, Dr Jessie kabwila dismissed the report calling it an outlier.

EIU, has also predicted that MCP may return power by coopting all small parties to push them to the finishing line.

Reacting to the report, DPP Publicity Secretary, Shadric Namalomba says DPP is geared to win the 2025 polls based on the economic policies that MCP government has failed to impalement.

Section 86 of the constitution says :The President or First Vice-President shall be removed from office where the President or First Vice-President, as the case may be, has been indicted and convicted by impeachment. But looking at the numbers in Parliament, the opposition can not win that battle as government side has a numerical advantage.

To make matters worse, president or vice president can only be indicted after committing “serious crimes” that have not even mentioned in the constitution.

Chakwera commits to rehabilitate damaged roads

President Lazarus Chakwera has assured people of Dwangwa that government is committed to rehabilitate roads which are damaged to ensure quality standards.

Speaking Thursday, during a whistle-stop tour at Dwangwa Trading Centre in Nkhotakota district, Chakwera stated that the rehabilitation of the Dwangwa – Nkhotakota road is taking time to ensure quality work.

“ It is worrisome to see how the road is destroyed but we are going to make sure that the project which is already underway should be completed but with quality standards,” he said.

President Chakwera appealed to eligible voters, to participate in the registration process in readiness for the 2025 General Elections.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

Chakwera commits to rehabilitate damaged roads

President Lazarus Chakwera has assured people of Dwangwa that government is committed to rehabilitate roads which are damaged to ensure quality standards.

Speaking Thursday, during a whistle-stop tour at Dwangwa Trading Centre in Nkhotakota district, Chakwera stated that the rehabilitation of the Dwangwa – Nkhotakota road is taking time to ensure quality work.

“ It is worrisome to see how the road is destroyed but we are going to make sure that the project which is already underway should be completed but with quality standards,” he said.

President Chakwera appealed to eligible voters, to participate in the registration process in readiness for the 2025 General Elections.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

EXPOSED: Priscila Kayira Pockets Full Payment, Refuses to Take Down Post on Sparc

Prominent Malawi TV presenter and showbiz host Priscila Kayira has been entangled in a possible client swindling incident over the weekend.

Reports indicate that she was paid the full amount to take up a gig at Sparc on Saturday but claimed she had not been paid and rushed to social media to rant.

We have information that on the 23rd of October, Priscila was paid K250,000 by Sparc as half payment to host a red carpet event last Saturday but claimed she had not received the money.

However, on Saturday, the 26th, she came to Sparc, fuming to a consultant events planner Temwa Luhanga that she had not been paid. Pressed to check and confirm, Priscila said: “I don’t receive notifications.”

To rectify the issue, authourities at Sparc intervened, apologised to her but in the process they discovered that the payment was made to her around 11:50 am and she went to social media around 12: 30 pm when she had already been paid another K250,000.

“She confirmed receiving the K250,000 while her post damaging Sparc reputation was still trending on X (former Tweeter) and facebook. In the post, she said she would not be hosting the event due to iltreatment by the hired events planner,” said the source.

Later, Sparc MD Dr. Wisely Phiri called her to consider returning the money now that she had made a decision not to host the event.

“Surprisingly,” said the source, “she only returned the money but refused to take down the post, insisting that she could only take down the post if she was allowed to keep the money. This was a shocking blackmail from the young lady. “

However, it transpired on Monday that even the payment that was made to her on 23rd October went through, but she has kept refusing despite screenshots being sent to her to prove that the transaction was effected.

“Perhaps she wants to keep the money without working for it. It is sad she she behaved this way on a client who apologised and kept sending her money without her checking the notifications, if we were to buy her story,” further narrated our source.

A cross section of people who commented on her online post, described as emotional, and that she must learn to sort issues with clients before taking them to public.

Meanwhile, lawyers from Sparc, have demanded Kayira to apologize and retract the post within 48hours.

ROAD TO 2025: President Chakwera urges chiefs to mobilise people to register

Dedza, October 29, Mana: President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has called on chiefs in Dedza to promote 2025 General Election voter registration to strengthen the country’s good governance.

He made the call Tuesday, at Linthipe Secondary School where he interacted with over 700 chiefs on his whistle stop tour to inspect development projects in the district.

The President said if people do not register it will be impossible for them to vote in the forth coming election.

He said his government is working tirelessly to uphold principles of democracy for the common good of a local Malawian.

He cited his sincerity to strengthen the decentralisation programme by raising Constituency Development Fund from K100 million to K200 million for the sake of the common Malawian.

He expressed commitment towards empowering chiefs in the development process by increasing the number of gazetted chiefs.

He blamed the previous regime for reckless spending that led to gaps in development of the nation noting that the misappropriation is affecting progress development in the country.

He assured the chiefs that his government is leaving no stone unturned to ensure construction of tarmac roads in the district among other developments.

The President said government is discussing with other development partners on debt repayment mechanism to ensure progress on development.

He acknowledged that some of the challenges the country is facing are a result of natural disasters.

To address this ,the President said through AGCOM and NEEF, government is empowering farmers to promote farmers resilience to natural shocks.

He urged chiefs in the district to continue coexisting in peace and enjoy their diversity cultures of Ngoni, Chewa and Yao .

Senior Chief Chauma applauded President Chakwera for sparing time to meet the chiefs.

He urged the President to honour MPs from the District by appointing some of them into ministerial positions

By Zenak Matekenya

Chakwera urges authorities to be transparent


Dedza, October 29, Mana: President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has called on authorities to be transparent when distributing maize and fertilizer to benefit local Malawians.

Chakwera made the remarks on Tuesday during his whistle-stop tour, at Kaphuka Trading Center in Dedza Central East.

The president said the hunger situation has affected many people in the country because of the erratic rains as such it is important that the maize that the government is distributing should reach each and every one.

“It is important for the local authorities to ensure that all people have received maize as well as an increase of beneficiaries in the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP),” he said.

The president stated that it is important that people go and register to vote so that they should have access to vote come 2025.

In his remarks, Member of Parliament for Dedza Central East, Joshua Malango appreciated the support that the government is providing to the constituency saying many people are benefiting.

He further said the increase of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) has changed the area as they now have many development projects taking place.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

Chakwera calls on ministries to collaborate

Dedza, October 28, Mana: President Lazarus Chakwera on Monday called on government ministries to collaborate in their daily operations so that various relief programmes can reach intended recipients.

The president made the remarks during his whistle-stop tour, at Magomero Trading Centre under Chief Chilikumwendo in response to sentiments expressed by Senior Chief Kachere and Malawi Congress Party Member of Parliament for Dedza North West, Auzious Chidovu.

The two told President Chakwera that hunger has hit the area hard hence the need for more relief of food distribution as well as an increase of beneficiaries in the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP).

The president however acknowledged that the hunger situation that has hit some parts of the country is a result of erratic rains in the past rainy season.

“I understand all the concerns raised and we aim to ensure that everyone benefits.

“Let me also emphasize that the ministries of local government, agriculture, finance and gender should work together and look into our systems how they are working so that there is equal benefit,” said President Chakwera.

He however warned officials involved in relief programmes to refrain from any favours.
President Chakwera then urged the communities to go out and register in their large numbers for them to vote come September 2025.

Senior Chief Kachere, hailed the president for the visit while expressing hope that the challenges that have rocked the area will receive the attention it deserves.

In his remarks, Chidovu, asked President Chakwera to intervene so that communities should be able to access loans from the National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF).

“We have a big problem as far as accessing loans at the NEEF is concerned. And it’s becoming a huge burden each passing day,” said Chidovu.

By Steve Chirombo

Chakwera Calls for Thorough Investigation into Fatal Plane Crash

President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera on Monday led the swearing-in of members of the Commission of Inquiry on the June 10 plane crash, emphasizing impartiality in the investigation.

A Malawi Defence Force Donier 228 carrying Vice President Late Dr. Saulos Chilima and eight others crashed in Chikangawa forest, killing everyone on board.

The 19-member Commission, appointed on October 25, will investigate the crash’s circumstances, fulfilling Chakwera’s pledge during Chilima’s June 16 funeral ceremony.

At Kamuzu Palace, Chakwera urged Commission members to execute duties diligently, ignoring biases and political pressure.

Preliminary inquiries include postmortem reports to families and German investigators’ involvement.

Chakwera expects the Commission’s findings by November’s end, providing clarity on the tragedy.

Secretary to the Office of the President and Cabinet, Colleen Zamba, stressed the Commission’s importance in unveiling accident details.

As per Section 5 of the Commission of Inquiry Act, appointed individuals must adhere to oaths prescribed in the Malawian Constitution.

The Commission will present findings to Chakwera by November 30, 2024.

President Chakwera Honors Malawi’s Veterans, Ex-Servicemen


President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera stressed the importance of reflecting on veterans’ and ex-servicemen’s commitment and dedication to Malawi’s struggle for freedom.

Speaking at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe during Poppy Week’s inauguration, Chakwera highlighted their pivotal role in achieving national freedom through unwavering dedication.

Chakwera urged citizens to support the initiative by purchasing poppy flowers distributed nationwide, symbolizing courage, sacrifice and love for Malawi. He personally contributed K2 million to demonstrate his commitment.

General Henry Odillo, Veterans and Ex-Service League of Malawi (VELOM) Chairperson, praised Chakwera’s support. Odillo emphasized Poppy Week’s significance in enhancing VELOM members’ livelihoods.

He hailed the government’s commitment to VELOM’s objectives and acknowledged the Malawi Defence Force and stakeholders for their dedication and support.

MTAMBO MUST GO TO HELL: There is nothing new he can offer

In 2019, several people went on protests in the streets protesting carrying placards decrying the high cost of living, deep corruption, bad governance, and tribalism while pumping their fists in the air chanting songs against Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and his government and that crusade was led by former human rights defender, Timothy Mtambo who is now AFORD Vice President responsible for Operations.

After leading a destructive demonstrations across the country which saw private and public properties razed down by fire and business people losing their cash, today, after being booted out of cabinet by President Dr Lazarus Chakwera he wants to mobilise the same Malawians to rise against Chakwera for his personal vendetta.

After Tonse Alliance government won election, Chakwera was kind enough to accommodate him in his cabinet and give him, full ministerial position as a token of appreciation for his help to remove DPP from government.

With all that in mind of many Malawians, Mtambo has no trust anymore from Malawians because they believe he is someone who fights for his glory and belly. Many Malawians were not happy the day he accepted the position of a minister. They felt betrayed that he is not “one of them” has dumped them in search of wealth. To make matters worse, he pushed his wife to be employed at ESCOM as Director of Legal Affairs. That is not activism but greedy.

Finally, today after losing his posh position in government he is back telling Malawians that he is with them. If he was a man who cares for his people why didn’t he resigned from government when Malawians were complaining about corruption and nepotism? That could could have been a better option but he never listened and cared about poor Malawians. He is a hypocrite.

He is now in AFORD touting that the he is going back to the streets in order for people to loot government properties and peoples businesses. What type of chamba is he is smoking? Malawians have not forgotten the Msundwe barracks that he led to destroy peoples properties. Up today, others have completely gone out of business because of him.

After failing to get any attention from his Facebook page, he has decided to join AFORD to seek relevance. It will not work too.

Mtambo has blood on his hands of a policeman who died in Msundwe. He was killed by angry mob led by him as well. Out of that blood, he got the job as cabinet minister. Who can trust such a person to say he is a human rights defender?

Malawians will never trust him anymore. It is better to die alone without Mtambo telling us what to do

May be let us ask him this simple question: since he went into government, show us anything that benefited Malawians from your ministry?

Mtambo, we are done with you.

PCL Directors under fire over case


Trouble is brewing for conglomerate Press Corporation plc board members over a
case in which the company has been ordered to compensate its three former top
executives for unlawful termination of employment.

Some minority shareholders of the conglomerate want some board members
removed after the Industrial Relations Court (IRC) on Tuesday ordered PCL to
compensate former Group Chief Executive Offer George Partridge, former Group
Financial Controller Elizabeth Mafeni and former Group Administrative Executive and
General Counsel Bernard Ndau for unlawful termination of employment.

One of the Minority Shareholders Association of Malawi (MSHAM) Dr Mukadam who
also attended the ruling of the matter in Blantyre expressed shock at the decisions
that were taken by the PCL board which failed to explain why the three were fired
under the disquise of retrenchment following a functional review.

“We expect the directors will give us a plausible explanation on why they made a
harp hazard decision to fire the three. It is sad that they even failed to produce
evidence of a board meeting where this decision was made let alone a report on the
functional review which they themselves instituted.”

“Now we are going to pay these people a lot of millions if not billions of kwachas for
the reckless decisions of a few board members and we are the ones who are going
to pay this money which is unfair. I think its high time these directors should be
made liable to personally pay for things like these” said Mukadam.

Another shareholder said they will be calling for an extra-ordinary AGM where they
are going to propose for the removal of some board members including Chairman of
the Board Randson Mwadiwa.

“This is a big scandal and we need to remove these people so that companies
should appreciate rules of good governance, it should not just be sweet talk, we
should be walking the talk” he said.

Delivering his judgment, IRC Deputy Chairperson, Tamanda Nyimba observed that as
a leading and oldest conglomerate, the manner in which PCL terminated the services
of the three did not reflect the high prestige with which people hold the institution as
regards the observance of corporate governance principles.

He ordered that the three should be compensated. The three are yet to submit a
petition of their compensation package as ordered by the court but insiders believe it
will be millions if not billions of kwachas.

The IRC is yet to set a date when it will determine the compensation for the three
former executives.

NBM plc pumps K2 Million into Blantyre Motor Show

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has donated K2 million to the organisers of the Blantyre Motor Show to support the event.

This year’s event will take place at Makata Industrial area, Shire Bus lines old bus terminal this coming weekend.

Presenting the cheque in Blantyre on Wednesday, NBM plc’s Vehicle Asset Finance Manager, Weston Chiwanda, expressed the Bank’s pride in supporting initiatives that contribute to the country’s economic development and technological advancement.

“The Blantyre Motor Show is not just an event for showcasing vehicles. It is a celebration of innovation, business, and the automotive industry which is also an economic potential for Malawi and a sustainable energy initiative.”

“As a key player in the Automotive industry, this will help to connect the Bank with the target audience who are highly interested in Financial Automobiles leading to potential business needs and client engagement. We are proud to contribute to this platform, which brings together entrepreneurs, innovators, and the general public in ways that promote growth and sustainability,” said Chiwanda.

In his speech after receiving the cheque, Chief Executive Officer for Lilongwe Motor Show Limited, which has also organized the Blantyre Motor Show, Alinane Njolomole expressed gratitude to NBM plc, noting that the support will go a long way in ensuring the success of the event.

“We are deeply grateful to the NBM plc for their generous support for the third time they have been sponsoring this event. Their partnership helps us in achieving our mission of creating a world-class event that connects key players in the automotive sector and provides a platform for interaction and business growth,” said Njolomole.

This year’s 2024 Blantyre Motor Show is expected to feature various car brands, parts and accessories suppliers, and tech-driven innovation.

Road infrastructure projects is Chakwera’s tramp card for re-election


The Malawi government has embarked on an ambitious journey to revolutionise the country’s socioeconomic development through infrastructure projects with an aim to bolster growth, enhance connectivity and improve quality of life for its nationals.

From the development of highways ,airports, waterways and railway lines, these systems are of critical important to folster inclusive and sustainable development across the nation. The country has so far witnessed tangible milestones in the sector under Chakwera led government.

Several analysts including long time human rights defender, Undule Mwakasungula has defended Chakwera and his government for spending big on infrastructure.

According to Mwakasungula, infrastructure is an important determinant of economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction.

“Effective and efficient transport systems spread economic opportunities widely, thus making economic growth more inclusive.

“Roads by any standards are the ‘pulmonary veins’ through which the bloodline of economy flows, therefore, the country has to be proud of the administration agenda in its pursuit to achieve sustainable development,” Undule said in a radio interview.

In his opinion Undule says since roads drive the country forward, it likely that Chakwera bid for reelection will be secured through his stable vision in the infrastructure development.

Also commenting on the same is another economic analyst, Ceaser Kondowe says apart from the hub multiplier of economic growth and job creation, good roads help to integrate the country into regional supply chains and have an effect on import and export of goods and services.

For example roads that have been constructed in Lilongwe, there are not there to decorate the city but also transform business activities. This means a road that is not narrow, dilapidated, unsafe and riddled with potholes, but rather a modern highway that is well constructed for faster transportation and logistics,” he said.

But Kondowe has asked government to rectify the fuel issue soonest as it has negative effects on the economy and trade.

Since he took over the mantle of leadership, Chakwera has constructed several roads in country and others are still under progress. Top on the list is the six- lane in Lilongwe, M1 road from Lilongwe to Chiweta, Lakeshore road, Gwanda Chakwamba highway,Mangochi – Makanjira road among others.

NBM plc Supports IMM Annual Conference with K3m


National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has given K3 million to the Institute of Marketers in Malawi (IMM) for their Annual Conference.

Presenting the cheque at NBM Towers on Tuesday, Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa described the partnership with IMM as a reflection of the ‘Bank of the Nations’ commitment to the development of marketing as a key driver of business success.

“The IMM Annual Conference provides an unparalleled opportunity for us to engage with marketers and industry professionals, exchange knowledge, and showcase how NBM’s innovative products and services can support businesses in achieving their goals.”

“Through this sponsorship, we also recognize the value of marketing excellence, as highlighted by the Marketing Excellence Awards that will take place during the conference. We believe that celebrating and rewarding outstanding marketing initiatives inspires creativity and innovation in the sector,” said Hiwa.

In his remarks, IMM Vice President George Damson thanked NBM plc for the sponsorship.

“We are very grateful to National Bank for the sponsorship which will go a long way to make sure we host a successful event. As you know, we are currently operating in very troubling economic times and it’s not easy to get these kinds of partners on board,” said Damson.

The Annual Conference will be held in Mangochi from October 31 to November 2 under the theme ‘Innovate to Elevate: Leveraging Technology for Marketing Success’.

RBM Deputy Governor says inflation rate turning the corner

Mafuta Mwale-Inflation will turn the corner

Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) deputy governor McDonald Mafuta Mwale says inflation rate, currently at 34.3 percent, will soon turn the corner as the central bank is seeing signs of easing pressure on prices.

Mafuta Mwale said in an interview yesterday that the economy has been experiencing inflationary pressures emanating from food prices at a time non-food inflation has eased to 21.8 percent, according to National Statistical Office figures.

Said Mafuta Mwale: “But we are quite aware that the government and donors have accumulated enough foodstuffs, including maize such that once distribution of these food items picks up speed coupled with RBM tight monetary policy, inflation will start decelerating.”

He said the RBM, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture have put in place a coordinated action plan to ensure that inflation, a monster that eats into people’s disposable income, is contained to the expected levels.

“As a central bank, maintaining a tight monetary policy has helped to reduce spillover effects from the rising food prices to the non-food inflation. The bank is also carefully monitoring and analysing the potential impact of the current geopolitical conflicts in the Middle East to see that we proactively plan how we can cushion the economy from yet another external economic shock that can have adverse effects on our fight against local inflation pressures,” explained Mafuta-Mwale.

Economics Association of Malawi acting president Bertha Bangara Chikadza, in an interview, suggested a strong collaborative approach between monetary and fiscal authorities to manage inflation and stabilise the economy.

“The issue of imported inflation driven by currency depreciation, demands a coordinated effort to enhance domestic production,” she said.

Mzuzu University economics lecturer Christopher Mbukwa advised authorities to sort out supply side constraints alongside the monetary policy.

In its recent Monetary Policy report, RBM projected that annual inflation will be at 33.5 percent this year from 28.8 percent last year.

Nankhumwa Registers, Storms Southern Region Registration Centers

Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, President of the People’s Development Party (PDP), is intensifying his voter registration campaign in Malawi’s Southern Region.

“This morning, I am visiting three constituencies in Mulanje District as a continuation of my interactions with our People’s Development Party grassroots leaders,” Dr. Nankhumwa announced on Facebook.

He emphasized the importance of voter registration, stating, “The voter registration exercise is a crucial process that prepares citizens for upcoming elections, specifically the tripartite elections scheduled for 2025.”

Dr. Nankhumwa urged all eligible citizens to register, saying, “Voting is a fundamental civic duty. It allows individuals to express their opinions on governance and influence decision-making processes at various levels. By registering to vote, you will be fulfilling your responsibility to engage in democratic processes.”

He also called on community leaders to join him in promoting voter registration, saying, “Let me request religious, traditional and other political leaders to join me in encouraging voter registration. Your advocacy can help raise awareness about the importance of voting and motivate citizens to act.”

Dr. Nankhumwa’s voter awareness campaign will continue in Chiradzulu, Mulanje, Neno, and other districts in the Southern Region before moving to the Northern Region.

Malawians still in deep shock with 20 July 2011 massacre in Mzuzu under DPP era

Civil society organizations, individuals families of the victims, faith organizations among others continue to remember 20 July as a dark day in the history of multiparty democracy as 20 peaceful and unarmed protesters were mercilessly gunned down by DPP regime just for standing up against the repressive administration.

The death of these people were of the result of the order from the government to use excessive lethal force on poor masses. The people were demonstrating against poor economy, fuel shortages and autocracy.

Though many years have passed but still many Malawians remember this day in their hearts as a day of pain and darkness.

During the demonstration, police launched a crackdown on reporters who were beaming the situation from the ‘battlefield’ and MACRA switched off radio stations for several hours on that day which is the violation of free press.

Representative of the bereaved families, Mercy Mbesuma on many memorial services said that families of the deceased are in dire need of financial support.

“Currently, most of the widows and children of the deceased are struggling to make ends meet. We would like the government to assist the widows with soft loans to start various business ventures and put their children on bursary scheme,” she said.

During the event which takes place every year at Zolozolo Cemetery, it was learnt that most of the promises made by government authorities in previous commemorative events like fencing the deceased’s burial places and putting their children on bursary scheme have not been fulfilled.

Chakwera calls on citizens to actively participate in voter registration

President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has called on citizens in the country to actively participate in the voter registration by the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) which has commenced in some districts.

In his address to the nation, President Chakwera stressed the importance of voting as a fundamental right for all Malawians, especially those who have attained the age of 18 and possess a National Identity Card.

President Chakwera urged political, traditional and church leaders to sensitise their members on the significance of participating in the voter registration.

He further highlighted that the act of voting is essential for upholding democracy among the people of Malawi, particularly in preparation for the upcoming General Election.

President Chakwera commended MEC for ensuring that there is adequate supply of materials for the registration process.

TRUTH BE TOLD: Chakwera holds silent vote in north for abolishing ‘evil quota’ system

If there is one thing that northern region will stand up for Chakwera and vote for him again is the abolishment of quota system that was being used by the previous regimes to select students into the public universities as the north regarded that as a tool of denying them a right to education as enshrined in Section 25(1) which says that; all persons are entitled to education.

The quota system, which is based on students’ district of origin, rather than merit alone, has been used for nearly a decade and acted as a form of affirmative action for students from the country’s central and southern regions due to their perceived regional underrepresentation at universities.

However, some academics, clergymen and political activists had described this discriminatory against northerners where the minority Tumbuka are based but the then ruling party could not take the advice. The Livingstiania Synod was the crusaders of urging Mtumbuka people and other northern folks to not vote for any party that was for quota system.

The opposition under the leadership of President Dr Lazarus Chakwera campaigned against this perceived discrimination and promised to end the quota system once voted into power and the people of the north overwhelmingly voted for repealing of the policy through their vote on the ballot box. At the end tumbuka people teamed up and purged DPP out of government.

“In secondary education, the president promised the removal of the quota system of selecting students. He said, “I want to assure all Malawians that while the previous administration made sure that its quota system was gone, my administration will make sure that it is dead, said Chakwera in one of his SONA speeches and that has been fulfilled.

“This system was discriminatory. Some students with 10 points were not taken because they came from North and yet someone from Mangochi with 21 points could be taken to study Agriculture Economics at LUANAR. This was total discrimination and tribalism and we thank Chakwera for ending the bad governance and blatant disregard of law of law, said Ceaser Kondowe an expert in social economics.

Neno Chiefs laud Chakwera for pumping in K35billion for Neno road construction


Traditional leaders have hailed president Chakwera for the Construction works for Neno tarmac road set to start soon, with scheduled completion set in 18 months time.

Neno District Council officials have also hailed commencement of the road works that are set at K35.7 billion saying it will improve mobility of people and trade activities of people in the district.

Neno District Disaster Risk Management Officer, Brighton Mphinga expressed the councils gratitude at Ligowe Village Traditional Authority Mlauli in Neno at a ceremony marking commencement of upgrading of 20 Kilometers of the road from Ligowe Village up to Neno Stadium.

The 20 kilometers road is being constructed by CR-20, a construction firm who took over after government terminated China Geos contract.

Mphinga, who represented Neno District Commissioner at the ceremony, said the Council was looking forward to successful road upgrading, saying the commencement was a move in the right direction towards socio-economic development.

“In almost 50 years, Neno has been without a tarmac road. We are happy that a contractor has come to construct the road,” said Mphinga.

Patricia Kwada who represented Senior Chief Mlauli, said the road project will help improve economic activities specifically highlighting the improved mobility of people and goods

“Commodities in Neno are more expensive to that end. This means commodities will be affordable once the road is completed.

CR-20, Construction Manager, Towa Mzumala, assured the people of Neno that the company will construct a high quality road, disclosing that the road will be wide enough with extra space for motorcycles and pedestrians.

President Chakwera hails diplomatic ties with India, pushes for girl child support


President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has called for promotion of the rights of the girl child and ending child marriage in the country.

Speaking at a State Banquet at Kamuzu Palace held in honour of the visiting President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu, President Chakwera emphasised the importance of empowering girls to reach their full potential.

He cited President Murmu as a powerful example of what girls can achieve when protected and supported.

Earlier in the day, the two leaders held bilateral talks, which resulted in the signing of four Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) in the areas of sports, culture, education and health aimed at strengthening the ties between Malawi and India.

“Let me also announce that the Government of India has pledged to donate 100 metric tonnes of rice to assist Malawi in addressing hunger caused by the El Niño weather phenomenon, which has affected 23 districts across the country,” said President Chakwera.

In her remarks, President Murmu underscored the special partnership between India and Malawi, noting that India values its bilateral relationship with Malawi, particularly in the fields of human capital development, education, culture, and health.

She also announced the establishment of a permanent artificial limb center in Malawi, marking another step in India’s continued support of the country’s healthcare sector.

President Murmu expressed pride in the contributions of the Indian community to Malawi and thanked Malawians for making the Indian residents in Malawi to feel at home.

“Let me assure Malawians that the bond of cooperation between India and Malawi will only continue to grow, and India will remain committed to supporting Malawi in various areas of development,” she concluded.

Meanwhile, the President of India has left the country after a successful stay in Malawi.

Nankhumwa Reaffirms Commitment to Education at Child Jesus Nankhunda Seminary Centenary Celebration

Peoples Development Party (PDP) President Kondwani Nankhumwa today joined the Catholic community in celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the Child Jesus (Nankhunda) Minor Seminary in Zomba Diocese.

Nankhumwa praised the seminary’s role in shaping leaders and providing quality education, saying, “For the past 100 years, the Nankhunda Minor Seminary has played a vital role in nurturing individuals who have made significant contributions to Malawi’s social and economic development.”

“As a nation, we cherish the importance of education in shaping the future of our youth,” Nankhumwa emphasized.

“Today, we honor the legacy of this remarkable institution and celebrate the many people who have been part of its journey,” added Nankhumwa.

The PDP leader reiterated his commitment to education, recognizing its pivotal role in Malawi’s growth and progress.

The centenary celebration underscores Nankhumwa’s dedication to empowering Malawi’s youth through education, aligning with recommendations for youth-centric policies to drive innovation, entrepreneurship and economic diversification.

Nankhumwa’s presence at the event demonstrates his support for educational institutions that contribute to the nation’s development.

Nankhumwa was accompanied by high-ranking PDP officials including the Director of Elections Nanariwa Nanguwo, Director of Logistics Christian Piyo, Publicity Secretary Rhodes Msonkho, Director of Women Akuka Claire Kachapira, Administrative Secretary Bessie Chirambo, Director of Campaign Judith Masanda, Director of Social Services Margaret Mwase, Director of Youth Austin Nsopera, Regional Governor for Eastern Region Maxwell Chizimba, and Deputy Director of Campaign Dinnah Solomon, among others.

UTM aspiring President Dr. Mathews Mtumbuka and renowned academic Professor Francis Moto were among other prominent Malawians in attendance.

The Right Reverend Alfred Mateyu Chaima, Bishop of the Zomba Diocese was leading the Catholic clergy at the colourful event

The truth behind the ‘sale’ of Likoma Island

After weeks of intensive investigations, The Malawi Observer can reveal how the plan to ‘sell’ Likoma Island was initiated and how a cabinet minister is still pushing to have the island sold to a Chinese-Australian multi-billionaire businesswoman.

In our investigations we have found out that Linda Karim-Creevey who has massive tourism investments in Namibia and Mozambique worth millions of US dollars was approached by Ambassador Mathias Spies, German envoy to Namibia and a German ‘fixer’ Professor Daniel Dank to invest in Malawi since Karim-Creevey was new and did not know anyone in Malawi. Karim-Creevey is the one with money.

The two Germans, Ambassador Spies and Dank convinced Karim-Creevey that they have connections with powerful government people who were going to make the whole process of ‘investing’ on Likoma Island easier.

First, they asked if they could ‘palm oil’ an intermediary who was going to connect them to a ‘powerful’ cabinet minister in order for them to acquire Likoma Island.

So, Karim-Creevey gave the two what they wanted, US$100,000 which they immediately gave to former cabinet minister Simon Vuwa Kaunda’s son, Simon Vuwa Kaunda Jnr for onward transmission to Minister of Tourism Vera Kamtukule.

Vuwa Kaunda Jnr is said to have given Minister Kamtukule only US$50,000 and kept the other half to himself.

When Dank and Ambassador Spies visited Malawi together with Karim-Creevey in February this year to ‘seal’ the deal with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), things didn’t go as they expected.

Some officials from Ministry of Tourism started questioning some provisions of the MoU which was prepared by Dank and Ambassador Spies, where among other things, people on the Island were supposed to be relocated upstream of the Island and that all government rights, rules and powers like police, banking and even the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) security should be surrendered to the company that was going to ‘buy’ Likoma, Augustus GmbH.

Augustus GmbH from Haus Alsbach, 51766 Engelskirchen, Governmental District of Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany is registered under Commercial Register of the District Court in Cologne: Reg.-Nr. HRB92179 with a VAT-ID: DE314843366 and TAX-Nr.: 212/5707/1926.

The delay by the Ministry of Tourism incensed the three investors until Dank lost his cool in a meeting in Lilongwe and asked angrily while banging a table why they were being given a tough time ‘after we already paid the money?’

This was when it was revealed that Vuwa Kaunda Jnr was given US$100,000 to facilitate the process and they wondered why they were having problems now.

Eventually Vuwa Kaunda Jnr connected the Investors with Minister Kamtukule who by this time was out of the country in Doha but was flying back through Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) in Lilongwe.

On the day that Minister Kamtukule was flying back from Doha, Vuwa Kaunda Jnr drove the three to KIA where Minister Kamtukule assured them that the country’s Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda was going to sign the MoU before he flew out of the country on the same day that she was landing from Doha.

Minister Kamtukule, soon after landing, took the three investors to meet Chakaka Nyirenda and sign the MoU. But Chakaka Nyirenda refused to sign the document and flew out.

Minister Kamtukule assured Karim-Creevey and her group that she was well connected to President Lazarus Chakwera and she was going to have the MoU signed. She demanded another US$200,000 to facilitate the signing of the MoU.

Minister Kamtukule continued to push for the signing of the MoU even though technocrats from her own ministry raised a few red flags on the MoU.

We have seen the recommendations of the technocrats to Minister Kamtukule which among other things indicate that the MoU is focusing on the Malawi Government surrendering total control of the Islands (Likoma and Chizumulu) through the establishment of a special tourism zone, contradicting the Fair-trading competition laws.

“There are no clear economic benefits for the country; Issues of tax waivers throughout the operation period (99 years), repatriation of profits, concession fees, forex generation and benefits to the locals. There is no mention of any partnership with a local company,” reads part of the report of the technocrats to Minister Kamtukule.

Since the issue was exposed by a local newspaper a few weeks ago, the government is struggling to come out openly and reveal details of the MoU and why it intends to sell Likoma Island to Augustus GmbH with conditions that clearly will not benefit Malawians.

Minister Kamtukule did not respond to our inquiry when we sought her comment while Vuwa Kaunda Jnr threatened a ‘vicious legal suit if you are going to print that nonsense’.

We left several messages on the phone numbers for Ambassador Spies and Dank but were not responded to.

NBM’s Chichiri Service Centre Team triumphs in NBM Invitational Golf

Jiya (middle) poses with the winning team

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc’s Chichiri Service Centre team emerged champions of the NBM Invitational Golf Tournament played on Saturday at Blantyre Sports Club (BSC).

The team, comprising Paul Lawrence, Maria Thandwe, Nyakhoko Nsona Jnr, and Ulemu Luhanga, scored a total of 92 points to secure the top spot. 

The tournament featured 21 teams representing various NBM service centres across Malawi

Mulanje Service Centre team came second with 86 points, earning a trophy and a trolley for each player. 

The Customs Road Service Centre team secured third place with 83 points and were awarded a trophy and a duffle bag.

Speaking at the event, NBM plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Harold Jiya, congratulated the champions for their well-deserved victory and commended all the teams for their outstanding efforts and sportsmanship.

He emphasized that the participants made the event a success, and expressed anticipation for continued excellence in future tournaments.

“The tournament marked the beginning of a closer relationship between NBM plc and the golfing community, and we are encouraged by the turnout and will continue to work with the golfing fraternity. And I would like to congratulate those who have emerged winners.”

“We used the occasion to explain to the customers the new developments in the bank in a relaxing atmosphere. As you are aware, most of the time we meet them in the banking hall or our offices and there isn’t enough time to have a relaxing and deep chat,” explained Jiya.

Paul Lawrence, captain of the winning team, expressed excitement and gratitude to NBM plc for sponsoring the event.

“We started quite badly but all we told ourselves is, let’s just continue, let’s play well. We made sure that every hole we got the best points, either me or my partners,” said Lawrence.

For emerging champions, each player in the Chichiri Service Centre team walked away with a grand prize of a trophy and a golf bag.

During the tournament, NBM plc donated K3 million to Blantyre Sports Club (BSC) for the maintenance of the greens.

The Bank’s CEO also announced that the Invitational Golf Tournament will return next year, promising even more excitement and engagement, aiming to strengthen ties with its customers and the golfing community while continuing to support the sport in Malawi.

FDH Bank plc commits K7 Million towards NPL’s Mother’s Fun Run


Listed FDH Bank has given K7 million to Nation Publications Limited in support of this year’s Mother’s Fun Run initiative which aims to promote safe motherhood in Chikwawa District.

Speaking at the cheque handover ceremony in Blantyre, FDH Bank’s Public Relations Manager, Lorraine Chikhula praised the Fun Run initiative for promoting safe motherhood in Malawi for nearly two decades.

“This is a critical development initiative, as we are all here because of mothers, and every child and mother deserve quality, safe healthcare. Safe motherhood is the foundation of a healthy nation, enabling further development.”

“The initiative also aligns with the Bank’s corporate social responsibility program, FDH Cares, which focuses on four pillars; Our Community, Our Environment, Our People, and Our Economy. Under Our Community, we champion various initiatives, especially in health and education, which are directly aligned with the Mother’s Fun Run initiative,” said Chikhula.

Representing NPL at the event, Weekend Nation Editor, Steven Nhlane, expressed heartfelt appreciation to FDH Bank plc for their generous donation towards the initiative.

He commended the Bank for its continuous commitment to supporting safe motherhood, noting that the contribution would have a significant impact in Chikwawa District.

“We are truly grateful to FDH Bank for this generous donation, which will go a long way in improving maternal and child healthcare in Chikwawa. Your unwavering support for this initiative, now running for close to two decades, is a testament to your dedication in making a difference in the health and well-being of Malawians. Together, we can help ensure that every mother and child have access to the quality care they deserve,” Nhlane remarked.

FDH Bank plc has reaffirmed its strong relationship with the health sector and its commitment to supporting initiatives that improve the well-being of Malawians. 

NICO Group supports Umthetho festival with K35 Million


NICO Group led by NBS Bank plc and Nico Life has supported this year’s Umthetho Cultural festival with K35 million.

Umthetho is a cultural festival by the Mzimba Ngonis and is celebrated at the foot of Hora Mountain every year.

Speaking after handing over the cheque on behalf of NICO Group on Tuesday, NBS Bank plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kwanele Ngwenya said the Groups’ decision to sponsor the event is driven by the deep commitment to community development, cultural preservation, and social responsibility.

“At NICO Group, we recognize the profound importance of cultural heritage in shaping identities and fostering unity. By supporting this event, we aim to contribute to the preservation and promotion of these invaluable cultural practices that define our collective identity.”

“This sponsorship is part of our larger initiative, One NICO Xpression, which embodies our vision of unity, diversity, and collective growth. By sponsoring the Umthetho ceremony with a K35 million contribution, we are expressing our commitment to these values and enriching our cultural heritage,” said Ngwenya.

Receiving the funds on behalf of Mzimba Heritage Association (MZIHA), 2024 Umthetho Organizing Committee Chairperson, Emma Kaliya thanked the group for the kind gesture.

“On behalf of the MZIHA, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to NICO Group for their generous donation. We are pleased to announce that NICO Group will be the main sponsor of our upcoming event, which is expected to draw a large crowd of 3500-5000 people from various districts in Malawi, as well as from neighbouring countries such as Tanzania, Zambia, and South Africa,” said Kaliya.

Some of the activities of this year’s Umthetho festival include workshops for chiefs, women, and the youth, a cultural day with the main celebration on August 3, 2024.

The King of the Zulu Nation, His Majesty Misuzulu Ka Zwelithini is expected to be in attendance.

 The festival is being celebrated under the theme ‘Uniting Against Climate Change Under a Decade of Inkosi ya Makosi Mmbelwa V’s reign’.

Insurance Association to enforce Digital Insurance certificates use by January 1 2025


Insurance Association of Malawi (IAM) has set 1st January 2025 as the day only digital motor insurance will be accepted on the roads of Malawi.

IAM introduced the digital insurance certificates in October 2023 and has set December 31, 2024 as the last day for motorists to use the pre-printed insurance certificates.

The new certificate is digital and is being issued online, with verification through digital processes.

IAM vice president, Wales Meja said in an interview yesterday, that they introduced digital motor certificates to address emerging trends like ensuring that all insurance companies use a unified system and database which makes data verification easier. 

“It is also a way of supporting the initiative to digitise the Malawi economy, apart from eliminating fraudulent motor certificates through digital verification, and preventing forgery. The digital certificates also enable insurance companies, and agents to sell online 24/7. It also makes it easy for law enforcement agencies to detect stolen vehicles during spot checks.”

“The new certificates are also capable of integrating with other systems, such as Maltis, NRB, and banks, to make business transactions more efficient,” said Meja. 

Meja, who is also Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Britam, then commended motorists for embracing the new digital certificates, but asked them to install a mobile application downloaded from Play Store or App Store, and also use USSD code *4273* to authenticate the certificates.

Mzuzu-based motorist, Gift Mnami commended IAM for the initiative saying it is fast and convenient to access the digital certificates online.

“This system enables us to access certificates online, significantly reducing the time and costs previously spent visiting insurance companies,” he said. 

The digital insurance certificate, which is displayed on the windscreen, similar to the Certificate of Fitness (COF), has features like the certificate number, vehicle registration number, vehicle chassis number, make and model of the vehicle, vehicle colour, vehicle seating capacity, picture of the vehicle’s body type, insurance policy duration, policy issue date, policy number, policy holder, insurance cover type, and vehicle usage.



By Our Reporter

Kunkuyu:Huawei is fostering the growth of ICT industry in the country

There are fresh calls for Malawi’s Minister of
Information and Digitization Moses Kunkuyu to either resign or be sacked over the murder of former Coca-Cola Beverages Company (Malawi) sales manager, Alan Wittika.

It is alleged that Kunkuyu and the late Wittika may have been seeing the same lady without each one of them knowing. This development may have led to the gruesome murder of Wittika in September, 2023 after a possible discovery by Kunkuyu that the lady might have also been in a relationship with the deceased.

Currently, Kunkuyu’s personal assistant Lester Maganga is facing murder charges in the High Court after he was arrested by Police in October last year. However, there has been less movement on the case due to suspicion that Kunkuyu may be pulling some strings behind the scenes in order to have the case stalled completely.

The slow movement of the case has angered some members of the civil society in Malawi who are now calling for the immediate resignation of the Information Minister or have him sacked from his post by the President.

“The slowness in the case is clearly too suspicious and people know that Kunkuyu is working behind the scenes to have the case thrown away. He is abusing his position because of his personal interests,” said a CSO member who didn’t want to be mentioned for obvious reasons.

The rights activist said that the fact that they arrested his personal assistant, it meant the Minister was obviously linked to the murder in one way or another.

Interestingly, instead of allowing the courts to do their work on the murder of Alan Wittika, Minister Kunkuyu has always given media interviews defending his PA Maganga as being innocent.

“Kunkuyu definitely knows something on the death of Wittika and he must be taken to task over that. Just like his PA who we believe is suffering in covering up for the Minister,” he said.

The human rights defender called upon President Lazarus Chakwera to consider firing from the cabinet Minister Kunkuyu with immediate effect. He said they will not rest until the late Wittika and his family get justice.

“He is a disgrace to the public and the government as a whole,” he concluded.

A Lilongwe based legal expert specializing in forensics, said that his preliminary findings show that Moses Kunkuyu definitely requires to answer some questions on the murder of late Wittika.

“The fact that his PA was arrested over that murder, it tells you now that likely the big fish wanted in the murder of late Wittika is actually Kunkuyu himself,” said the expert who has been involved in at least 17 murder cases before.

This is not the first time that Moses Kunkuyu has been involved in some form of controversy.

In 2008, Moses Kunkuyu allegedly got kidnapped by some unknown people.

However, investigations by the Malawi Police Service later concluded that Moses Kunkuyu lied to the Malawian public.

He is reported to have spent several days at Kanjedza Lodge faking up his abduction. He was sleeping Room 120.

ShareWORLD University to Launch Campus Radio

Lilongwe, Malawi – ShareWORLD University is set to launch its new campus radio station, ShareWORLD Radio, within the Faculty of Languages and Mass Communication.

The radio station aims to foster a sense of community, creativity, and inclusivity, providing a platform for faculty, staff, and the community to share their voices and talents.

According to a press statement, ShareWORLD Radio will offer diverse programming, including music, news, current affairs, and talk shows on various topics such as wellness and mental health, human rights, and social justice.

The station will also host podcasts on academics, research, innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship, providing students with hands-on experience in broadcasting, journalism, and media production.

“We are excited to introduce this new platform to our university community,” said Dr. Theodora Mapemba Musamba, Vice Chancellor of ShareWORLD University.

“Campus radios have a long history of fostering creativity, community, and freedom of expression. We look forward to the innovative content our volunteers and students will produce.”

The radio station will be managed by a team of students, community volunteers, and staff, under the guidance of the ShareWORLD Radio Editorial Board.

The motto of ShareWORLD Radio is “Sharing with others: Culturally Correct!” or “Kugawana ndi Wena ndi Chikhalidwe Chathu” in local translation.

ShareWORLD Radio will broadcast within a 50-kilometer radius and will also be available on digital platforms nationwide and beyond. The launch of the radio station is set to take place soon, with details to be announced in the coming weeks.

This new initiative is expected to enhance the university experience for students, faculty, and staff, while also providing a unique opportunity for community engagement and outreach.

Let’s save Malawi, new Lingadzi Rotary President Kakhome urges


The newly elected President of Lilongwe Lingadzi Rotary Club Limbani Kakhome has appealed to fellow Rotarians to work hard towards restoring Malawi’s glory through their charitable community works.

He was speaking during his official inauguration as President of the club on Saturday. He succeeds immediate past President Giorgia Prizzon.

Kakhome said Malawi is stalked by a series of cyclic of socio-economic and environmental challenges with trickle-down effects on Lilongwe, the administrative capital where Lingadzi Rotary Club operates.

“Our city Lilongwe bears the brunt of the country’s socio-economic challenges, and the scars of environmental decadence. To salvage the welfare of our communities and save both city and country, we as Rotarians can only act responsibly and swiftly,” he said.

He urged Rotarians under Lilongwe-Lingadzi to evoke the spirit of fellowship, integrity and diversity in driving Lilongwe city towards a brighter, more interconnected world.

“For us Rotarians, embracing the spirit of service and fellowship means acting responsibly to respond to the challenges that affect our society,” Kakhome said.

Kakhome is a seasoned marketer and commercial strategist currently working for tobacco company JTI Leaf Malawi as Director of Corporate Affairs and Communication.

He brings over 20 years wealth of expertise to his new role having worked in commercial operations at multinational companies in Malawi, Ethiopia and Switzerland. Some of the companies Kakhome has worked for include Coca Cola/Carlsberg and Celtel (now Airtel).

He added that his personal experiences, including the loss of his wife to Breast Cancer in 2023, added to his passion to make a meaningful impact in his community.

“Her passing reinforced in me the importance of living a life of purpose and service to others,” he said, adding; “I am dedicated to honouring her legacy through my work with Lilongwe-Lingadzi Rotary Club, and fostering community development by promoting socially and environmentally responsible causes.”

As new Lilongwe-Lingadzi President, Kakhome’s priorities will include increasing membership, supporting local charities, promoting community development projects, and advocating for gender causes.



By Our Reporter

Leading Malawi Congress Party (MCP) contender for the post of Secretary General Simplex Chithyola Sed Banda has been praised for his financial contribution in Blantyre’s Chilaweni Ward as an example of good servant leadership as demonstrated by President Lazarus Chikwera.

Chithyola Banda, who is also the country’s Minister of Finance contributed a Mk5 million cash injection into the campaign of MCP candidate for Chilaweni Ward, Benard Nteche.

The popular incoming Secretary General of the MCP is reported to have contributed the Mk5 million in order to help the candidate campaign without serious challenges in the by-elections that took place on Tuesday.

Although Nteche didn’t win in the by-elections, party officials in Chilaweni Ward have praised Chithyola Banda’s financial contribution that it has made a very big difference in making the campaign process move on smoothly.

“To get a Mk5 million financial boost from Chithyola Banda things were made easier for our candidates in the ward and this has resulted in our party competing favourably in the polls,” said an MCP NEC member.

He further appealed to the Minister of Finance to do more in assisting the party.

“Chithyola Banda is known for his kindness and we hope that this behavior will continue event after the Convention in August,” he said.

Simplex Chithyola Banda, who is also the MCP Member of Parliament for Kasungu South is seeking a vote to be elected as the next Secretary General of the ruling party.

Apart from being MP, Chithyola Banda is also the Deputy Chief Whip of the MCP in Parliament.

Achoke ! vigils on the cards at Capital Hill….Executive arrogance and impunity a threat to Democracy- CDEDI



The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) and other concerned citizens are planning to hold vigils tagged: ‘Executive impunity and arrogance
must fall,”.

In a notification letter addressed to Lilongwe District Commissioner, Lawford Palani, the organisers are planning to hold the vigil right at the Ministry of Finance offices at Capital Hill from Thursday, August 1, 2024 from 10:00am to 2:30pm, during working
days until Dr. Betchani Tchereni apologises or resigns.

The notice follows the expiry of seven days which CDEDI gave to the Secretary for Treasury (ST) Becthani Tchereni on July 8, 2024, stemming from his highly insensitive and careless sentiments that were filmed in a clip.

Tchereni, according to the concerned citizens, is believed to have unfairly accused Malawians of blackmail, just because they are holding the duty bearers accountable by demanding what is worth of their votes.

“It should be put to you Sir, that Dr. Tchereni’s sentiments pose a threat to our young democracy since he is trying to create a leeway for politicians to do as it pleases them, in total disregard of the spirit and wording of Section
12 of the Republican Constitution, which states that both legal and political authority derives from the people of Malawi and that those exercising such authority do so solely to serve and protect their interest,” reads the letter signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, Zainab Hassan, Stevelia Chasuluka and Willie Chikopa who are representatives of concerned citizens.

The grouping says that the deafening silence on CDEDI’s demands for Dr. Tchereni to withdraw his sentiments and make a public apology on the same, has given them reasonable grounds to believe that the ST is too arrogant to continue serving in a public

The letter has also emphasized that holding peaceful demonstrations is a constitutional right, therefore, the letter only seeks to notify the District Commissioner’s office and not seeking permission.


WILL WIN 70 +1

The ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP) under President Lazarus Chakwera has fired a warning shot to the country’s main opposition the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika that it is destined for victory in next year’s General Elections.

MCP chief strategist Ken Zikhale Ng’oma has told this reporter that his prediction is that they will walk away with a 70+1 victory in the September, 2025 polls.

Ng’oma, was speaking after it emerged that the MCP had once more won a hotly contested local government by-election in Mangochi Mwansa Ward.

In his reaction, Zikhale Ng’oma also known as Nyama Zikuluzikulu to those that follow and support him said the writing is now on the wall for the opposition to be preparing for a loss in the elections come September next year.

“You have seen we have won by-elections in the South, in the Central, in the North and now Eastern region. What other evidence do you need to prove that the MCP is spread nationwide?” questioned Ng’oma who is the party’s current Director of Strategic Planning.

He further warned the opposition led by the DPP that they shouldn’t waste their resources in investing in next years elections saying it will be an activity in futility.

“Even if DPP decides to go for alliances with other smaller parties in the country, they will not beat the MCP because we have invested heavily in human resource whose results we are seeing now,“ Ng’oma declared.

According to unofficial results from Mwansa Ward in Mangochi the MCP has won the seat there beating the DPP, UDF, UTM, PDP and UP.

According to the unofficial figures, even if the five above listed parties combined, their total vote numbers gotten in the by-elections are lower than what the MCP candidate got meaning he would have still remained victorious.

A political analyst based at the Catholic University has warned the opposition to put their house in order otherwise they should be preparing for another shock loss next year.

“The combination of Ken Zikhale Ng’oma, Richard Chimwendo Banda and President Lazarus Chakwera himself politically is very deadly now especially in the Eastern and Southern Regions,” he said.

The analyst attributed Chakwera’s humbleness, gentle and dynamic leadership as key attributes that will make it easy to sell Chakwera across the country ahead of next year’s General Elections.

“With the MCP going to a convention in August next month, I am just hoping that both Richard Chimwendo Banda and Ken Zikhale Ng’oma will excel in the polls because their combination has been seen to bring the much desired results to the party,” concluded the analyst.

According to campaign posters we have seen in public domain, Richard Chimwendo Banda, who is also the country’s Minister of Local Government is seeking the post of Secretary General of the Malawi Congress Party whilst Ken Zikhale Ng’oma who is also the country’s Minister of Homeland Security is contesting for the post of First Vice President.

As we went to press, we couldn’t get a reaction from the DPP who have lost both the Mangochi Wansa Ward and the Blantyre Chilaweni Ward.



They came from far and wide in their large numbers to escort the man of the moment, Simplex Chithyola Sed Banda as he presented his official nomination papers at the headquarters for the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

With the official presentation of the nomination papers on the colourful and memorable Saturday, Chithyola Banda has now entered the race and is due to likely be confirmed as the new Secretary General of the MCP in just a few weeks.

Wearing red t-shirts and golf shirts branded “Team Chithyola”, chanting praise and celebratory songs for Chithyola Banda, the grouping mainly made of youths escorted the next MCP Secretary General triumphantly into the building where he handed his documents to the returning officers.

After the official presentation of the papers was done, Chithyola Banda had no option but address the hugely enthusiastic crowd that came to be with him to witness the ceremony.

In his address, Chithyola Banda said that the presentation of the nomination papers meant that he is now fully in the game and no need to reverse anymore.

He said that because of the people’s support and trust they have given him, he is no longer afraid of anybody.

“Even if they create more propaganda against me, I am not ready to quit but soldier on. Even if it means my competitors teaming up together, I don’t fear them as I am now ready to take them head on,” he told the excited crowd.

As generous as he has always been, Chithyola Banda said that he is ready to settle all the bills that have accumulated over the years at the MCP headquarters. The bills include water, electricity and city rates.

Chithyola Banda further promised that once he is ushered in as Secretary General, the youths will be one of the beneficiaries of his leadership as they play an important role in as far as party matters are concerned.

In his remarks, MCP Central Region Chairman Zebron Chilondola said that Simplex Chithyola Banda is the only person who can lead a unified MCP.

Chilondola therefore called on all the youths to work hard and ensure that Chithyola Banda is elected Secretary General.

During the occasion, Simplex Chithyola Banda was accompanied by over 20 Councilors and some MPs.

Simplex Chithyola Sed Banda will be contesting as Secretary General at the next Malawi Congress Party Convention scheduled for 8th August this year.

He has already received overwhelming endorsements from all the political regions will all delegates pledging and committing themselves to vote for him as Secretary General.



The ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP) aspiring candidate for the First Vice President post at next month’s convention Vitumbiko Mumba on Sunday is reported to have abandoned people that he hired to dance for him and motor cycle riders to decorate his convoy.

This happened in the city of Mzuzu where Mumba launched his manifesto for the position.

Police, had to be called in to calm the situation down after the two groups started pelting stones at the MCP’s Regional Offices in Mzuzu.

It is reported that over 50 MCP women were hired by Mumba to dance for him during the launch and the motor cycle riders were invited in to decorate his convoy and both activities were agreed at a fee.

However, after the event, payments were not done and this pissed off the women and the young men resulting in the decision to vandalize the MCP office.

Speaking to this reporter, a woman who was part of the group (video supplied) said that they spent the entire Sunday doing activities for Mumba in dancing and ululating for him as agreed for a fee.

However, soon after the rally, they were abandoned and not paid anything as per their agreement.

The woman indicated that the said the same was agreed for the motor vehicle riders and they were also not paid.

The two groups didn’t take any nonsense and agreed to stone the MCP building until they were paid.

As of Sunday evening, we couldn’t hear from Vitumbiko Mumba for his side of the story as his phones couldn’t be reached.

NBM PAL engages Blantyre clients on Pension Act


NBM Pension Administration Limited (NBM PAL), a subsidiary of National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc, has encouraged individuals to make informed pension choices so that they have a solid financial backup when they retire. 

NBM PAL Chief Executive Officer (CEO), William Mabulekesi gave the advice during the pension client engagement event in Blantyre on Wednesday aimed at promoting awareness and understanding of financial planning and management.

“The aim was to educate our clients about the significance of saving as they plan for retirement. We also wanted to empower them with pension scheme knowledge as it helps in planning for the future,” he said.

Mabulekesi further indicated that the seminars which started in Lilongwe last week, gave them a chance to unpack the new Pension Act to the clients, especially those on voluntary saving for retirement. 

“Under the new law, 40 percent of voluntary savings can be withdrawn after five years and then 100 percent after 10 years. This is very important for the clients to know,” he added.

He further said that they also announced to their clients the income investment growth to 42 percent in 2023 from 27 percent in 2022. 

Human Resources and Administrative Manager at United General Insurance (UGI), Katija Mataya commended NBM PAL for the sessions. 

“The session gave us an opportunity to capture the contents of the new Pension Act as NBM PAL unpacked the law,” he said. 

The theme of the event was ‘Making a Good Pension Choice.’ 

A record 2,334 to run at 2024 Be More Race


Lilongwe July 18, 2024 -Over 2,300 runners are preparing to hit the track on Saturday during this year’s long-awaited Be More Race hosted by Standard Bank Plc in Lilongwe.

The figure of 2,334 runners in the 2024 race under the theme; “Why We Run”, is the highest since 2017 when the signature Lilongwe Half-Marathon was hatched by Standard Bank Plc to promote wellness and networking by communities, families, and professionals.

Head of Brand and Marketing Tamanda Ng’ombe says the Bank is thrilled by the overwhelming response this year’s race has generated and is all set to host a memorable race which will raise funds towards the Children’s Learning Centre of the Pediatric Cancer Ward of Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe.

“Marathon enthusiasts and other stakeholders can look forward to an exciting race and colorful prize presentation on Saturday. Apart from events on the 21-km track, we have prepared a music performance by Saint Realest, one of the country’s leading afro-dancehall artists, an aerobics session, group games. For the family, people can look forward to a children’s play area in addition to healthy light foods drinks and lots of rehydrating beverages,” said Ng’ombe.

She thanked the race’s partners and sponsors who include Athletics Malawi, Coca Cola Beverages Africa, Mwaiwathu Private Hospital and Beyond Bounds Physiotherapy Clinic for coming forward to join Standard Bank Plc put together what promises to be a memorable and exciting half marathon morning.

This year’s race categories are 5KM, 10KM, and a half-marathon of 21KM catering to all runners.

“As a cornerstone of our commitment to community engagement and promoting healthy lifestyles, Standard Bank has spared no effort to ensure this event will be a resounding success. Therefore, athletes will compete in the three main categories,” said Tamanda Ng’ombe, Standard Bank’s Head of Brand and Marketing.

Meanwhile, Athletics Malawi (AM) has commended Standard Bank for creating a platform that is promoting development of athletes and putting Malawi on the map through Be More Race.

“The Be More Race has consistently fostered the growth of athletics in Malawi. Last year for instance saw Malawian athletes breaking the dominance of international runners, a trend they are determined to uphold this year,” said Kondwani Chamwala, AM President.

He added prominent distance runners across the country will arrive in Lilongwe to tackle Be More Race, citing Chikondi Mwanyali, South African-based Mphatso Nadolo, Mulanje-based Tereza Master, Doris Fisher and Nalice Chirwa from Mzuzu.

Chamwala said AM will provide comprehensive technical expertise to ensure that Be More Race maintains its international competition standards and that participants enjoy a professionally prepared track rout and timing services.

Overall, N’gombe said; “We are happy to bring the 2024 Be More Race to life and provide amazing experiences to participants. Through initiatives like these, Standard Bank aims to strengthen our relationships and contribute positively to the well-being of our customers.”

The 2024 Be More Race was shifted from June 15 to July 20 in honour of former Vice President Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima who died in a plane accident in Mzuzu. Chilima was a regular participant of the race.

Review borrowing, AIP- MCCCI advises government


Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI) President Wisely Phiri has advised government to revisit its borrowing, arguing the current state of affairs stands in the way of production for wealth generation.

Speaking in an interview over the weekend, Phiri noted that banks in the country prefer to lend to government which borrows for consumption, not for production as does the private sector.

The MCCCI president proposes that government cut down on borrowing as the first step towards bailing the economy.

“First, government should reduce borrowing, especially for small scale farm input subsidy which is just for consumption. If anything, government should borrow to finance mega farming.”

“When supported, the mega farms will produce for sale, thereby boosting their businesses which will eventually translate into job creation for many,” argued Phiri.

According to Phiri, Malawi loses out by investing billions in a farm input subsidy programme in which beneficiaries do not realise enough harvest, obliging government to procure food for free distribution to such people.

In the 2023/24 financial year, government budgeted K117 billion for the Affordable Inputs Programme.

The MCCCI president also lamented high interest rates on bank loans which are a burden for local businesses but ‘manageable’ for government.

In February this year, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs Simplex Chithyola Banda acknowledged Malawi’s debt burden.

“Malawi’s public debt is unsustainable, and the Government has been working to sustain debt through fiscal adjustment and debt restructuring negotiations with its 10 bilateral and commercial creditors,” Simplex Chithyola Banda said.

“As of December 2023, public debt stood at K12.56 trillion, representing 84.8 percent of GDP, of which total external debt reached K6.62 trillion, while domestic debt amounted to K5.94 trillion,” explained Banda.

For years, some experts, including the Mwapata Institute, have been calling on government to review its farm input subsidy programmes, arguing they drain the national coffers.

Former RBM Governor Dr. Kabambe to deliver Public Lecture at Mzuzu University

Mzuzu University is set to host a public lecture featuring Dr. Dalitso Kabambe, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi, on Saturday July 20, 2024.

The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place at the university’s auditorium.

Dr. Kabambe, a renowned economist and politician, will share his vision for an inclusive and sustainable transformation agenda for the northern region of Malawi.

As former Governor of the Reserve Bank, Dr. Kabambe played a crucial role in providing strategic direction and leadership, ensuring accurate economic advice to the government, and effectively managing fuel prices to avoid inflation.

With a wealth of experience in economics and public service, Dr. Kabambe has held various positions in the Malawi Government Economic Service, including Principal Economist, Chief Economist, and Budget Director.

He also served as Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Dr. Kabambe’s academic credentials include a PhD and Master’s Degree in Development Economics from Imperial College – University of London, and a BSc Degree from the University of Malawi.

The public lecture promises to be an insightful event, offering a unique opportunity to hear from one of Malawi’s leading economic experts.

All are invited to attend and engage with Dr. Kabambe’s vision for a more inclusive and sustainable future.

NBM plc gives blood bank fridge to Mangochi hospital

NBM CEO Harold Jiya (right) handing over the ribbon to Dr Victor Kumfunda to mark the official handover of the blood bank fridge

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has donated a blood bank refrigerator worth K40 million to Mangochi District Hospital to address blood storage challenges in the eastern region.

The Bank made a commitment through the Malawi Blood Transfusion Services (MBTS) to secure two blood bank fridges for Mangochi and Mulanje hospitals.

Speaking after the handover ceremony at the hospital on Friday, NBM plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Harold Jiya said they were convinced by MBTS to make the donation after noting that blood transportation and storage is the biggest challenge in the region.

“We learnt through MBTS that Mangochi District Hospital struggles to keep blood after collecting due to lack of blood bank fridges which affects the other health centres surrounding the facility.”

“As the ‘Bank of the Nation’, we know that good health is a prerequisite for all other building blocks of any nation, so we thought of helping them. We believe the donation will foster the nation’s development,” said Jiya.

MBTS Acting CEO, Bridon M’baya commended NBM plc for the support saying Mangochi district registered the highest number of people that needed blood transfusion in the region last year. 

“We applaud NBM plc for this support of a blood bank refrigerator. This will help reduce blood challenges in the eastern region. You may wish to know that last year, Mangochi district only asked for 52 percent of the total blood the eastern region needed. Hospitals around the region will no longer have to travel long distances to Blantyre or Balaka to access blood,” he said. 

Director of health and social services for Mangochi, Dr. Henry Chibowa Junior said the hospital conducts about 400 blood transfusions in a month and was heavily affected by storage capacity and the donation is a relief.

“The new blood bank has a capacity of over 600 units of blood, which is a relief. National Bank plc has proven to be a trusted partner and more lives will be saved through this donation,” he said. 

According to Chibowa, Mangochi hospital serves a population of about two million people and is surrounded by seven health centres. 

NBM Pensions investment income excites Lilongwe customers

William Mabulekesi CEO NBM PAL

NBM Pensions Administration Limited (NBM PAL) customers have expressed excitement over the increased investment income declared by the company.

NBM PAL, a subsidiary of National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc, declared an increase on investment income to 42 percent for the year 2023 as compared to 27 percent in 2022.

Speaking in an interview after a pension seminar in Lilongwe on Thursday, Human Resources Manager at Afro-Egypt Engineering Company, Shungu Nyoni said the investment income declared by NBM PAL is encouraging to almost every customer and they will continue to invest in the company.

“We are working with NBM Pal and so far, so good. Even our employees are satisfied and, we hope this year we will also register an increase,” said Nyoni.

NBM PAL Chief Executive Officer (CEO), William Mabulekesi said they organized the seminar in partnership with NBM Capital Markets Limited to brief customers about the growth in the investment income and other pension related issues.”

“We wanted to interact with our customers and share the exciting news, particularly to sponsoring employers and their respective employees who are the ultimate members and principal beneficiaries of the overall Fund which has continued to grow from strength to strength within recent years.”

“The Fund continues to register exponential growth in investment income and total assets for its participating members,” said Mabulekesi.

NBM PAL will hold a similar seminar for its Blantyre customers on Wednesday.

NBM PAL is a pension service company registered by the Registrar of Financial Institutions.

Girl Up Elevate to host Innovation Lab in Blantyre 

Members of the Girl Up Elevate

Girl Up Elevate, a Blantyre-based youth-led organisation, has organized an innovation lab dubbed ‘Bridging the Digital Divide’ to address significant gender disparities in the digital sphere in Malawi.

The innovation lab will take place at Namiwawa Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) on July 27 2024. 

The organization which is under the United Nations Foundation campaign ‘Girl Up’, was established to provide education, resources, and a supportive network to girls to reach their full potential.

Girl Up Elevate Founder and President Ulemu Makolija said in an interview yesterday the event brings together students from various schools in Blantyre who will collaboratively develop innovative solutions to bridge the digital divide.


Participants will engage in expert-led sessions to understand the challenges and consequences of digital inequality. This will be followed by group discussions to brainstorm and refine their ideas. Facilitators, including professionals and Girl Up Elevate members, will guide and mentor the students to effectively pitch their solutions,” said Makolija.

She also said the initiative will help the youth foster problem-solving skills and critical thinking and inspire them to become proactive leaders in creating a more inclusive digital future.

At the end of the event, a panel of judges will award prizes to the top three solutions from the presentations.  

Ulemu Makolija

NBM plc CEO gets down to business…plans to establish Fintech company

Jiya making a presentation to the journalists

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Harold Jiya has unveiled plans to establish a Financial Technology (Fintech) company to help minimize costs incurred when buying systems from different companies.

Jiya, who ascended to the top managerial position this month following the retirement of McFussy Kawawa, outlined the plans during a media interaction session on Wednesday as he also unpacked the Bank’s five-year strategy. 

In his presentation, Jiya said apart from the Fintech company,  the Bank anticipates a significant growth to four countries in Africa, growing the profit-after-tax to $100 million dollars from the current $60 million, and grow the customer base to two million by the year 2027.

On cutting the costs through the Fintech Company, Jiya said it was imperative as the Bank has over 28 systems supplied by different vendors whose licenses and annual maintenance fees are paid in United States dollars. 

“Why can’t we have a specialized outfit, an IT Company that can specialize in these products? It can start by supporting and learning from National Bank and also supporting the Banks that we are going to buy in the region.”

“Now, by supporting the banks in the region, it will be charging in dollars and we believe it will be a profit centre supporting National Bank plc. We believe once we have the critical mass, it will give us appropriate savings which will help in terms of our profitability,” said Jiya

He also highlighted how he plans to move the Bank to the next level.

“We have a strategic plan which I was part of developing. We are very clear about the path that we want to take. So, as I take on the leadership of the Bank, I am confident I will deliver on that strategic plan. Our plan is for this bank to deliver a 100 million US Dollars profit-after tax by 2027 and to be the number one digital bank in the country and to go in the region and expand our reach by making sure we are represented in four countries and have over two million customers,” said Jiya.

Jiya also said they anticipate that 12 percent of the $100 million profit-after-tax projected for 2027 will be contributed by NBM plc’s subsidiaries, which include Akiba Commercial Bank in Tanzania, NBM Pensions Administration Limited, NBM Development Bank, NBM Capital Markets Limited, United General Insurance (UGI), and Stockbrokers Malawi Limited. 

On financial inclusion, the new CEO highlighted plans to empower Agent Banking to provide seamless bank services in rural areas where the Bank does not have structures. 

“We have people operating their business in rural areas, we intend to empower such people to be providing our services. People in rural areas should be able to deposit and withdraw money through these agents. Our Mo626 USSD service also provides a chance every Malawian to access financial services through their phones,” he said. 

He further gave an update on the status of Akiba Commercial Bank in Tanzania, saying there has been a great improvement on the losses made, and the future looks promising. 

“This year, Akiba Bank made a loss of less than K1 billion from K4 billion when we acquired it some three years ago. Which means we will now be talking of profits and not losses anymore,” he explained. 

Phyzix Mzuzu concert ticket sales on TNM Mpamba

Blantyre, July 5, 2024 – Fans of Phyzix’s Mountain Goat Concert starting on Saturday in Mzuzu will gain exclusive access to the show via TNM Mpamba e-ticketing, the organisers have announced.

TNM Plc Group Head of Brand and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi said TNM Mpamba’s e-ticketing is the way to go when it comes to entertainment events and will be handy during the Mzuzu show.

“Mpamba’s e-ticketing is designed to handle any event from football to entertainment. Using the Khadi Mbambande, TNM Mpamba is leading the way in e-ticketing for concerts, ” said.

Jonazi said to buy tickets for the Mountain Goat Concert, Mpamba customers can use the TNM SmartApp, select eTicketing or dial USSD short code *444#, select 6, Eticketing then 2, Concerts & Music Festivals to buy.

“The use of mobile money for ticketing makes transactions easy. Fans can buy tickets anytime, anywhere, directly from their phones. This means no more long lines or last-minute stress, giving fans a smooth experience,” he said.

TNM Mpamba praised the partnership with Phyzix, whose real name is Noel Chikoleka, saying it will improve the concert experience. “E-ticketing fits with the trend of moving towards digital and contactless payments, offering a safer option than traditional tickets. By using Mpamba e-ticketing, we aim to make the concert experience better for everyone,” Jonazi added.

Phyzix also expressed his excitement about the partnership, announced two months ago. “It’s an honor to have the support of a big company like TNM. This will help make the concert amazing. By promoting e-ticketing for concerts, Mpamba is setting a trend for future events and encouraging the use of digital solutions in the entertainment industry,” he quipped.

Standard Bank pumps K15m into girls science at MUST

Blantyre, July 10, 2024 – Standard Bank Plc has invested MK15 million in the Girls Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Camp at Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST), underscoring its commitment to support young women in science education while advancing gender equality.

The donation from Standard Bank will directly support the camp’s initiatives, including technology workshops, art workshops, and sponsoring of the underprivileged girls to attend the camp. The MUST STEAM Girls Camp aims to inspire and empower girls to explore and pursue careers in STEAM.

Standard Bank’s Client Coverage Manager, Pempho Chalamanda said that the donation reiterates the bank’s core purpose of driving Malawi’s growth.

“Standard Bank believes in the transformative power of STEAM education and inclusivity. By investing in the Girls STEAM Camp at MUST, we are investing in a future of innovation and leadership with more female representation,” said Chalamanda.

Through partnership with MUST, Standard Bank aims to make a lasting impact in the lives of girls and inspire female participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.

“This donation is a testament to our commitment to corporate social responsibility and our dedication to making a meaningful impact in the communities we serve. We hope this contribution will help create pathways for young women to pursue successful careers in STEAM fields,” she said.

Standard Bank has commended MUST for coming up with the STEAM Camp for girls saying that the intervention contributes significantly to encouraging girls to feel confident and motivated to participate in these disciplines.

Chairperson of the MUST STREAM Girls Camp Dr. Marion Chirwa Kajombo has commended Standard Bank for the support saying it will create great possibilities for girls at the institution.

“We appreciate the support from Standard Bank. It has enabled us to reach out to needy students lacking motivation and inspiration to realize their dreams. Some do not have any hope but through the camp, their lives will change because the intervention will open opportunities for girls to be exposed to several career pathways through interaction with role models,” said Kajombo.

Standard Bank earlier this year donated MK20 million to MUST as its annual contribution towards the university’s endowment fund that offers scholarships to underprivileged students.

The Bank continues to support education initiatives that improve the access and quality of education for the youth of the nation.

The MUST STEAM Girls Camp will started on July 1 and it will end on July 12 at the institution’s campus in Thyolo.


There are many great sons of the soil in Africa and they are renowned for putting their motherland first before anything else and they do not come often in any country. One of such greats of the African soil is Paul Kagame who recently said” It all starts from your heart, your mind, and the way you think. When I say don’t be cowards, be lions, what I mean is that, to be a coward is to live without a clear ideology, allowing people to insult you and you apologize to them instead of them apologizing to you. To be a lion is to accept to deal with and confront your challenges, those of your family of country, unapologetically.”

As it always said, posterity always judges a person and one such great son of the soil who is a lion and wherever he has been posterity will judge him well is Dr Dalitso Kabambe, the former Reserve Bank Governor of Malawi. His achievements and track record are par excellence. However, as we follow him on his recent exploits where he has belted out his analysis of Malawi, one remains admiring the intelligence, knowledge and vast wealth of wisdom that he possesses. What sets him apart more though is how he is able to articulate so well what he believes can be done to turn around Malawi after 60 years of not so much growth on average. Here is a man who is not only giving prescription for Malawi which is on a death bed in hospital, but he goes further to provide details of how this patient can be resuscitated.

It is for this reason that Dr Dalitso Kabambe is the solution for Malawi and here is a snippet of what we have been able to pick. Our focus is on three key things which we believe set DK apart and makes him the perfect person to lead Malawi: Leadership and Experience, Vision for the Future, and Unity and Inclusiveness.

1. Leadership and Experience: Dr. Dalitso Kabambe’s extensive experience and proven leadership make him an exceptional candidate to lead the nation. As a distinguished economist and politician, he has demonstrated his capability in public service and financial management. His tenure as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi from 2017 to 2020 is particularly noteworthy, as he played a crucial role in stabilizing the economy by reducing inflation and stabilizing the exchange rate. Dr. Kabambe’s career in the Malawi Government Economic Service is marked by significant roles in the Ministries of Finance, Health, and Foreign Affairs, showcasing his versatility and deep understanding of various sectors. His advanced degrees in Development Economics further underscore his expertise and commitment to economic development. Transitioning into active politics, Dr. Kabambe aims to leverage his extensive experience and knowledge to drive Malawi’s political and economic progress. His track record of effective leadership and economic stabilization positions him as the best candidate to lead the nation and contribute to the nation’s development.

2. Vision for the Future:

a. Economic Growth: Dr. Kabambe envisions a robust and diversified economy that fosters sustainable growth and development. By implementing sound fiscal policies and encouraging investment in key sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology, he aims to create job opportunities and reduce poverty. His experience in stabilizing the economy as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi will be instrumental in achieving these goals.

b. Improved Healthcare: Recognizing the importance of a healthy population, Dr. Kabambe is committed to enhancing the healthcare system. His vision includes increasing funding for healthcare infrastructure, ensuring the availability of essential medicines, and improving the quality of healthcare services. By prioritizing preventive care and expanding access to medical facilities, he aims to improve the overall health and well-being of Malawians.

c. Total Decentralization: DK believes in a total decentralization where authority and resources will be given to district assemblies for the development of each district. His vision is that every district should be allocated a minimum of 100 billion kwacha to be used in improving systems and development within that district. This will ensure equal benefits across the country.

d. Access to Quality Education: Dr. Kabambe believes that education is the cornerstone of national development. His vision focuses on providing equitable access to quality education for all children, regardless of their socio-economic background and region. This includes investing in school infrastructure, training and retaining qualified teachers, and integrating technology into the learning process. By doing so, he aims to equip the youth with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a competitive global economy.

e. National Security: Ensuring the safety and security of all citizens is a top priority for Dr. Kabambe. His vision includes strengthening the capabilities of security forces, enhancing intelligence gathering, and promoting community policing initiatives. By addressing both internal and external threats, he aims to create a secure environment that fosters economic and social development.

f. Stable Services in Government Institutions: Dr. Kabambe is dedicated to building efficient and transparent government institutions that deliver stable and reliable services to the public. His vision includes implementing reforms to reduce bureaucracy, combating corruption, and improving the accountability of public officials. By fostering a culture of integrity and professionalism, he aims to restore public trust in government institutions and ensure that they effectively serve the needs of all Malawians.

3. Unity and Inclusivity: DK is committed to fostering unity and inclusivity in the national development agenda. Gone will be the days when people from few districts are left to make national development decision. DK believes that each district has to participate in setting up national development agenda by having a representation in cabinet, recognizing that in diversity there is strength. By actively listening to and valuing the voices of all Malawians, regardless of background or region, Dr. Kabambe will ensure that every perspective is represented and respected. His inclusive approach will bridge divides, promote collaboration, and create a cohesive vision that resonates with everyone within the nation. Dr Kabambe’s dedication to unity will not only strengthen but will also present a united country that truly represents and works for all. Together, under Dr. Kabambe’s guidance, the country will be stronger and more inclusive.

It is clear with Dr Dalitso Kabambe our scope has to be bigger than just surviving. It has to be about living well, succeeding against poverty, dependency and indignity. It has to be about setting our agenda to become a prosperous nation taking its rightful space on the continent as one of the fastest growing economies and taking Malawi to greater heights economically.

Standard Bank in sizzling independence poetry

Malawi’s four contemporary poets turned Independence evening on Saturday memorable during a commemorative poetry exhibition hosted online by Standard Bank.

The four, Nyamalikiti Nthiwatiw, Qabaniso Malewezi, , Wanga and Phindu took turns to mesmerize the online audience that joined the poetry feast on Standard Bank’s Facebook page.

“We organised the event to commemorate Malawi’s 60th Independence Day, with renowned names in poetry for an evening that embraces Hope, Healing, Unity and Identity, ” said Tamanda N’gombe, head of marketing.

The show was patronised by many poetry fans who applauded the spoken word artists.

Internationally acclaimed poet Q Malewezi did not disappoint,while praise was showered upon upcoming poet, Phindu with many noticing her unique style and flow.

“The performance was just incredible, a big thumbs up for Phindu,” said Billy Banda, who watched the show.

Another patron Fatsani Chione also gave her critical acclaim. “A wonderful performance from Phindu. I loved it, ” he said.

Themed “Unity In Verse”, the commemorative poetry fiesta was put together by Kweza Arts.

FDH Bank plc donates 100 metric tonnes of maize to NFRA


Malawi Stock Exchange listed FDH Bank has donated 100 metric tonnes of maize worth K95.5 million to National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) to ensure food security in the country.

FDH Bank plc Head of Marketing and Communications Levi Nkunika and NRFA Chief Executive Officer George Macheka represented their respective organisations during the handover ceremony in Lilongwe on Thursday.

According to Nkunika, the gesture was a response to the call by President Lazarus Chakwera in March this year, who declared a state of disaster in 23 out of the country’s 28 districts affected by El Nino weather that caused droughts and floods.

“FDH Bank plc has procured 100 metric tonnes equivalent to 2,000 bags of maize of 50kg each valued at K95,500, 000 which has been delivered to NFRA. This maize is expected to support 2,000 families across the country.”

“At FDH Bank plc, we are deeply committed to the well-being of our fellow Malawians. Partnering with NFRA to safeguard food security at the household level is not just a corporate social responsibility; it is part of doing business as we believe in being closer to the community, especially in times of need. We are always ready to play our part in supporting our communities in difficult times,” said Nkunika.

Nkunika added that the Bank entrusted NFRA, as an institution mandated to procure, store, and release maize on humanitarian grounds, to ensure proper storage of the maize and coordinate with the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA) on distribution to Malawians in need.

In his remarks, Macheka expressed gratitude to FDH Bank plc for leading to address national emergencies.

“We are immensely grateful to FDH Bank plc for their support. This partnership is a testament to the strength and unity of Malawians. We hope other institutions will emulate the good example set by FDH Bank. Together we can ensure that no Malawian dies of hunger,” said Macheka.

The preliminary assessment in the Presidential Declaration indicated that close to two million farming households are affected.

NBM Plc introduces Share Purchase Loan

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has launched a share purchase loan product to enable customers to access loans and buy shares on the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE).

Speaking during the launch on Tuesday, NBM Head of Retail Banking Division Oswin Kasunda said the new loan facility is designed to assist customers in fulfilling dreams of acquiring shares on the MSE through Stockbrokers Malawi Limited.

“The loan shall be secured by either existing shares that a customer already holds on the MSE or the purchased shares at 85 percent of the market value. This means that if the new shares being bought are to be used as collateral, the customer will contribute 15 percent, while the Bank will pay 85 percent of the purchase cost.”

“The loan will have a maximum repayment period of 36 months, a minimum loan amount of K250,000, and a maximum loan amount dependent on a customer’s capacity to repay subject to the loan repayment to income ratio not exceeding 30%,” said Kasunda.

He further indicated that it was established tthrough their market assessment and research, that many customers were looking for a facility that would allow them to buy shares on credit.

“However, the Stockbrokers Malawi Limited license does not allow it to lend money to clients. National Bank of Malawi plc is in the business of lending, hence addressing the challenge that investors or would-be investors face in buying shares on a cash basis,” said Kasunda.

In his remarks, Stockbrokers Malawi Limited Chief Executive Officer Noel Kadzakumanja said they hope the product will boost trading in the market.

“This loan is trying to address the problem that customers had, in the past, they were stuck because they didn’t have the cash to buy shares,” said Kadzakumanja.

The facility is open to customers whose regular income is paid directly into their NBM Bank plc account and will enable them to buy on any share counter.

Amaryllis Hotels General Manager Waheed Appointed Global Ambassador of African Tourism Board

Mr. Ramy Waheed, General Manager of Amaryllis Hotels, has been appointed as a Global Ambassador of the African Tourism Board (ATB).

The appointment was announced in a letter dated June 29, 2024, from the President of the African Tourism Board, Dr. Cuthbert Ncube.

According to the letter, Waheed’s exceptional leadership and dedication as the General Manager of Amaryllis Hotels, combined with his extensive experience and commitment to promoting tourism, made him an ideal representative for the organization on the global stage.

As a Global Ambassador, Waheed’s role will be pivotal in enhancing the visibility and appeal of Africa as a premier travel destination.

His responsibilities will include actively advocating for African tourism at international events and forums, collaborating with tourism stakeholders to foster positive perceptions of Africa, and identifying and pursuing opportunities for strategic partnerships that benefit African tourism.

“We are confident that your involvement will greatly contribute to the success of our mission to promote Africa as a vibrant and diverse travel destination,” said Dr. Ncube in the appointment letter.

“Your expertise and passion for the industry will be invaluable assets in our collective efforts.”

Waheed’s appointment is a significant recognition of his contributions to the tourism industry in Malawi and beyond.

As General Manager of Amaryllis Hotels, he has been instrumental in promoting tourism in the region and has worked tirelessly to enhance the reputation of the hotel and the country.

That is not all. Under his leadership, Amaryllis Hotels has won several prestige international awards.

The African Tourism Board is a pan-African organization that aims to promote tourism across the continent.

The organization works with tourism stakeholders to develop and implement strategies that promote African tourism and enhance the continent’s visibility as a travel destination.

FDH Bank plc eyes K28.5 billion half-year-profit

FDH Bank plc has projected its half-year profit-after-tax ending June 30, 2024 to be between K25.5 billion to K28.5 billion from K15 billion the previous year.

This represents an increase of between 69.8 percent to 89.8 percent higher than the one reported for the previous corresponding period.

According to the statement released by the company secretary Juliano Kanyongolo, the summary consolidated and separate financial statements of the Bank of the period ending 30th June will be published within the required period.

“In terms of the Listing Requirements of the Malawi Stock Exchange, a listed company is required to publish a Trading Statement as soon as there is a reasonable degree of certainty that the financial statements for thee period to be reported upon will differ at least 20% from that of the previous corresponding period,” reads the statement.

In the statement, the Bank says the information on which the Trading Statement is based has not been reviewed and reported on by its external auditors.

Earlier this year, the Malawi Stock Exchange listed Bank announced a substantial profit-after-tax increase of 55% to K35.6 billion from K22.9 billion profit over a similar period in 2022.

During its Annual General Meeting held recently, members of the Minority Shareholders Association commended FDH Bank plc for the growth.

NBM Plc’s funded UNIMA innovations bear fruits

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has expressed satisfaction with the innovations done by University of Malawi (UNIMA) Department of Physics and Electronics final-year students.

NBM Plc Information Technology, Organization, and Methods (ITOM) Division gave the students three challenges to solve and bring out innovative solutions with K2.8 million as funding for the projects.      

On Friday, the students presented the innovations at NBM Headquarters in Blantyre, where Head of ITOM  Designate Christopher Chilenga said part of NBM plc strategy has an aspect called ‘collaborations and partnerships’ recognizing that the Bank cannot have all the answers to the problems in the services but can get someone else on board.

“So far, I am impressed that they have taken up the idea, Universities are a centre of excellence, and they do have ways of addressing some of the needs and requirements we have in society. For them to look at the situation and propose ways of improving it is very commendable,” said Chilenga.

In his remarks, a UNIMA Lecturer, who is also the student’s projects supervisor Patrick Mzaza said what the students have demonstrated gives a positive hope that the students will help Malawi achieve its 2063 goals of advancing technology.

“They have developed three innovations which are addressing challenges that National Bank plc is facing. The first is the ATM monitoring system which monitors the temperature and humidity surrounding the machine. The second one is monitoring the parameters of a generator such as oil and fuel, and the last one is monitoring the bank’s systems in terms of transaction queues, memory usage of the CPU and everything,” said Mzaza. 

Representing her group, a Bachelor of Science in Electronics final year student Bridget Matilesi thanked National Bank plc for supporting their audible and virtual alert monitor of the banking systems project.

“We are grateful for their support, and I would like to urge other institutions to come to UNIMA with their problems for students to innovate systems for them,” said Matilesi.

Texas Church aids Anglican clergy spouses with business grants

Pozzuto (right) and wife Mellinda (second right) present a grant to a Clergy wife as Agness Salaka from Anglican church looks on

Christ Church in Temple, Texas, USA, on Thursday provided financial support to 33 spouses of Clergy in the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi.

The assistance, ranging from K50,000 to K350,000, is intended to help them start businesses to support their families.

Speaking in an interview, Rector of Christ Church Reverend Keith Pozzuto said the financial assistance will aid the clergy wives in starting various businesses based on their proposals.

“We are confident that this financial assistance will enable these women to create sustainable businesses that will uplift their families and contribute positively to their communities.”

“The church believes that empowered women help to support their families, communities, and the church as well. We are confident that this financial assistance will enable these women to create sustainable businesses that will uplift their families and contribute positively to their communities.”

“The support was raised by members of our church in Texas, USA, and we hope it will meet the intended purpose,” said Pozzuto.

Chairperson for the Clergy Wives in the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi Temwanani Kalimbe emphasized that the grant will enable them to become financially independent.

“Most clergy wives face financial challenges because many parishes are in remote areas where employment opportunities are scarce, forcing them to rely only on their husbands’ incomes,” said Kalimbe.

A total of 37 people have been supported under this program including four members of the laity from Mindanti in Chapananga who have been supported with tools and school fees to one member who asked for support to go back to school.

The program hopes to grow to over a hundred beneficiaries next year and to reach a thousand in a few years’ time.

Std Bank market value crosses K1 Trillion mark

The share price of Standard Bank Plc on Monday soared to K4,400 to propel the company’s market capitalisation surpass MK1 Trillion mark.

A trading report at the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) shows Standard Bank becoming the second-highest capital gainer by closing slightly above MK1 trillion after NBM’s K1.3 Trillion.

The MSE trading report quotes the bank’s share price increasing from K3,950.34 to K4, 400 per share or 11% to move the counter’s capital gain to MK1.032 trillion.

Reacting to the development, Chief Executive Phillip Madinga said it reflects the confidence that investors have in the bank in delivering superior profit margins.

“This growth is a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional financial performance, innovative banking solutions, and sustainable growth. At our recent AGM in Blantyre, shareholders expressed satisfaction in our net profit record in the three years.

Thanks to their support, we remain focused on creating long-term value for our shareholders, customers, and the broader economy. Our strategic priorities, including digital transformation, customer-centricity, cost and risk management, are yielding positive results,” said Madinga.

An independent market analyst Dr Saidi Jackson predicted Standard Bank’s share price to continue rising as investors exercise options in hedging capital against market volatilities.

“It’s only logical for investors to back high performing companies or stocks, and with a good track record. Financial stocks like Standard Bank are seen as relatively safer in this market because of their impeccable risk management profile, and prudence, ” said Jackson.

The bank’s net profit for the financial year ended December 31, 2023 was K52.5 billion of which MK25.4 billion was approved by shareholders last week as total final dividend.

Castel Malawi rebrands Castel beer bottle 

Leading alcoholic beverage producer in the country, Castel Malawi Limited has rebranded labels for its iconic Castel Beer, making a significant milestone in the branding innovation.

In an interview yesterday, Head of Corporate Marketing and Communications, Lavern Chitakata said the initiative reflects Castel Malawi’s commitment to innovation and meeting consumers’ evolving preferences while maintaining the expectational quality and taste.

“The new label of the 330ml returnable bottle features a modern and visually striking design with a sleek body and neck label. The bottle proudly displays the iconic improved Castel Beer logo,” said Chitakata.

She assured customers that despite the refreshing bottle looks, the exceptional quality and taste of the beer remain unchanged.

One of the consumers based in Blantyre, Damson Mbewe hailed Castel for maintaining the contents of the beverage.

“Castel Malawi never disappoints when it comes to customer satisfaction, the new bottle design is beautiful,” said Mbewe.

Castel Malawi Limited recently rebranded the 330ml premium spirits bottles of Malawi Gin, Malawi Vodka, and Premier Brandy.   

Castel Malawi is, through Castel Beer, sponsoring the prestigious football cup called ‘The Castel Challenge Cup’ worth K400 million and Chitakata said the rebranding of the product will also resonate well with the iconic football cup

AFORD questions identification of ‘German experts in plane crash investigation

The Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) is calling for transparency in the investigation into the plane crash that killed Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima and eight others on June 10, 2024.

In a press statement, AFORD President Enock Kanzingeni Chihana expressed concerns over the lack of clarity surrounding the investigation, despite the government’s announcement of engaging German experts.

“While we commend the effort, we question the sincerity of this move,” said Chihana.

He added that: “We demand a comprehensive and transparent investigation that leaves no stone unturned. Anything less will be a betrayal of public trust.”

AFORD is seeking clarity on the terms of reference for the investigation, the qualifications and expertise of the German experts involved, and the extent of their involvement in the investigation.

“We would like to know how the process towards the identification of the ‘German experts’ was done and whether there was proper vetting on the concerned expertise and their organization,” Chihana said.

The party is also questioning whether the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was involved in the investigation and whether measures are in place to ensure the independence and impartiality of the investigation.

“We owe it to the memories of the departed and their families to ensure that the truth is uncovered and justice is served,” Chihana said.

“We will not tolerate any attempts to obscure the facts or manipulate the investigation for political gain.”

AFORD has vowed to continue monitoring the situation and pushing for justice to be served.

The party’s demands for transparency have sparked a national conversation on the need for accountability in the investigation process.

The incident that led to Vice President Chilima’s death has raised questions about the safety of the aircraft and the circumstances surrounding the crash.

Reports indicate that the plane experienced technical difficulties before crashing in Chikangawa Forest in Mzimba.

The cause of the crash remains unknown, and AFORD is calling for a thorough investigation into the incident.

“We need to know what caused the plane to crash and whether it was an accident or something more sinister,” Chihana said.

“The nation deserves answers, and we will not rest until we get them.”

Malawi Civil Society Celebrates Landmark Abortion Ruling Anniversary

Civil society organizations in Malawi are commemorating the anniversary of a landmark High Court ruling that clarified exceptions to the country’s abortion laws, providing essential protections for women’s and girls’ health and lives.

The ruling, issued on June 15, 2021, affirmed that mental and physical health are crucial components of preserving life in cases of risky pregnancies. It also provided legal clarity, enabling women seeking an abortion due to risks to their life or health to consult a health provider.

“We commend both the Judiciary and the Executive branches of the Government for making this important clarification public,” said Michael Kaiyatsa, Executive Director for Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation.

“Women and girls who believe their pregnancy poses a threat to their life or health have the legal right to consult a health provider.”

The ruling was hailed as a significant step forward in protecting reproductive rights in Malawi.

“The judgment marks a significant milestone in the advancement of reproductive rights in Malawi, ensuring that the health and lives of women and girls are prioritized,” said the civil society organizations in a joint statement.

The statement was endorsed by 18 civil society organizations, including Nyale Institute, Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR), Center for Reproductive Rights (Kenya), and Malawi Sexual Reproductive Health and Right Alliance, among others.

The organizations reiterated their commitment to continue advocating for comprehensive reproductive health rights and ensuring that all women and girls in Malawi can access the healthcare they need without fear.

“As we celebrate this milestone, we reaffirm our commitment to continue advocating for comprehensive reproductive health rights and ensuring that all women and girls in Malawi can access the healthcare they need without fear,” said the statement.

FDH Bank Plc, Afreximbank sign US$15 million deal 

Chitera (right) exchange signed documents with El Maaryegi

FDH Bank Plc and Egypt-based African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) have signed a $15 million medium term loan facility agreement to help reshape and drive intra and extra-African trade in Malawi.

FDH Bank Plc Deputy Managing Director George Chitera sealed the deal with Afreximbank Executive Vice President Global Trade Bank, Haytham El Maayergi at the just-ended Afreximbank 31st Annual General Meeting in the Bahamas.

In reaction to the agreement, Chitera said the development will help the Bank increase its capacity to structure complex trade finance solutions for its clients.  

Chitera (right) exchange signed documents with El Maaryegi

“As a Bank, we believe in our ability and potential to grow the business. To realize that potential we also leverage our strategic partnerships with Afreximbank and other like-minded institutions to strengthen our capacity and create bespoke financial solutions which will reshape and drive Intra and Extra Africa Trade. This US$15 million medium-term loan facility is one of the major steps towards that goal,” said Chitera.

In November last year, FDH Bank Plc was the first in Southern Africa to secure a $10 million Africa Trade Exchange (ATEX) facility agreement with the Pan-African multilateral institution, used to reshape the landscape of procurement of strategic supplies for Malawi’s economy.

The Afreximbank 31st Annual General Meeting 2024 took place from June 12 to 14, 2024 with over a thousand attendees including African/Caribbean leaders, African and non-African policymakers, corporate and business leaders, and bankers.

Standard Bank shareholders applaud performance, to pocket K25.4 bn in dividends


Shareholders of Standard Bank Plc, listed on the Malawi Stock Exchange will smile to the bank to withdraw a total dividend of K25.4 billion or K108.24 per share for the financial year ended December 31, 2023, the bank’s Annual General Meeting agreed on Thursday.

The shareholders also applauded the bank’s management and staff —led by Chief Executive Phillip Madinga—for navigating a difficult economic environment to register a net profit of K52.5 billion. This represents a 34% increase over 2022.

Speaking during the AGM, Secretary General of the Minority Shareholders Association of Listed Companies Frank Harawa said the equity owners are happy with the recent results, which reflect success in the pursuit of Standard Bank’s operating strategy.

“We’re grateful for the impressive results registered so far. They show tremendous progress and hard work is being put in. We also hope that as we review shareholders and executive management pay, employee’s remuneration is also a consideration,” said Harawa.

In response, Chairman of Human Capital Committee of the Board Shadreck Ulemu disclosed that the bank has recently affected a 39 percent increase in salaries.

He added that employees are accessing other benefits, which include education and continuous professional development.

On the 2023 performance, Chairman Chris Kapanga said despite operating in a difficult macro-economic environment, the bank demonstrated resilience.

“The group continued to operate in a challenging environment due to foreign currency demand and supply imbalances and high inflation rate,” said Kapanga in a joint statement with Chief Executive Phillip Madinga.

He said the bank’s total revenue grew by 57%, while loans and advances also increased by 25%. He added that net interest income grew by 60%, while non-interest revenue grew by 51%.

The bank also registered an increase in trading volumes which benefitted its net fees and commissions.

Water Crisis Hits Thyolo District

Communities in Thyolo district are struggling to access clean water due to non-functional boreholes and unprotected water sources.

Traditional Authority Mbawera told our reporter that many boreholes in the area have been out of order since 2021, forcing residents to rely on streams and shallow wells.

The local parliamentarian, Mavuto Sandram Scott, has acknowledged the issue and sought assistance from Pacific Limited, a private firm that has been repairing boreholes in other parts of the country.

Pacific Limited’s Managing Director, Faisal Aboo, attributed the widespread problem of broken boreholes to theft of spare parts and vandalism.

However, he promised to extend his company’s borehole maintenance initiative to Thyolo district.

The company has already repaired over 8,000 boreholes across Malawi since 2015 and has been recognized by the government and private sector for its efforts.

Residents in Thyolo district are hoping for a swift solution to their water woes, which have left them vulnerable to waterborne diseases.

UTM needs Usi now than never: Attempting to exclude him is tragic and suicidal for UTM

The past five days have been tough for UTM party. However, the next three days will be even tougher for the party and, if carelessly handled, we will not talk about UTM again in the next two months.


On Monday 10th June 2024, the party suffered a great loss: It lost Saulos Chilima—the president, the leader, the visionaire, the financier and, simply put, the party lost its source of power.

In the past five days, the party has been grappling with the loss and, just like what happened in 2012 when DPP lost Bingu wa Mutharika, the truth has dawned to UTM that they have, actually, lost their source of power.

As it stands now, UTM doesn’t have any powers—its disgruntled, disoriented and the supporters aren’t sure of what is in store for the party.

To regain its relevance, UTM, in the next three days, need one thing: Position itself in a way that moves President Lazarus Chakwera to appoint Chilima’s replacement in UTM.

You know what? If the post of Veep remains in UTM, it means UTM will have a voice in the cabinet, which is the source of power, something the party needs to consolidate itself and, eventually, have time to soberly plan for 2025.

The challenge, however, is that, already, internal wrangles are emerging with top figures accusing each other of who, among them, is more UTM than others.

Tongues, in fact, are already wagging with unconfirmed reports that the party’s vice president, Michael Usi, is being strategically sidelined and, on a tragic note, plans are at an advanced stage to fire him.

The reason, we are being told, is that Usi, they say, appear to be more loyal to MCP than UTM. The reasons, we keep being told, is that Usi, they advance, was always more loyal to Chakwera than Chilima.

So, they argue, Chakwera will appoint Usi as Veep and, if that happens, its better Usi goes to become Veep without the blessings of UTM. So, they reason.

Well, I just shudder to think that UTM, as this critical juncture, would be within its own instead of coming together, pull a strength in numbers, and position itself as organized so that Chakwera shouldn’t be left without a choice but continue working with the party that SKC left.

With Chilima gone, what names, in UTM, comes to the fore as political stalwarts that can fit in SKC’s shoes? You can count: Kambala, Felix Njawala and Patricia Kaliati.

For UTM to roar again it needs a charismatic, respected, calm, collected, exposed and trusted person who cannot just speak in wisdom to the disheartened followers—but also one with capacity to fund and also court funders for the party.

Michael Usi, unfortunately, is the only person who the cap fits.

Usi won the heart of SKC. That is why when SKC brough UTM to alliance with MCP, he went with people such as Usi because he believed in their capacity.

Sidelining Usi today is both tragic and suicidal for the party because, lets face it, the rest are either having trouble with law or facing some credibility and political relevance issues.

UTM is better, stronger and relevant with Usi not just on the lead; but also, as a replacement of Chilima as Veep.

Tony Blair’s wife Cherie Offers Condolences to Malawi’s President Chakwera

Cherie Blair, founder of Omnia Strategy LLP, has written to Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera, offering her condolences on the sudden passing of Vice President Saulos Chilima and eight others in a plane crash.

In the letter, dated June 12, 2024, sent through the office of Malawi’s Attorney General and Malawi’ Deputy High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Blair described Chilima as a man of great commitment to the people of Malawi, evident in his many years of service to the country.

She expressed her sympathy to the President, the Vice President’s family, and the nation, saying, “His loss will no doubt be keenly felt.”

Blair also offered her support to President Chakwera, saying, “I wish you strength and resilience as you navigate Malawi through this tragedy.”

She concluded by saying, “Please know that I shall keep you, the Vice President’s family, and Malawi in my prayers.”

The letter was hand-delivered to the Malawi High Commission in London.

Cherie Blair is a reknown British barrister and writer.

She is the wife of the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair.

She is also known for her work as a human rights lawyer and her involvement in various charitable organizations, including her own Cherie Blair Foundation for Women.

That is not all. Blair is also known for her work in human rights, commercial law and international investment law.

NBM PAL Unrestricted Pension Fund  investment income up to 42%

NBM PAL Unrestricted Pension Fund which is administered by the NBM Pension Administration Limited (NBM PAL), a subsidiary of National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc, has registered an increase in investment income for the year 2023 to 42 percent from 27 percent in 2022.

According to NBM PAL, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), William Mabulekesi, with inflation around 30 percent in 2023, members will get a real investment return of over 12 percent which is the difference between the declared investment income of 42 percent and inflation rate of 30 percent.

“It is a pleasure to share with the market that the Board of Trustees of the Fund has since approved an investment income as recommended for members of the Fund who participated fully in the year up to 31st December 2023. The Fund continues to register exponential growth in investment income and total assets for its participating members.”

“The significant increase means that if an individual member had been in the Fund from January to December 2023 with a total accumulated pension benefit of K10 million as of December, 31, 2023, the total accrued pension benefit will now increase to K14.2million with effect from January 1 this year,” said Mabulekesi.

He said this is exciting news, particularly to sponsoring employers and their respective employees who are the ultimate members and principal beneficiaries of the overall Fund which has continued to grow from strength to strength within the recent years.

“This for sure has put smiles on the faces of the Fund’s members. What is more satisfying with this declaration is the fact that it has been achieved at a time when our local economy has faced a lot of challenges such as forex shortage, natural disasters in cyclones, and a significant 44 percent devaluation of the local currency in November 2023 whose combined adverse effects unleashed upward pressures on prices of goods and services forcing the inflation to hover around 30 percent for the year 2023,” explained Mabulekesi.

He then hailed NBM Capital Markets Limited, another subsidiary of NBM plc, for   Investment strategies employed amidst macroeconomic shocks that prevailed in the year under review.

A pension expert, who is also Director of Pension and Insurance at the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) Paul Nyirenda believes that NBM PAL realized the growth due to investment returns largely from the stock market which performed well last year. 

“It is also because of the decent performance of the listed equities at the Malawi  Stock Exchange which has largely contributed to the  increase in investment income for the Fund as companies declared dividends and capital appreciation. ,” said Nyirenda.

The Fund in question according to NBM PAL is diversified across all investment classes, namely Interest-Bearing Assets, Shares, and Properties including alternative investments which allow portfolio assets to hedge against each other from any exogenous factors thereby insulating it to remain resilient and profitable for its members throughout the year.

Air Cargo, MDF pact to enhance African cargo services and trade


Air Cargo Malawi Limited (ACM) and the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to charter aircraft for cargo transportation, enhancing ACM’s capabilities and contributing to the country’s economic growth.

The partnership will enable ACM to transport specialised cargo consignments between Malawi, SADC, COMESA, and East Africa, providing seamless logistics for exporters and importers. The agreement also demonstrates ACM’s progress in its turnaround strategy.

The MOU signing ceremony was attended by representatives from both parties, including the Chairman of Air Cargo Malawi Limited Felix Tandwe, Chief Executive Officer Thokozani Unyolo and the Commander of the Malawi Defence Force General Paul Valentino Phiri.

“This partnership is a testament to our commitment to providing reliable and efficient air cargo services,” said Tandwe. “We are proud to work with the Malawi Defence Forces to enhance our services and contribute to the country’s economic development,” he added.

Unyolo said the MOU opens up an opportunity for export of specialised cargo such as cut flowers and other horticultural products to Africa and beyond.

For his part, MDF Commander Valentino Phiri said, “We are pleased to partner with Air Cargo Malawi Limited, demonstrating our commitment to supporting the country’s economic growth and development.”

Phiri added that the charters will maximize the usage of MDF planes to generate additional revenue for the aviation department.

The partnership is expected to boost trade and economic development in the region, aligning with the Malawi 2063 vision.

Castel Cup after-party lights up Mponela


Football fans and fun seekers had a grand post-Castel Cup launch event as Malawi’s celebrated musicians Skeffa Chimoto, Kell Kay, Tay Grin, and Aidfest and Kineo took turns to entertain them during a fun filled night at HillSide Lodge in Mponela on Saturday.

It was a day and night full of entertainment as the whole trading centre was filled with fun activities since morning, prior to the Castel Challenge Cup launch, and it was no surprise that the show pulled a huge audience while enjoying Castel alcoholic products.

Tay Grin, the Nyau King set the pace during the pre-launch activations that started on Friday night before he performed with his Nyau crew at Champions Stadium when Blue Eagles hosted Namitete Zitha to mark the launch of the 2024 Castel Challenge Cup.

From the Stadium, the fun extended to HillSide Lodge where DJ Bubblegum and DJ Twiggy manned the decks from 6pm until around 10pm when new kids on the block, Aidfest and Kineo took over the mics.

Performing using backtracks, the duo mesmerized fans with their top hits ‘Attention’, ‘Two’, ‘Tamutenga’, the latest release ‘Yekha’, and Kell Kay’s ‘Holy Water’ which they featured.

But it is the ‘Yekha’ song that stole people’s hearts, no wonder the energy displayed by the two artists, up to an extent of removing their shirts despite the chilly night.

Before passing the mic to the second act by Kell Kay, the two DJs also performed their disk jockeying magic through their top selection and mixing of the songs to the satisfaction of the fans who sang along.

Kell Kay later joined the stage dishing his tracks like ‘Bana Pwanya’ which he originally featured Yo Maps and Prince Luv from Zambia.

Unlike Aidfest and Kineo, Kelly Kay, Tay Grin, and Skeffa performed with a live band.

In his one-hour performance, Kelly Kay also dished out other songs like ‘Holy Water’, ‘Muchedwa’, ‘Lobola’, ‘Halo Mr Yesu’, ‘Mwano’ and others.

However, the Manganje-fused track ‘Chatha’ was a blast as he invited a female fan on stage and did not disappoint with her dances.

The Nyau King was the third on the list and could not hesitate to throw in the ‘So mone’ track which he originally featured on Yo Maps, but also used the platform to perform for the first time, his yet-to-be released song titled ‘Tchalosi’.

The response from the fans seemed to have fallen in love with the song already.

The stage master, Skeffa Chimoto was the last on the act taking over the stage and did not disappoint doing most of his popular tracks including ‘Kankha’ and others.

One of the fans, Mayeso Josita, said he was all happy with the show.

“Apa ndiye sininabetse makobiri yanga, nanjoya zedi (I have enjoyed the show, I really got the value for the money I paid at the gate),” he said.

Prophet Dr. Mbewe set to shake up Balaka Stadium on Saturday

In a highly anticipated move, Liberation for Economic Freedom (LEF) President Dr. David Mbewe is scheduled to hold a massive political rally at Balaka Stadium on Saturday, June 15, 2024.

The event, dubbed a “game-changer” in the country’s political arena, promises to draw a large crowd of supporters eager to hear Dr. Mbewe’s vision for a prosperous and liberated Malawi.

Recently, Dr. Mbewe made headlines by branding the Tonse Alliance, led by President Lazarus Chakwera, as “failures” amidst widespread discontent with the current administration’s handling of the economy.

As the country grapples with economic challenges, Dr. Mbewe and his LEF party are positioning themselves as the solution, promising real change and economic liberation.

The rally comes ahead of the September 2025 general elections, where Dr. Mbewe is expected to face off against President Chakwera of Malawi Congress Party (MCP), Peter Mutharika of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and Saulos Chilima of the UTM party.

Dr. Mbewe’s charismatic leadership and vocal advocacy for economic freedom have resonated with many Malawians, making the Balaka Stadium rally a highly anticipated event that promises to be a political firestorm.

In the lead-up to the elections, Dr. Mbewe and his LEF party have been conducting a series of rallies across the country, wooing supporters and Malawians with their message of economic liberation.

The rallies have been pulling in large crowds, indicating a growing momentum for the LEF party and setting the stage for a thrilling contest in the upcoming polls.

Mkulu wakale wa Reserve Bank Dr Kabambe ayamikira Malemu Kasambara

Mkulu wakale wa Bank ya Reserve a Dr. Dalitso Kabambe ayamikira malemu Ralph Kasambara kaamba kogwira ntchito yondandiza a Malawi mozipereka.

A Kasambara, omwe anali m’modzi mwa akadaulo pa nkhani ya zamalamulo m’dziko muno amwalira lachisanu ku Lilongwe.

“Malemu Ralph Kasambara anali kadaulo pa ntchito za malamulo komanso mmodzi mwa a Malawi yemwe anadzipeleka kwambiri pa ntchito zothandiza a Malawi ngati nduna ya boma komanso ngati Attorney General mzaka za mbuyomu,” a Kabambe analemba pa tsamba lawo la Facebook.

Iwo anawonjezera kuti; “Imfa yawo yandikhudza kwambiri monganso momwe yakhudzila a Malawi ambiri ndipo pemphero langa ndiloti Mulungu atonthoze banja lonse losiyidwa komanso anamalira onse munthawi yowawitsa kwambiri ngati imeneyi.”

La Mulungu, a Kabambe adali nawo pa mwambo wachisoni opelekeza thupi la malemu Ralph Kasambara kunyumba kwawo ku Nyambadwe komanso ku misa yomwe inachitikira ku St Montfort Parish ku CI mu mzinda wa Blantyre.

Malingana ndi a Kabambe, “A Ralph Kasambara anali munthu okonda dziko lake komanso olimbikira kwambiri popititsa patsogolo ntchito za malamulo komanso chilungamo mdziko muno,”

Thupi la a Kasambara lilowa m’manda lero Lolemba m’boma la Nkhatabay.

A Kabambe ndi katswiri wodziwika bwino mdziko muno ku nkhani ya za chuma.

FDH Bank hikes Mayor’s trophy to K300 million


Malawi’s leading commercial Bankers, FDH Bank Plc has announced a mouth-watering K300 million sponsorship Inter-City Mayor’s Trophy and the Lilongwe Mayor’s Trophy for a period of three years translating into K100 million every year.

The unveiling ceremony of the sponsorship deal took place in the capital, Lilongwe on Friday.

This means that the sponsorship for the two trophies is pegged at a staggering K100 million every calendar year for thirty-six months up from K60 million.

According to the sponsorship breakdown, K44 million is for Inter- City Mayor’s Trophy, whereas K22 million is tagged for Lilongwe City Mayor’s Trophy every year, respectively.

Zomba, Lilongwe, and Mzuzu have each received K17 million, a K7 million increase from the initial K10 million.

The Intercity Mayor’s Trophy prize money has also been increased to K44 million from K25 million.

FDH Bank Managing Director Noel Mkulichi during the sponsorship unveiling ceremony said FDH Bank is fully committed to youth and primary schools’ sports development in the country.

“We have seen the tournament grow and talent flourish as well as its positive impact on the youth,” Mkulichi said.

In 2018, Mkulichi said, FDH Bank started with an investment of K31 million to Lilongwe, Blantyre, Zomba and Mzuzu Mayors Trophies.

He said: “Later, we introduced the InterCity Mayors Trophy fully funded by FDH Bank Plc to bring together champions from the four cities to foster community growth and interaction as well as further challenge the youth to explore their talents.”

Mkulichi, however, commended the initiatives by Zomba City Council and Matiya Primary School for utilasing funds from their victory in the InterCity Mayors Trophy to build modern toilets at the school.

“This was truly an innovative and progress through and an extension of the benefits that come with the Mayors Trophy in improving the livelihoods of the youth,” said Mkulichi.

In his remarks Lilongwe City Mayor, Councillor Richard Banda said FDH Bank’s sponsorship event was a clear testament to the community’s spirit, dedication, and passion for sports.

“The Mayor’s trophy is more than just a competition; it is a celebration of our shared values. It is with profound gratitude that I express my sincere appreciation to our sponsors FDH Bank for the support rendered to Lilongwe City Council and other Councils for always setting the pace for all Mayor’s trophy,” said the Lilongwe City mayor.

Added Banda: “This sponsorship will go a long way as it is not only promoting the health and wellbeing of young ones, but we see the youth rise and embrace their hidden talents to the fullest.”

Deputy Director of Sports responsible for schools sports in the ministry of Youth and Sports, former Malawi netball national team star player, captain and coach, Mary Waya, who was popularly known as Atcheya in her hey-days, in her remarks hailed FDH Bank for being a true partner in the development of sports in the country.

“We cannot expect to do well at international level if the source of these athletes is not well-oiled, and as such sponsorship such as this one from FDH Bank goes a long way in talent identification and nurturing of athletes,” Waya said.

The industrious and decorated Malawi Netball Queens goal shooter and coach further said the government will continue providing a conducive environment for sports development in the country.

FDH Bank has been sponsoring football at all levels in the country since 2018.

Apart from grassroots trophy, FDH Bank are official sponsors of the Malawi national team, which is popularly known as the Flames besides sponsoring the flagship the FDH Bank Cup.


… as TNM pumps K5m into Mzuzu Mountain Goat Concert

Malawi’s pioneer mobile network and ICT service provider, TNM Plc is proud to announce the continued partnership with acclaimed music artist Phyzix for his forthcoming Mountain Goat Concert scheduled for July 13 at Springs Park in Mzuzu.

TNM, in a move to reinforce the partnership, has contributed K5 million towards the concert for the second time. In addition, the integration enables fun lovers to purchase concert tickets on TNM Mpamba e-ticketing platform.

TNM’s Head of Band and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi said the sponsorship highlights the company’s commitment to empowering and celebrating local talent.

“We are delighted to join forces with Phyzix once again for what promises to be an extraordinary musical show. Our partnership demonstrates our commitment to leveraging technology to create possibilities, change lives and connect people through music,” said Jonazi.

Following this resounding collaboration, TNM and Phyzix are poised to deliver yet another unforgettable experience for music enthusiasts in Mzuzu.

“Through the collaboration we are fostering cultural enrichment and connectivity through music and technology. As such, music enthusiasts will be able to purchase their tickets on Mpamba e-ticketing platform conveniently,” he said.

Jonazi added that the concert presents opportunity for the mobile company to engage with people in Mzuzu.

“We have a wide range of products that are tailored to suit Malawians of different ages, but concerts like Mountain Goat present a good platform for TNM to connect with specifically the youths and offer them more appealing and pocket friendly products such as Agulu bundles,” added Jonazi.

Receiving TNM’s contribution, Phyzix real name Noel Chikoleka expressed gratitude saying the money would assist in delivering a good concert to people in Mzuzu.

“After sponsoring my Mountain Goat album launch last year, I am thrilled that TNM has returned to sponsor my upcoming concert in Mzuzu, as we cement the brands’ mutual connection. The sponsorship will go a long way to help us provide a great concert in Mzuzu,” said Phyzix.

Phyzix commended TNM for introducing Caller Tunes and Agulu services, saying they are contributing to the growth of the music industry in the country.

He said: “Through services like Caller Tunes and Agulu bundles TNM is playing a pivotal role in taking Malawian music to great height. While musicians are getting loyalty, the youth can access our music using the affordable Agulu bundles.”

The Concert comes six months after Phyzix, launched Mountain Goat, his 15th album last year in December at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre.

CDEDI calls for deregistration of KADO Auctioneers


CDEDI Director Namiwa on duty

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has penned Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority (PPDA) to consider deregistering KADO Auctioneers for flouting best practices that evidently amounts to corruption.

In a letter addressed to PPDA Director General, Eddington Chilapondwa, CDEDI has also appealed for cancellation of all public contracts awarded to the company.

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa is arguing that with information at hand, there is need for suspending all public auctions involving disposal of public assets, pending due diligence of all the auctions registered by the PPDA.

He says though declared obsolete, most public assets have economic value that usually end up benefiting a privileged few, instead of the whole nation, notably the poor majority whose lives could be saved with proceeds realised from public auctions, if they did not end up fattening pockets of auctioneers and those connected to them as often happens.

Namiwa has highlighted the calls are necessary following complaints stemming from the public auction held at Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) on Saturday April 27, 2024, where a number of items were sold through a public auction and that from investigation point of view, it was clear that the water utility board exonerated itself from allegations bordering on the sale of a HINO lorry registration number 5 SC 53.

According to Namiwa, CDEDI received additional complaints, on how the above public auction was conducted and of particular attention is a demand letter from Mbulo Attorneys at Law dated May 7, 2024, acting on behalf of Innocent Salim Gama, allegedly the major shareholder of KADO Auctioneers and General Dealers under the banner DEMAND BY MR. INNOCENT SALIM GAMA FOR DETAILED REPORT ON RECENT PUBLIC SALES CONDUCTED BY KADO AUCTIONEERS AND GENERAL DEALERS.

“According to the above letter, KADO auctioneers conducted two public auctions, one at the Reserve Bank of Malawi and another at the LWB, allegedly behind the back of the partner who reportedly pumped into the company MK100 million, representing 51 percent shares and those that raised eyebrows over the matter insist that KADO Auctioneers violated some public auction laid down procedures in the manner this vehicle was sold since they further argue that the falling of the hammer on the Hino 500 truck (5 SC 53) happened in an irregular manner.

They, in fact, claim that there were bids as high as K15 million but, surprisingly, the vehicle was given away to a MK10 million bidder,” he narrates.

Namiwa is convinced that all pointers are clear that there are serious flaws that smack of fraud and corruption, saying after postponing the auction despite calling for fresh bids, KADO Auctioneers invited the five selected bidders to the re-auctioning when, in fact, it had already issued both the notification to pay and a bid certificate in favour of Mr. Fabiano Mnayi on April 30, 2024.

Efforts to get side of the story from KADO Auctioneers proved futile but LWB defended the auction despite numerous complaints.

Meanwhile PPDA has confirmed receiving the letter but is yet to comment on its contents.

Bankrolling environmental restoration

Gogo Christina Mpinganjira recounts her youthful days when they used to collect wild mushrooms and see wild animals from the mountains of Kapirimutu, Nthunzi, Mchenga, Ntcheu, Mwasadzu, and Chipendeko in Dedza.

This was when the hills, popularly known as Seven Hills had its vegetation cover intact, before the community raged on them through charcoal burning, and other human activities.

The sorry state of the Seven Hills, which has rendered Gogo Mpinganjira destitute to find the wild food again, and the diminishing traditional cold breeze of Dedza, is also visible in other forests across the country.

The situation compelled people like Gogo Mpinganjira and others to take a step to rescue the forests from the raging individuals, so as to allow the new generation to appreciate the natural vegetation and its inhabitants like herself.

Through the Forest restoration project by National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc launched in 2022, Gogo Mpinganjira and 149 other people around Dedza Seven Hills have benefitted from the K100 million funding which aims to give back life to three forests, including the Mangochi Palm Forest, and Jembya Forest Reserve in Chitipa.

“For two years now, we were given 15, 000 pine seedlings covering 500 hectares in the six hills. As members of the community, we have owned this development and have been steadfast in taking care of the trees by weeding, pruning them to ensure they have enough space and moisture. NBM Plc also gave us some fruit tree seedlings that we planted in our various homes,” she said.

A visit to Mangochi Palm Forest, and Jembya in Chitipa indicates similar progress in the forest restoration drive by NBM Plc.

According to Mangochi forestry assistant, Ellah Minthanje members of the community from five villages have been in the forefront taking care of the 6000 Coconut, Palms, Mbawa, and Ngongomwa trees that were planted in the forest on a space of 210 hectares.

“The response has been good from the communities. Together we are able to regenerate Mangochi Palm Tree Forest through enrichment planting, spot cultivation, fire breaking, screening, brushing, singling and other activities funded by NBM Plc.”

“The restoration activities have also benefited the community in various ways, including improvement of their livelihoods through wages they get after doing the work, and we also anticipate nutritional boost through the fruit trees they have been given to plant in their respective homes,” she explains.

Apart from the forest restoration to create a sustainable environment, the NBM plc project also ensures the livelihood sustainability.  

While in Mangochi and Jembya people opted for wages and fruit seedlings to sustain themselves, in Dedza community members asked to be given livestock like goats which they share rotationally.

“Through the program, we have started keeping the animals which is part of empowering us financially as we will be able to sell some and even for our food at home,” Gogo Mpinganjira says.

Felister Jeremiah, Chairperson of Tikondane group, which comprises women around Mangochi Palm Forest taking care of the trees, highlights some of the benefits from the project.

“Personally, I have a child in Secondary school whom I am able to support financially. We also have women in our group who are able to support their families from something we get from taking care of these palm trees, we call them ‘Mgwalangwa’ in Chiyao. We no longer struggle to get firewood as women because we have the trees at home,” she says.

In Jembya, Komani Mtonga says they have managed to plant 32, 000 seedlings on a 500-hectare land.

“We are making great progress here. We just want to appeal to the Bank to ensure funding is made faster so that we facilitate the weeding process to avoid the bush fires,” explains Mtonga.

An environmentalist, Maloto Chimkombero commends NBM plc for the initiative saying the corporate world needs to invest more in environmental restoration.

“Companies are important stakeholders in environmental conservation as they play a crucial role in supporting and implementing various environmental projects as part of Corporate Social Responsibility drives.” 

“So far, most companies are trying their best as we have seen companies adopting the management of forests and also supporting tree planting activities in various communities of the country,” says Chimkombero.

NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa says the Bank through its corporate social investment (CSI) understands its role in contributing to a more sustainable future in environmental conservation as they support Government efforts on the same.

“This is a huge investment and as a Bank, we take pride in how we have managed to restore the forest, and our impact on the people’s lives as they work to restore the forests around them as we strive to achieve the Malawi 2063 Agenda,” says Hiwa.

Former RBM Governor Dr Kabambe to Deliver Public Lecture on Industrialization at Catholic University

Former Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor Dalitso Kabambe is set to deliver a public lecture this afternoon at the Catholic University in Nguludi, Chiradzulu.

The lecture will focus on the urgent need for a paradigm shift in Malawi’s development framework to achieve industrialization and sustainable development.

“I am a strong believer that Malawi has the ability to realize its full potential and build a more prosperous future for its people by focusing on industrialization and taking a more comprehensive approach to development,” Kabambe wrote on his Facebook page.

The lecture comes as Malawi marks 60years since becoming a Republic, with Kabambe noting that the country has retrogressed on its industrialization agenda.

“Malawi desperately needs a paradigm shift in its development framework to industrialize,” Kabambe emphasized.

The event will be live on Times TV, Times 360 Facebook page, Times Radio, and MIJ FM.

Dr. Kabambe is fondly remembered by all Malawians for bringing stability to the Malawian economy, which resulted in low prices of basic needs and services.

During his time at Reserve Bank of Malawi, he managed to reduce inflation rate to a single digit within the first year from 24% to 7.1% in 2017 and effectively managed to keep the exchange rate stable at the rate of K 732 to the US$, and turned around a projected loss of K 4 billion to a profit in the excess of K60 billion.

DPP’s Bright Msaka Awards Young Spelling Bee Champion


Member of Parliament for Machinga Likwenu Constituency, Bright Msaka, has awarded 6-year-old Fyness Kadawati, a Standard 3 learner at St. Theresa Catholic Primary School, K100,000 for her outstanding achievement in the 2024 National Spelling Bee regional finals.

As Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President responsible for the Eastern Region, Msaka presented the award to Fyness at the school, commending her remarkable talent and dedication to education.

The award recognizes Fyness’s impressive achievement as the youngest speller to qualify for the regional finals, showcasing her exceptional language skills and potential for future academic excellence.

Msaka’s gesture aims to motivate and encourage Fyness to continue excelling in her studies, setting a positive example for her peers.

The event highlights the importance of supporting young learners and investing in education, aligning with Msaka’s emphasis on Early Childhood Development (ECD) education as a crucial foundation for advancing the nation’s educational progress.”

Mzanda Luhanga win NBS Bank May Golf Mug


Golfers Chipiliro Mzanda and Ulemu Luhanga beat a field of over 50 golfers to emerge winners of the Men’s and Women’s categories in the NBS Bank May Golf Mug played on Saturday at the Country Club Limbe.

Mzanda came top with a gross score of 84 and a net of 72 in the men’s category, while Frank Jomo came second with a gross score of 81 and a net of 73 and Khumbo Mkandawire was third with a gross score of 84 and a net of 74.  

In the women’s category, Luhanga scored a gross of 92 and a net of 71 to scoop the first position, while Sophie Mlumbe with a gross of 97 and net of 75 came second and Zitta Rodrick came third Gross of 84 and a net of 79.

Issa Mmadi won the seniors category. The winners were presented with a trophy  and K250,000 each.

Mzanda was elated with his win.

“Getting to the golf course today, I approached the course with some positive energies and I planned my game. I started from hole number 5 with a par from four metres, which was a big motivation. I got two birdies and played level. It was a great feeling,” said Mzanda.

On her part, Luhanga said she had an amazing golf round on the course.

“I had a lot of boogies and a few pars, my drivers carried the day as I also got the longest drive, and as always NBS Bank delivers, their prizes and trophies are always top-notch. I am appealing to ladies out there to come and join this sport it’s good for networking,” said Luhanga  

NBS Bank Head of Corporate Frank Nakoma said they organize Monthly Mugs tournaments as one way of interacting with their clients while helping in uplifting the game of golf.

“Apart from motivating the golfers through the prizes that we gave them, we have also donated K1 million to the Country Club so that they can fix the golf course,” said Nakoma.

Castel Cup is back bigger!

… Sponsorship raised to K400 million 

Leading alcoholic beverage producers in the country, Castel Malawi Limited has affirmed its sponsorship of Castel Challenge Cup by hiking the package to K400 million from K320 million.

Castel Malawi introduced the football cup last year and after a successful run, the company has come back bigger, with this season’s launch set for Champions Stadium at Mponela in Dowa on Saturday. 

The company’s Head of Corporate Marketing and Communication, Lavern Chitakata officially announced the hike at Mpira village in Blantyre on Monday when, together with the Football Association of Malawi (FAM), conducted the draw for the first phase which involves teams from lower leagues from the Southern Region.

Chitakata expressed optimism of having a more successful season than last year where more talent was unearthed in the remote areas.

“From what we have learned from last season, we are aiming at growing the game even bigger. As announced, we are going to launch this edition in Mponela. It is another remote area, but we are trying to reach out to more regions and more districts. We will also have another kickoff here in the South and the other one in the North.”

“So as much as we are kicking off this weekend, there are two more games that we are kicking off in all the regions to make sure that people understand that we have come into the regions and we are moving forward,” said Chitakata.

Southern Region Football Association (SRFA) Chairman, Raphael Humba, promised fireworks from his teams in this competition.

“We are very grateful to Castel Malawi for bringing back the competition. We are expecting a lot from our teams and we are hoping to achieve more than what we achieved last season. We had Lipulumundu FC that faced FCB Nyasa Big Bullets at the national level and this season, we are looking past the Round of 64. With an improved package, we are expecting our teams to work hard and achieve more,” he said.

Apart from 16 super league teams, 99 teams from lower leagues will participate in this year’s competition. 

MAGLA donates K200 million relief items to Mangochi flood victims

The  Malawi Gaming and Lotteries Authority (Magla) has given Mangochi Municipal Council 5, 000 bags of maize flour and other relief items worth K200 million to support people of Mangochi district who have been affected by flash floods.

In an act of benevolence to mankind and as a matter of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Magla’s donation was given out as quickfire response to appeals of  cries of the affected people in the district after rising water levels in Lake Malawi and its only outlet, Shire River over-stream flowed and subsequently destroyed the people’s households, livestock leaving tens of thousands displaced and destitute.

Apart from the 5,000 bags of 25 kgs maize flour, the betting regulator also donated 50 tents to those who need shelter and also social cash transfer of K50,000 to 500 people to alleviate the suffering of the people in the district.

Magla Director General, Rachel Mijiga, speaking after presenting the donation to the Mangochi Municipal Council said: “Our aim is to help relieve the victims’ suffering following the natural disaster. We were told that some relief items that were donated by the Department of Disaster and Management (Dodma) did not reach out to everyone, so we are here to fill up the gaps. We sympathize with the people who are going through hard times as a result of the flash floods.”

Mijiga said they visited Mangochi not as just representatives of an organization, but as fellow human beings moved by the plight of ‘our brothers and sisters affected by the recent floods in Mangochi’.

“The devastating floods have not only taken a toll on our homes and infrastructure but have also deeply impacted our spirit and resilience. In times like these, it is crucial for us to come together as a community, to support and uplift one another. It is in this spirit of unity that we at MAGLA have mobilized resources to provide relief items to those affected by this disaster,” said Mijiga adding that the relief items will be distributed to affected people around Mangochi boma all the way to Cape Maclear.

Receiving the donation on behalf of the beneficiaries, Traditional Authority Mapira thanked Magla for the timely donation, saying the relief food will cushion the suffering of the people.

“I thank Magla for the maize flour. My subjects are going through a difficult time. They lost everything to the floods and rising lake waters. They need help, and this donation will go a long way in easing the suffering,” he said.

Mangochi Municipal Council representative Kenneth Chimombo said: “The maize flour will ease the council’s burden in taking care of the victims, some of whom are seeking shelter in public facilities. We are grateful to Magla for this timely donation.”

“We hope other companies will follow Magla’s gesture of good will to come here and donate more basic needs items,” Chimombo added.

About 3,090 people from 525 households along the lakeshore have been displaced by the flooding caused by the swelling lake.

MAGLA is a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament charged with the responsibility of licensing of Gaming and Lotteries in the country.

The organization has the power to regulate all gaming and lottery activities and is tasked to undertake some ancillary and operational functions associated with these principal roles.

MAGLA was formed from a merger between Malawi Gaming Board (MGB) and National Lotteries Board (NRB).

The Authority’s mission is to regulate the Gaming and Lotteries industry to promote a positive social economic impact.

MITC award excites NBM Development Bank

NBM Development Bank Limited, a subsidiary of National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc, says the recognition by the Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC) Malawi Exporters Award  in the Best Financial Services category confirms its commitment in ensuring growth of the country’s SME Sector and economy. 

NBM Development Bank Limited was recognized alongside other companies during the opening session of the 34th Malawi International Trade Fair by President Lazarus Chakwera at Chichiri Trade Fair Grounds recently. 

According to the Bank’s General Manager, Bernard Masi, the Bank provides debt and equity capital to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) within key target sectors and has served a lot of Malawian SMEs who have now grown their business and contributed to the economic development of the country in various ways.

“NBM Development Bank Limited is the development finance institution licensed by the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) to serve the SME sector. It is one of the few institutions in Malawi which provides funding to business start-ups. NBM Development Bank Limited prides itself as the ‘game changer’ in SME finance in Malawi and has been operational since 2019.”

“With this award, we are greatly encouraged to do more to revolutionize the SME landscape in Malawi and we are very pleased to have achieved this milestone after only operating for four years” he said 

Recently, Executive Director of Uromed Clinic in Lilongwe, Dr Thandie Mabedi described the Bank as phenomenal after financing her idea of opening a Urology clinic in the city.

“What we had then was an idea to have the clinic offering specialized services, but we didn’t know how to raise funds as all the Banks could not fund us without any track record but  when we reached out to NBM Development Bank, they appreciated our idea and provided the financial support which included buying hospital equipment. We are now expanding to a bigger clinic, while offering jobs, and serving a number of people across the county,” she said.

Apart from Uromed, the Bank has also financed other export and import substitution SME businesses in Malawi.

LWB exonerates itself after CDEDI invoked ATI Actauction over the sale of Hino 500

…demands PPDA to suspend all public auctions on disposal of public assets


CDEDI Director Namiwa on duty

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has challenged the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority (PPDA) to immediately suspend all public auctions involving disposal of public assets, pending due diligence of all auctioneers amid strong fears of nauseating corruption and fraud in the auctioneering sector.

This follows the recent public auction at the Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) administered by KADO auctioneers and general which raise eyebrows as there are concerns over flouted procedures.

In a press statement made available to this publication, CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa has since urged well-meaning Malawians to join in earnest the fight against corruption by blowing the whistle, and calling out those destroying the country through perpetrating fraud and corruption, especially dealing directly in public assets disposal.

Namiwa has also proposed the establishment of a special body to enforce standards and ethics in the countrys auctioneering sector to curb corruption and fraud.

The calls by Namiwa are necessitated by revelations that the situation in the auction sector has been worsened by the fact that the nation and, in particular the PPDA, focuses more on procurement, neglecting the equally important aspect of disposal of the assets, thereby giving some auctioneers chance to do as they please with public property earmarked for disposal.

The CDEDI Boss has therefore ernestly urged government ministries, departments and agencies to immediately stop dealing with KADO Auctioneers until it clears its name on this matter.

“In view of the above, CDEDI feels, in the interest of the public good, the PPDA should immediately stop KADO Auctioneers from administering any public auction until this particular matter is resolved,” he said.

Namiwa says though declared obsolete, most public assets have economic value that usually end up benefiting a privileged few instead of the nation, notably the poor majority whose lives could be saved with proceeds realised from public auctions if they did not end up fattening pockets of auctioneers and those connected to them as often happens.

“It is in view of this that CDEDI has taken keen interest in recent developments surrounding the disposal of an LWB Hino 500 truck, registration 5 SC 53 after receiving multiple complaints stemming from a public auction held at the LWB head office on April 27, 2024, where a number of items, including the Hino truck cited above were sold purportedly in the spirit of the PPDA Act,” said Namiwa.

And in reaction to the complaints, CDEDI has invoked the Access to Information Act (ATI) and wrote LWB Chief Executive Officer Silli Mbewe, demanding disclosures on how KADO Auctioneers were appointed to conduct the public auction, documents that facilitated the removal of the truck [5 SC 53] from LWB premises to the winning bidder.

“We also requested LWB to make public the Terms of Reference under which KADO Auctioneers was engaged and that they make public the LWB General Receipt (GR) as proof of payment and justification of K10 million said to have been the winning bid offer for the truck [5 SC 53], to which they promptly responded.

While commending LWB CEO for a prompt response, that denote commitment to transparency and accountability on the part of the CEO, Namiwa, called upon public servants to emulate the Silli Mbwewe.

According to the concerned bidders there was procedural flows that raised eyebrows over the matter insist that KADO Auctioneers violated some public auction laid down procedures.

For instance, there is a general outcry that the falling of the hammer on the Hino 500 truck (5 SC 53) happened in an irregular manner.

“They, in fact, claim that there were bids as high as K15 million but, surprisingly, the vehicle was given away to a K10 million bidder. It is further alleged that after noting the above anomaly, KADO Auctioneers arranged to re-auction the vehicle on May 11, 2024 to allow selected nine bidders make fresh bids yet it already issued both the notification to pay and a bid certificate in favour of Mr. Fabiano Mneyi on April 30, 2024,” narrates Namiwa.

There are also reports that on the proposed date for re-auctioning the vehicle, a Mr. Fabiano Mneyi, stormed LWB premises in the company of police officers with a warrant of arrest for a Mr. Samuel Kazembe.

In a dramatic turn of events, Mr. Mneyi, through a letter dated May 15, 2024, withdrew his case against Mr. Kazembe for understandably issuing a gate-pass allowing the removal of the truck, 5 SC 53 from LWB premises.

“If the story above is anything to go by, we at CDEDI fear that the above matter, which has all markings of suspected corruption and fraud, is only a tip of the iceberg; otherwise, there is a lot happening behind the scenes in the pretex of disposal of public assets through auction,” he said.

But in its response letter, LWB has insisted that the auction followed all the procedures.

TNM promotion, Tikolore to boost agriculture

Pioneering Malawian mobile network services provider TNM Plc has launched its 2024 season of Tikolore, a promotion that celebrates the harvest season with farmers and provides inputs for the next season.

This year’s grand prize is a brand-new Toyota Hilux pick up while the other prizes such as inputs of fertilizer and water pumps have been carefully selected to help boost the farmers in the coming farming season.

Said Marketing Director Sobhuza Ngwenya; “Tikolore promotion reflects TNM’s strategy towards contributing to the country’s agriculture sector. In a year when El Nino which brought drought and reduced output, the importance of irrigation agriculture and related energy technologies needs no further emphasis.”

He said as a technology-driven company, TNM Plc recognizes that agriculture technology and mechanization represent the new future of Malawi’s agrarian economy.

“TNM being a technology-driven company appreciates the need to collaborate with our customers to contribute towards improving crop yields through the Tikolore Promotion,” said Ngwenya.

In recent years the promotion has been an effective tool that strengthens the relationship between TNM and Malawians, in the process highlighting TNM’s commitment to the economic development of the country.

The Marketing Director said the Tikolore Promotion demonstrates TNM’s appreciation to customers for choosing the company as a trusted telecommunication provider.

“The essence of this promotion lies in our deep-rooted commitment to appreciate and celebrate our customers as they rejoice after the growing season. This is a tribute to their resilience and unwavering spirit, which fuels our journey toward sustainability and prosperity,” said Ngwenya.

Customers will have the chance to participate in this exciting promotion with every K1000 usage on TNM products or Mpamba each week. Another option to enter is to refer 3 customers to register on Mpamba and that becomes an entry into the lucky draw. The entry will qualify them for weekly and monthly draws where they have chances of winning fabulous prizes.

“With transactions of K1000 a week on TNM services, customers will earn entries into the weekly and monthly draws. This will be a build up to the grand prize draw, where one lucky winner will drive away with a brand-new pickup truck, perfectly suited for rural adventures and farm hauls. Other prizes include Water pumps, Gas Stoves, Fertilizer, and TNM products,” he said.

NBM Plc splashes K9 million ‘Popanda Chifukwa’

Listed National Bank of Malawi (NBM) has splashed K9 million to 14 lucky winners to mark the end of the ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ promotion. 

The Bank conducted the grand draw on Friday in Blantyre, which saw four lucky customers walking away with K1.5 million each for transacting through POS and MoPay, while 10 others won K300,000 each in the K60.8 million promotion.

‘Popanda Chifukwa’ promotion was launched in December last year and ended in April to promote the usage of NBM Plc’s digital platforms like Mo626 Pay (MoPay), and POS machines.

The four grand winners are Agness Matapa, Ernest Amon, Trizah Phiri, and Doris Malazi Malikita.

NBM Plc Head of Digital Financial Services William Kaunda, said the promotion served as an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the loyalty of their customers who continue to choose NBM Plc as their preferred financial partner.

“Our esteemed MoPay merchants will not be left out. The top five with the highest number of transactions will receive a special gift pack of NBM-branded materials, appreciating their valuable contribution to this promotion.”

“During the promotion period, we are pleased to announce that we have achieved our objectives in terms of transaction value and number of transactions that grew by 36 percent and 55 percent respectively,” said Kaunda.

The final draw included the April monthly draw which saw 30 winners walking away with gift packs, while 40 lucky customers received 50 percent cash back and three others got K150,000 each.

TNM Mpamba, MASM upgrade payment system

Blantyre, May 26, 2024 –TNM Mpamba Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of TNM plc is proud to announce the upgrade of its payment system with Medical Aid Society of Malawi MASM aiming to enhance the convenience of their mutual customers.

The innovation is a continuation of innovative strides by TNM Mpamba Ltd to deepen financial inclusion and further widen scope of the country’s mobile payment ecosystem. It will enable instant and automatic updates of payment subscriptions made directly on Mpamba.

TNM Head of Brand and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi said that with the new payment upgrade, transactions on Mpamba are processed instantly, allowing real-time updates on premium statuses of customers.

“TNM Mpamba has a steadfast commitment to simplifying transactions and enhancing customer experiences. Therefore, together with MASM, we have made a comprehensive payment upgrade aimed at revolutionizing the way health premium transactions are conducted,” said Jonazi.

This upgrade, according to TNM will revolutionize the way MASM customers access and manage their health insurance contributions ensuring greater accessibility and efficiency.

“At TNM we understand that we are living in a fast-paced world where convenience and efficiency are paramount, especially for the healthcare sector. Gone are the days of lengthy processing times, as such the upgrade has eased efforts for both MASM and policyholders,” he said.

Commenting on the development, Dr Macfenton Shariff, Chief Commercial officer at MASM has expressed enthusiasm about the positive impact of the payment upgrade.

“At MASM, we are happy to see our partnership with TNM Mpamba blossoming impactfully to our valued customers. This latest payment upgrade represents a significant step forward towards redefining the landscape of health insurance transactions, making them more accessible, efficient, and secure than ever before,” said Shariff.

He added that with TNM Mpamba, when MASM members make their monthly contributions, the payments will automatically update their MASM membership account.

This is convenience at your doorstep right in the comfort of your home and there is no need for proof of payment as has been the case previously,” he said.

Zeze, Saint, Piksy to spice up Trade Fair

Malawi’s celebrated artists Zeze Kingston, Saint Realest, and Piksy will headline this year’s Malawi International Trade Fair set for May 23-29 at the Chichiri Trade Fair grounds in Blantyre.

According to the organizers of the Fair, Malawi Confederation of Chambers Commerce and Industry (MCCCI), the artists have been engaged to hype up the 34th Fair which President Lazarus Chakwera opened Thursday.

MCCCI Communications Executive, Orama Chiphwanya said all the artists have confirmed to perform at the event, starting with Saint Realest on Saturday, while Piksy, fondly called ‘Chimfana chodziwika ndi Boma’ will take over the stage on Sunday, and Zeze on Wednesday next week.

“The exhibition will showcase various industries and sectors that exemplify the private sector.

From manufacturing and technology to agriculture and value-added services, the 34th MITF will provide a platform for local and international delegates and exhibitors to connect, collaborate, and explore new business opportunities.”

“To enhance the experience of our participants this year but also to help our exhibitors boost their brand visibility, generate leads, and directly engage with potential customers, MCCCI will hold some contest promotions where patrons will stand a chance to win prizes by completing specific actions, apart from having the three celebrated artists performing live,” said Chiphwanya.

The ‘Una’ star, Saint Realest confirmed his availability to dish out tracks from his recently-released album Ah Yami.

“As usual, we are ready to entertain the people at the Trade Fair with our music. All they can do is just avail themselves to appreciate the products to be displayed at the Fair while enjoying the performance,” said Saint.

The 34th Fair will run under the theme, ‘Boosting Malawi’s Export Capacity through Enhanced Production.’

NBS Bank Plc equips staff on data protection 

NBS Bank Plc has taken a significant step in ensuring its members of staff are equipped with data privacy information skills by training them about the just-assigned Data Protection Bill.

NBS Bank Plc Head of Compliance Vitumbiko Gubuduza said in an interview yesterday that the aim of the training is to familiarize staff members with the newly enacted Data Protection Act and instill confidence in the market regarding the Bank’s proactive stance on customer data protection.

“This initiative underscores the Bank’s commitment to safeguarding customer information and ensuring compliance with evolving regulatory frameworks. The training will also help staff to know how to handle customer information as they make sure internal processes comply with the new bill.”

“The staff members are central to data privacy and key stakeholders. We cannot proceed to comply with a law before we make sure our staff understands the requirements under the law and ensure that our internal processes are updated for seamless compliance. They must therefore understand the demands of this law,” said Gubuduza.

She added that the initiative by NBS Bank Plc demonstrates its proactive approach to compliance and underscores its commitment to fostering trust and confidence among its customers.

“By investing in staff training and aligning internal processes with regulatory requirements, the Bank is poised to uphold the highest standards of data protection, thereby strengthening its position as a responsible financial institution. NBS Bank Plc’s dedication to data protection sets a precedent for other organizations to prioritize the protection of customer information and embrace regulatory changes as opportunities for improvement and growth,” explained Gubuduza.

Limbe Service Centre Manager Twaibu Mnani said the training helped them understand how to handle customers’ personal information.

“The introduction of the Data Protection Act will assist in building trustworthy relationships with customers. We have been taught how to appreciate customers’ privacy by among other things never to take photos unnecessarily unless with consent from customers,” said Mnani.

The Data Protection Act received presidential assent from President Lazarus Chakwera in February this year and aims to establish a comprehensive legal framework for regulating the processing and movement of personal data of natural persons, in line with internationally accepted data protection principles.

In February this year, President Lazarus Chakwera assented to the bill seeking to provide for a comprehensive legal framework for regulating the processing and movement of personal data of natural persons, in compliance with internationally accepted data protection principles.

NBM Plc bankrolls Beerland Festival with K15 million

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has pumped K15 Million in the Beerland Fesktival which will feature South African Amapiano superstar Young Stunna this weekend in Blantyre.

In her speech after presenting the symbolic cheque, NBM Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa said the support aims to enhance the nation’s cultural fabric, promote economic activities, and provide a platform for electronic banking services to reach a broader audience.

“We are thrilled to announce our sponsorship of K15 million towards the Young Stunna event, reaffirming our commitment to fostering community ties and promoting our innovative electronic banking solutions.”

“As a leading financial institution in Malawi, National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc is committed to supporting initiatives that drive community engagement and cultural development,” said Hiwa.

She added that at the event, more than 28 merchants are expected to participate by selling a variety of items and utilizing NBM plc’s MoPay and PoS systems as their primary modes of payment, which showcases the convenience and efficiency of NBM plc banking services.

Beerland Festival Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Lucy Msowoya thanked NBM plc for their generous sponsorship. 

“This incredible support not only highlights National Bank’s commitment to fostering cultural and entertainment excellence in Malawi, but also strengthens our shared vision of creating unforgettable experiences for our community,” said Msowoya.

Apart from the sponsorship, NBM plc will also splash K3.5 million cash prizes to customers using MoPay and Mo626 platforms during the show and when purchasing tickets.

Local artists sharing the stage with Young Stunna at Moneymen Ground this Saturday include Onesimus, Gwamba, Eli Njuchi, Malinga, and Temwah.

Mai Mbambande hails Dr Triephornia Mpinganjira for buying fundraising tickets worth K1.9million

Mai Mbambande Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of senior citizens, has expressed its heartfelt gratitude to businesswoman Dr. Triephonia Thomson Mpinganjira for her generous support.

In a post on their Facebook page, the foundation wrote: “A big thank you to Dr. Triephonia Thomson Mpinganjira for buying 30 VIP tickets and 20 Standard tickets for our upcoming fundraising dinner amounting to K1,900,000. Words are not enough to express our gratitude for your relentless kindness toward our cause of making life better for our senior citizens. May God bless you richly.”

The fundraising dinner, scheduled for May 31st at the Glalle Complex in Lilongwe, aims to raise funds for the completion of the Mai Mbambande elderly home. The event promises to be an exciting evening with live music, dances, drama, and games with the elderly.

Dr. Mpinganjira’s generosity has not gone unnoticed, with the foundation’s leader, 24-year-old Deborah Mbale, expressing her appreciation for the business tycoon’s support.

“We are grateful for your kindness and support. Your contribution will go a long way in making a difference in the lives of our senior citizens,” she said.

The Mai Mbambande Foundation is a beacon of hope for the elderly, providing them with food, accommodation, and other basic necessities. The organization’s efforts have made a significant impact in the lives of many senior citizens, and with the support of individuals like Dr. Mpinganjira, they hope to continue making a difference.

As the foundation wrote on their Facebook page: “Zikomo koopsa. Mai Mbambande Foundation, a Beacon of Hope for the elderly.”

Dr. Kabambe to be Guest of Honour at Tamandani Chauta Album Launch in Zomba, also attends Mass at Zomba Cathedral

Dr. Dalitso Kabambe, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi, will be the Guest of Honour at the launch of Tamandani Chauta’s album by the UNIMA CSO Choir at Robins Park in Zomba today.

According to Dr. Kabambe’s Facebook post, he will attend the launch after attending Mass at the Zomba Cathedral in the morning.

“It is so good to be in the House of the Lord… and let’s meet at Robins Park this afternoon to sing unto the Lord,” he wrote.

The album launch will be hosted by award-winning comedian Mr. Jokes (born Andireya Khonyiwa) and will feature supporting artists and several performing choirs, including UNIMA CSO Alumini Choir, St. Charles Lwangwa Choir, UNIMA CCAPSO Choir, St Anthony Choir (Thondwe), Zomba Cathedral Choir, UNIMA NNASCO Choir, and Zomba CCAP Choir, among others.

Dr. Kabambe’s presence at the launch is expected to add a touch of elegance and dignify the event, which promises to be a memorable one for music lovers in Zomba.

The launch of Tamandani Chauta’s album is a highly anticipated event in the music circles of Malawi, and with Dr. Kabambe as the Guest of Honour and Mr. Jokes as the host, it is expected to be a resounding success.

Dr. Kabambe is fondly remembered by all Malawians for bringing stability to the Malawian economy, which resulted in low prices of basic needs and services.

During his time at Reserve Bank of Malawi, Dr. Kabambe managed to reduce inflation rate to a single digit within the first year from 24% to 7.1% in 2017 and effectively manage the exchange rate, keeping it stable at K732 to the US$.

His achievements have left a lasting impact on the country’s economy and have made him a respected figure in Malawi’s financial sector.

Pacers Netball Club Excites Sponsors Ecoride with Resounding Victory


Pacers Netball Club, sponsored by Ecoride, thrilled their backers with a dominant 49-22 win over Standard Sisters in their inaugural match in the Blantyre and Districts Netball League on Saturday.

Ecoride CEO Pilirani Namalomba praised the team’s exceptional skills and teamwork, saying, “We’re delighted to see our sponsored team start the season on a high note.”

Comprised of MUBAS graduates, Pacers Netball Club received brand-new kits from Ecoride as part of their sponsorship package. 

This partnership benefits both parties, with Ecoride’s support enabling the team to focus on their game while their success brings exposure and pride to the Ecoride brand.

With this convincing win, Pacers Netball Club sets the tone for a promising season ahead, and Ecoride’s backing is sure to propel them to even greater heights. 

Ecoride are the brains behind Acoride Taxi App which connects Taxi Drivers and Customers.

The Blantyre and Districts Netball League is sponsored by Rainbow Paints.

Hip-Hop Artist Tay Grin Slams Magu University for Cancelling Performance Due to Cultural, Religious Intolerance

International award-winning and Iconic Hip-hop Artist Tay Grin, born Limbani Kalilani, has expressed profound disappointment and concern after Malawi Assemblies of God University (Magu) cancelled his scheduled performance at the institution’s Mr. and Miss Magu event. 

The university’s Vice Chancellor cited that Tay Grin’s music is rooted in Nyau culture, which is deemed incompatible with the institution’s Christian values as an Assemblies of God affiliate.

Tay Grin has spoken out against the decision, emphasizing the importance of cultural inclusivity and respect for diverse heritage.

 In a press statement posted on official facebook page, he said, “How can a church-affiliated institution, which should embody principles of inclusivity and acceptance, choose to segregate and censor cultural expression? This decision is not only baffling but also deeply troubling.”

The artist, known for his pride in his Nyau heritage, highlighted the irony of the situation, stating, “The event features a traditional section meant to celebrate our diverse heritage. This blatant contradiction exposes a troubling double standard that warrants serious reflection and discussion.”

Tay Grin called upon his fans and supporters to join him in advocating for cultural inclusivity, emphasizing that culture and tradition are the bedrock of identity. 

He urged, “Let’s question why certain traditions are celebrated while others are shunned. Let’s challenge the norms that seek to divide rather than unite.”

The artist’s statement resonated with his fans, who took to social media to express their support and solidarity. 

Many condemned Magu University’s decision, labeling it as intolerant and discriminatory.

Tay Grin’s message of inclusivity and respect for cultural diversity has sparked a broader conversation about the importance of embracing all cultural expressions, regardless of religious affiliations. 

As he aptly put it, “Let us stand together in advocating for a world where all cultural expressions are honored and respected.”

Tay Grin’s statement has sparked a wider conversation about the relationship between religion and culture in Malawi. 

While Magu University’s decision has been criticized for its intolerance, other churches in Malawi have been embracing and celebrating local culture.

For example, the Catholic Church in Malawi has a long history of incorporating local culture into its practices. The Mua Mission in Dedza, a renowned Catholic mission, is a prime example. 

The mission has been promoting and preserving Malawian culture through its museum, which showcases traditional artifacts and artwork. 

The mission also encourages local artists and craftspeople to showcase their talents, providing a platform for cultural expression.

Furthermore, the Catholic Church in Malawi has been incorporating local languages and customs into its liturgy, making it more relatable and accessible to the local community.

 This approach has helped to promote a sense of ownership and inclusivity among the faithful, demonstrating that religion and culture can coexist and enrich each other.

In contrast, Magu University’s decision to cancel Tay Grin’s performance has been seen as a missed opportunity to promote cultural understanding and inclusivity. 

By embracing and celebrating local culture, institutions like Magu University can play a vital role in promoting national identity and unity.

ICTAM Best Digital Bank award elates NBM plc

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc says it is motivated to grow their digital services delivery following the Best Digital Bank recognition by Information Communication Technology Association of Malawi (ICTAM) for the second successive year at the 2024 ICT Expo in Lilongwe last weekend.

NBM plc’s Head of Digital Financial Services, William Kaunda said the Bank values the award coming from the astute professionals who are knowledgeable with the inner workings of digital services.

“This award is a testament that the Bank is able to utilise the available environment to offer the best to its customers. We believe that digital services ought to be at the centre stage of the Malawi 2063 Agenda and the Malawi Digital Economy. As such, we believe that, as a Bank, we have to be responsive to the agenda by not only making sure that digital financial services are entrenched in our communities but also ensuring that communities are digitally and financially included.”

“To this effect, various programmes have been aligned to ensure that new, focused products and services are rolled out to provide a platform for such. From mobile, to internet, to cardless, to ATMs, to card services to POS, to international card use, we stand unmatched,” said Kaunda.

He further indicated that the award challenges the Bank to do more and continue to offer the best on the market.

Kaunda with the award

“The award is also expected to cement the deserved position of digital banking services being offered by the Bank. We are positive that the award, being a recognition of the strides made by the Bank, is expected to propel further the innovations currently in the pipeline so that our customers should continue to enjoy the best from the best.”

“Our customers are also expected to see a rejuvenated provision of digital banking services. Our customers should therefore look forward to more responsive digital services that bring meaning into their lives in this year and the years to come.”

“We rolled out a few products on Mo626 in the recent months that are already having an impact in the payments sector. This year, we are rolling out more customer focused products that are responding to customer financial needs,” he said.

ICTAM’s Executive Member responsible for Corporate Relations, who was also the 2024 ICT Expo organising chairperson, Moses Dossi Junior said this year’s nomination and voting was different as it was opened to the public.

“ICTAM facilitates the process of nomination and voting. ICTAM puts across the categories and the reason, so that the general public should be guided. This time, we opened to the public to nominate and vote for their best digital bank with reasons, and NBM plc was voted to be the winner,” he said.

Kalemba opens K89 million church

By Petro Mkandawire

Blantyre, May 13, Mana: Right Rev. Bishop for the Anglican of Southern Malawi, Alinafe Kalemba, on Sunday led members of St. Andrews Anglican Church, popularly known as Kachere Chigodi, in the opening of an K89 million newly built church whose construction started in 2018.

Speaking during the event at Kachere Township in Blantyre, Kalemba encouraged the Anglican faithful to take the church as a spiritual entity, symbol for heaven and centre for stress relief.

He said churches need to agree and come together in order to bring solutions to problems and suffering people are going through.

“There are a lot of things that are distracting and causing harm to people. So, churches must be a place and centre where people can easily find unity, harmony and peace as it is the purpose which God created the church for,” said Kalemba.

He, therefore, expressed gratitude over the new structure, saying the house should not be a business institution instead it has to be a house for everyone who wants to find the holy spirit, repent as well as receiving their needs from God.

Kalemba blessed the new altar by sprinkling holy water followed by Wardens and Chairperson of the organizing committee, Venerable Lymon Sonjo, together with John Bande, Member of Parliament for Blantyre City East, who was also the guest of honor, in blessing the church.

The litany for all saints was recited all over the church and a special prayer from the book of Chronicles 7:1 – 10, Mark 11:15 and John 4:23 marking the church a Holy building as all bishops offered incense to it.

Speaking earlier, Bande said construction of the church shows that the congregation is development conscious.

He said, apart from serving God the savior, the community were indirectly contributing towards government efforts in making sure that the country’s infrastructure is of good quality.  

“I would like to encourage church members that this should just the beginning; the work of God starts from here as you plan to reach out to other people so that they can hear the word of God and also be blessed as they repent as well as receive the holy spirit,” said Bande.

Drama and music by Ndirande Anglican Voices, Chichiri Anglican Angels, Chigodi Praise Team were some of the activities that spiced up the event while singing recessional Hymn No. 294.    

NBS Bank Plc supports Malawi-India meeting with K3.1 million

NBS Bank Plc has sponsored the Malawi-India meeting with K3.1 million to provide a networking session for the Indian delegation on a seven-day visit to explore investment avenues in Malawi.

Speaking during the meeting on Wednesday, NBS Bank Plc Deputy Chief Executive Officer Temwani Simwaka said the Bank recognizes MITC’s relentless efforts in promoting international trade aligned with Malawi’s Vision 2063.

“NBS Bank Plc is proud to contribute towards this vision by facilitating economic connections that transcend borders. At NBS Bank Plc, we recognize the critical role of robust financial services in catalyzing business growth and economic development.”

“Let NBS Bank Plc be your partner in this journey. At NBS Bank Plc we exist to make banking easy therefore we are more than just observers of growth; we are enablers of growth, dedicated to making cross-border business as straightforward as possible,” said Simwaka.

She added that NBS Bank Plc offers comprehensive corporate banking solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses here today.  

In his remarks, MITC Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Paul Kwengwere thanked NBS Bank Plc for the support which signifies the Bank’s commitment to promoting trade and investment in Malawi.

“NBS Bank has been a partner of MITC for many years. The K3.1 million sponsorship further cements our collaboration. NBS Bank Plc is a partner helping us focus on advancing and implementing the National Export Strategy II (NES) through strategic investment partnerships,” said Kwengwere.

Malawi’s High Commissioner to India Leonard Mengezi, commended MITC for orchestrating the forum, affirming its role in nurturing business synergies between the two nations.

“MITC’s initiative in organizing this forum underscores the importance of fostering robust partnerships between Malawi and India. There are ample opportunities awaiting exploration in Malawi, and I encourage our Indian counterparts to venture into these promising sectors,” said Mengezi.

Mengezi is leading the 34-member Indian delegation interested in investing in healthcare, agro-processing, textile manufacturing, assembling computers, cement manufacturing, fertilizer manufacturing, defense cooperation, and mega-farms.

The Indian delegation includes members of the India Africa Trade Council, an arm of the Indian Economic Trade Organization (IETO).

Standard Bank enhances Funeral Plan cover

By Michael Nasiyaya

Standard Bank Plc has announced improvements to its Funeral Plan cover by extending the offering to Malawians in the diaspora and introducing the additional benefit of tombstone cover on its new VIP and Diaspora plans.

The latest improvements to the offer emphasize Standard Bank’s commitment to serve customers throughout all stages of life, including during the unfortunate demise of an insured member or any dependent covered under a funeral policy. The “Last Mile to Lasting Memories” cover is replete with a tombstone after a year of the funeral and extends to the bank’s customers in the diaspora.

Charity Mughogho, the Executive Head of Personal and Private Banking said the improved funeral plan offer comes in three new packages of Premium, Diaspora Gold and Diaspora Platinum and is offered in partnership with Nico Life.

“Our funeral plans aim at relieving bereaved families of the financial burden of managing a funeral and the subsequent tombstone cost at the one-year anniversary.

The Bank is also aware that for most Malawians it is customary to erect a tombstone at the one-year anniversary and we want to walk every step of the journey with our clients hence the addition of tombstone at this significant milestone,” she said.

Mughogho said the improvements to the Funeral Cover speak to the bank’s commitment to provide a holistic service to customers beyond daily financial transactions.

“We realize that after the last mile for our insured clients and their dependents, the remaining family members are left with the obligation to build a befitting final resting place for their loved one which includes a tombstone that provides full dignity and preserves fond memories.

This cover has been designed to cater for this need, while converging all customers groups in Malawi and abroad,” she said.

Mughogho said Standard Bank fully appreciates the emotional strain and logistical hurdle families face when repatriating the remains of loved ones.

The two new Diaspora Funeral Plans (Diaspora Gold and Diaspora Platinum) come with higher limits to make repatriation easier for bereaved families.

The improvements to the funeral cover are testament to the Bank’s dedication to providing innovative and comprehensive solutions for Malawians both home and abroad, she said.

The Premium and Diaspora Funeral Plans are an addition to the suite of the bank’s funeral packages designed to cater to the special needs of customers seeking a complete and dignified farewell for their loved ones.

“The Premium Funeral Plan stands out as a comprehensive offering, tailored to provide an elevated level of support and comfort during a challenging period.

“With our unwavering commitment to customer-centricity, Standard Bank has accurately designed this plan to offer not only financial coverage but also personalized assistance to bereaved families,” said Mughogho.

The premiums range from MK1,400 per month for Mtendere Funeral Plan for a family of up to eight members to the newly enhanced top of the range Premium Plan at MK30,000 for six members and Diaspora Funeral Plans.


There is something that our esteemed journalists are not telling us about the dropped case involving Vice President Saulos Chilima.

We needed a critical analysis of facts and circumstances surrounding this case which has a huge bearing on ACB’s credibility as an institution expected to advance interests of justice.

Indeed by now legal scholars and indeed those versed with expertise in the criminal justice system should have helped to make matters clearer.

From where I stand this is a classical case in which the ACB has completely failed it’s duties. It only has itself to blame. The ACB narrative that it is committed to fight corruption, under the current leadership, is as fake as Bridgin Foundation’s $6.8 billion grant to Malawi.

Here is my reflection:

Politically Motivated Arrest

From the word go, the ACB did not have to arrest Chilima. It was politically motivated.

Did they really have to arrest the Veep? I say no a summon was enough. Here is someone second in command and surely not a flight risk – an arrest was not necessary. Prior to the arrest, both MDF and Police were notified of the assignment. They were deployed in full force. ACB staff members and World Bank staff at Mulanje House which houses the Bureau’s HQ were asked not to report for duties on that day. Why all this fuss? ACB would unlikely ask for deployment of military and police. Someone did. It was all a show to embarrass number 2 as part of a power contest within Tonse Alliance.

Why the arrest in the first place when a summon could have done? It was a show to vilify Chilima.

Mind you the arrest came just few months after the President illegally withdrew delegation of powers from his Vice even when he had said the report from the ACB did not show any wrong doing on the Veep. This was a substandard report according to the President. But he used the same to withdraw delegation of functions.

Do you see what I see?

Do you know that the Veep was the first person the Bureau arrested after an amendment to the law that allowed the Bureau to effect arrest without seeking consent from the DPP for CPA related offences in relation to Zunneth Sattar linked cases?

Secondly, the framing of charges was as suspicious as the arrest itself. He was accused of receiving $280, 000 but later dropped to simply say unspecified amount of money and another was added breach of public trust. Geez!

The change came almost a year after the arrest. It was after the Bureau realized the defence led by Kalekeni Kaphale were up to the task to defend their client from the politically motivated arrest.

If it were in South Africa and other advanced democracies the mainstream media would have a party of scathing analyses. It is about accountability for some decisions.

Court Process

Unlike other suspects such as Kezzie Msukwa, George Kainja and others, the Veep never challenged his suspicious arrest. He believed in the judicial process as the only way out. He followed even the stupidest of bail conditions which required him to report to the Bureau just to ascertain them he was around. It was a shock to the court especially for someone who is under police guard 24/7. The bureau submitted to the court that they didn’t trust the police. The same police they deployed to arrest Chilima. Justice Kapindu refused to buy this line. It was amateurish. Nonsensical.

Chilima religiously attended to all court proceedings without an excuse.

Then came the issue of disclosures from MDF; the revealing documents. The documents literally showed that the contracts Chilima was accused of influencing were approved months before by the President himself.

ACB told the court that it had trouble to get these disclosures from MDF. Defence had to push the state to provide these through the court.

It was at this time that the script started falling apart. The masterminds were now nervous; the truth would be known. It was at this time that two radio stations that had volunteered to broadcast proceedings – potentially to expose the suspect withdrew their application to do so. They were advised not to proceed because the script had backfired. Such broadcast would embarrass the mastermind.

Since then the national security card has been advanced to protect real culprits.

Why the Discontinuance

When Justice Kapindu ruled that the disclosures may be needed later in the court of trial, the mastermind was troubled. They saw danger.

But Kapindu had also indicated that the documents were indeed sensitive and if the state wanted to pursue the case then it had to sacrifice what they wanted to protect or better still drop the case.

Then came the US travel ban that did not include the Veep. The US is on record to have indicated that it’s decision to ban the four was based on credible information.

So there was no credible info against the Veep? Exactly, that was the meaning.

What did we see? Veep delegated to Tanzania to attend the Union Day on behalf of the President. What a coincidence. Was this some guilty conscious?

And then the case is discontinued!

I would applaud the current Director for Public Prosecution for this thoughtful decision. This arrest was unnecessary. Let politician fight on political podiums to outdo each other not the courts. Former DPP Steve Kayuni wanted to stop this nonsense but was vilified and labelled a ‘corrupt one’. For simply different with the ACB boss – a warrant of arrest was issued against him. Typical abuse of power. Using the bureau to fight personal battles?

Politically motivated cases are a huge drain to public resources. We need to avoid this. More importantly, we need to interrogate decision making processes at ACB. It shouldn’t be a weapon to fight political opponents. Just how did the bureau arrest the Veep for influencing award of contracts in MDF when he does not have any powers in MDF transactions? To have influence you need have power over an institution.

While I commend our esteemed Journalists for a job well done in covering these cases, I still feel more should be done to contextualize issues and expose the-behind the scene manipulation of the Bureau which is costly to taxpayers.

NBM Plc re-affirms growth in Mozambique, Zambia

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has re-affirmed its growth strategy plan to expand to two more countries in Africa as a way of penetrating the cross-border market. 

Last year, the Bank unveiled its five-year strategic plan, which included penetrating into Mozambique and Zambia on top of acquiring Akiba Commercial Bank in Tanzania.

Speaking at this year’s Stakeholders Engagement session in Lilongwe Monday, NBM plc Board Chairperson, Jimmy Lipunga said so far the Bank has made great strides in establishing the business in Mozambique. 

“As part of our growth, we discovered that we can penetrate other markets across the borders, just like other Banks got into Malawi. We realized that there is an opportunity to market our products which are not available in other countries, like Mo626 and others. So far, we have made great progress and we will soon be announcing our first move to one of the African countries,” said Lipunga.

On the performance of Akiba Commercial Bank, the NBM plc Board Chairperson disclosed that the Bank’s performance has been improving with the greatest one being last year when its loss reduced to less than K1 Billion as compared to the previous year when it was slightly over the amount. 

“When we acquired Akiba Commercial Bank, we knew we would be making losses because we wanted to grow the Bank. Over the past years the aim has not been making profits, but growing it. We are glad that we are now seeing the fruits,” he said.

NBM plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Macfussy Kawawa also highlighted his optimism on the turn-over strategy at another associate company United General Insurance Company (UGI).

It was indicated during the engagement meeting that UGI has also made strides in reducing its losses to about K26 million from a billion the previous year. 

“So, the main aim of the engagement session was for us to interact with our customers and share our growth plan and what we have achieved so far, so that we are on the same path in whatever developments take place within the Bank,” said Kawawa. 

One of the stakeholders, Semacia Kombe commended NBM plc for the stakeholder’s engagement session saying that gives them an opportunity to provide feedback on other operations by the Bank. 

“Being a stakeholder and a shareholder, I need to know how my Bank is performing. I therefore commend NBM plc for their transparency in how the Bank is being run,” she said. 

The engagement session was attended by various stakeholders including majority and minority shareholders.

NBS Bank Plc gives K24 million to MUST underprivileged students 

NBS Bank Plc has supported four Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) underprivileged students with K24 million.

The donation falls under the Bank’s scholarship program which was implemented to empower the youth by enhancing their secondary and tertiary education.

NBS Bank’s Head of Treasury Sales, South,  Dindwase Jere said the Bank did not hesitate to help when approached, because of its passion for youth development and the promotion of education.

“As NBS Bank Plc one of our core areas for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is education, so this request came as a no-brainer. We are also making inroads on the business front and we look forward to a long fruitful relationship. We thank MUST for offering this opportunity for partnership,” said Jere.

MUST Vice Chancellor Professor Address Malata thanked NBS Bank for the support which she said will go a long way in shaping the student’s future.

“Students face a lot of challenges, that is why as a university we make efforts to ensure they have the required resources. You may wish to know that we also introduced the MUST Endowment Fund so that we are able to deal with such challenges at the University level,” said Malata. 

The donation is intended to cater for the tuition fees, as well as the upkeep of the students for their duration of studies at the University.

NBM plc engages stakeholders

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc customers have been accorded another chance to interact and learn more about the Bank’s products at a Stakeholders Engagement forum to be held on Monday at Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe.

This will be the second forum for the Bank to conduct following a successful session in Blantyre last year.

NBM plc Head of Legal Services and Company Secretary Zunzo Mitole said they expect another successful Stakeholders forum building from last year, and that customers will be able to provide the needed feedback to the Bank.

“This session will showcase the Bank’s accomplishments, introduce latest initiatives, and outline strategic focus for 2024 and beyond. The event serves as a crucial platform to gather insightful feedback and strengthen relationships with stakeholders,” Mitole said.

One of the invited stakeholders Gilbert Ganiza expressed excitement saying NBM plc should be engaging with its customers regularly.

“We normally have issues including complaints and suggestions on how our Bank can improve on some services, but we lack platforms where we can do that. Sometimes we also wish to know how our Bank is growing and the strategies it has put in place to achieve such growth, but we do not have such opportunities because of limited time during the Annual General Meetings,” he said.

During last year’s engagement meeting, the Bank took time to expound its growth strategy, including expansion to two more African countries.

NBS Bank commits to supporting groundnut farmers

NBS Bank Plc has committed to supporting local farmers and stakeholders within the groundnut value chain in the country.

The Bank’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Kwanele Ngwenya made the commitment at a cocktail party during the Pyxus Agriculture Malawi 2024 Groundnut Tour, which NBS Bank supported.

The Groundnut Tour, took place from 16th to 19th April 2024 in Lilongwe and surrounding districts, showcasing Malawi’s growing groundnut industry and to foster collaboration amongst the key players and stakeholders, thereby pushing the discussions around a robust agricultural future.

In his remarks at the cocktail, Ngwenya commended Pyxus for its relentless efforts in researching and promoting groundnut production.

“Pyxus has been instrumental in advancing agricultural practices in Malawi. These initiatives not only bolster Malawi’s economy but also reduce our dependence on imports and enhance our export capabilities, thereby strengthening our foreign exchange capacity.”

“The groundnut sector holds vast potential for the Malawian economy. NBS Bank Plc is committed to fostering this growth by supporting our farmers and stakeholders within the groundnut value chain. We offer specialized lending programs, risk mitigation tools, and digital banking solutions tailored to meet their unique needs. Our objective is to empower them to enhance productivity and connect with local and international profitable markets,” said Ngwenya.

In his remarks, Pyxus Managing Director Ronald Ngwira commended the Bank’s long-standing relationship with Pyxus and also disclosed that the ‘Caring Bank’ was the first commercial bank to support them.

The event was graced by Minister of Trade Sosten Gwengwe, Principal Secretary Christina Zakeyu, Pyxus Regional Managing Director for Africa Anthony Park,  officials from the British High Commission in Malawi, and other senior Government officials and international delegates. 

DPP-UK Wing Elects New Leadership

…Vows to oust Chakwera, bring back APM

The Democratic Progressive Party’s UK wing has elected a new slate of office bearers, with Dr. Kennedy Bashan Nkhoma taking over the helm as Chairperson. 

The election took place during the wing’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on April 28, 2024.

Dr. Nkhoma, who joined the DPP-UK wing in 2017 and previously served as Coordinator, has vowed to work tirelessly to remove the Tonse Alliance administration, led by Lazarus Chakwera and the Malawi Congress Party (MCP), from power. 

He blames the current government for perpetuating corruption and nepotism, which he believes has caused suffering for many Malawians.

In his acceptance speech, Dr. Nkhoma thanked his predecessors, Dr. Neza Chatuwa and Lewis Kamundi, for their dedication and charity work, including fundraising for flood and COVID-19 victims in Malawi. 

He also pledged to build on their legacy and work towards restoring the DPP and President Arthur Peter Mutharika (APM) to power.

The new leadership team includes Ken Mjojo as Vice Chairperson, Tim Duncan as Secretary General, Camden Kadzunguza as Treasurer General, and Goodson Saiwala and Marvin Chirupani retaining their positions as Strategists and Communications Director and Events Director, respectively. 

Tinali Alfezema was elected Public Relations Officer.

Dr. Nkhoma promised to outline his vision for the DPP-UK wing and its mission to oust the Tonse Alliance administration through upcoming interviews with various media outlets. 

The DPP-UK wing is determined to bring about change and restore glory to all Malawians by ushering in a new era of leadership under the DPP and APM.

K9 million up for grabs as NBM Plc wraps up ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ Promotion

Hiwa-We formed personal bonds with our customers

Four lucky winners are expected to walk home with K1.5 million each while 10 others will walk away with K300,000 each following the closure of National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ Promotion on Thursday.

 During the promotion period, hundreds of customers and non-customers have won  various monthly and instant prizes.

The ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ promotion was launched in December last year aimed at promoting the use of NBM Plc’s digital platforms such as Mo626 Pay (MoPay), and POS machines to pay for goods and services.

The Bank is set to hold the grand draw of the promotion in early May. This draw will see four lucky winners share K6 million in cash prizes with each being K1.5 million richer while 10 others will get K300,000 each.

NBM Plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa said the promotion not only helped the Bank create traction on MoPay and POS usage, it has also provided a platform for continued direct engagement with audiences in Malawi’s four regions.

“The NBM plc team engaged with both customers and merchants during ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ activations in Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mzuzu, Mangochi and Zomba, resulting in the provision of valuable feedback, increased uptake in both merchants and customers and, most importantly, an opportunity to form personal bonds with our targeted stakeholders,” said Hiwa.

She added that all of the ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ promotion draws have been held in ‘the market’ and not ‘in the boardroom’ and that the Bank is set to conduct the final draw.

One of the lucky customers, who won K150,000 in the February monthly draw, Rennery Dzama commended NBM Plc for the promotion.

“Since Covid-19 time, I use my card or transact using NBM’s digital platforms. To me, it is normal using the platforms, until one Friday I got an alert of the ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ cashback of K150,000. It felt so good as it was a real surprise. I instantly went to town to shop for goods ‘popanda chifukwa’,” she narrated.

Apart from the grand draw winners, so far, the promotion has seen nine people winning K150,000 cash each, while 120 others got 50% cashback up to the maximum of K75,000.

Ninety other lucky customers and top five merchants during each monthly draw took home gift packs with NBM Plc branded novelties. The total amount of the promotion hit K60.8 million.

Salty water contributes to broken boreholes in Nsanje


The Pacific Limited a firm currently repairing for free broken boreholes in Nsanje district has cited high water salinity levels in the district as a major factor contributing to broken boreholes in the district. 

The company’s borehole rehabilitation project Team leader, James Nsusa has told Malawi voice that for instance out of over 40 boreholes the firm has lined up to repair in Nsanje Central Constituency for free, almost half of them broke down due to the challenge of saline water . 

“The situation is really contributed to the wearing out of most borehole spare parts mainly the pedestals, pump heads, rods etc, there by rendering most boreholes unusable”, said Msusa. 

He added that as a solution to the challenge, the firm has resorted to using galvanised and stainless steel borehole spare parts in all the boreholes they are repairing instead of steel parts. 

On his part Nsanje, district water development officer, Chikumbutso Herema also acknowledged the challenge saying authorities in the district have been encouraging communities facing the challenge to be contributing little amount of money for them to be repairing the worn out spare parts every three months which he said most communities are unable to. 

Parliamentarian for Nsanje Central Constituency, Kafandikhale Mandevana in whose area the firm is currently carrying out the free borehole maintenance works said the challenge has been forcing him to be facilitating for the changing of the borehole spare parts every two years a development which he said has was costly . 

Currently the Pacific Limited has rehabilitated over 200 boreholes in Nsanje out of the 300 boreholes it has earmarked to repair while in Zomba the firm has repaired about 300 boreholes out of the of 500 boreholes it has lined up.

The Pacific Limited has renovated over 7,000 boreholes since 2015.

Wellness Centre in second Back Pain awareness week

After the first ever Back Pain awareness week in November last year, Beatitude Naturopathy and Wellness Centre has organized another week-long Backpain awareness and alignment sessions where people with persistent back pain will be treated using naturopathic methods.

The Centre’s Director Francis Malunga said in an interview yesterday that the awareness week will run from 22 April to 26 April 2024 from 7.30am to noon at their centre at Manase in Blantyre.

“When we first conducted the first Back Pain awareness week in November last year, we had overwhelming response and we promised that we were going to do another one hence the second Back Pain awareness week we are having from Monday next week,” said Malunga

He said the Wellness Centre will offer free lectures to people who have back pain issues apart from treating them.

“We will have a back alignment procedure for those with back pain using naturopathic methods. They will only need to pay a registration fee of K20,000 otherwise we will not be charging for the actual treatment of the back pain,” said Malunga.

Malunga distinguished naturopathy and wellness from hospital care citing the former provides respect for the healing processes of nature while empowering the individual to take responsibility for their own health process.

“We are aware that some people have gone outside the country to have back pain surgeries which have not been fully healed, we recommend that these people should patronize the back pain awareness week, we can be saving a lot of forex if we do these procedures here in Malawi using naturopathic methods,” said Malunga.

One of the people who attended last year’s awareness week Peter Kachepa said it was worthwhile as he had his back problem sorted within a day.

“The tips and lectures that they gave us were also helpful because one knows what to do when he or she notices the signs and symptoms. I would encourage those with back pain issues to attend the awareness week,” said Kachepa.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) about 620 million people suffered low back pain in 2020 and it is estimated that the number will increase to 843 million by 2050 adding that low back pain is the single leading cause for disability worldwide and it is a condition which many will require rehabilitation.

Beatitude Naturopathy and Wellness Centre recently relocated from Balaka to Manase, Blantyre to serve more people who were looking for naturopathic treatment.

Update the nation; CDEDI challenges IT professional body! Malawians have a right to know what went wrong!



CDEDI Director Namiwa on duty

The mouth piece for the voiceless, Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has penned Information, Communication and Technology Association of Malawi (ICTAM) to update Malawians on the outcome of interface meeting held with authorities regarding passport crisis. 

CDEDI is requesting for an update on the basis that the passport crisis is a human rights issue, since it hinges on the right to free movement, economic activity, education, health

and by extension life.

“Therefore, Malawians expected a lot from ICTAM. In view of the above, it is our belief that you will agree with us that in the interest of transparency and accountability, ICTAM ought to update the nation on this matter of national importance,” reads the letter from CDEDI addressed to ICTAM President Clarence Gama. 

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa in the letter highlights that the follow up on the matter, especially at this hour, is important considering that ICTAM made a public undertaking as a

professional body to help in the current passport crisis, stemming from the crushing of the Passport Issuance System (PIS) designed by Techno Brain, through the Built Operate and Transfer (BOT) agreement. 

According to Namiwa, now that there are reports that government had contracted a new passport supplier, there is need for an explanation from ICTAM if the state acting on upon its (ICTAM) recommendation to engage a completely new supplier.

Namiwa is also requesting for a timeline as to when should Malawians expect the assessment report of the system and how does the association justify its silence, given that it was engaged on March 8, 2024. 

“Let ICTAM explain to the inquisitive Malawians as to whether we have a parallel structure or ICTAM helped the DICS to recover the old system.

Thus far, you may wish to know Sir, that ICTAM’s decision to zero in on the passport crisis excited millions of Malawians since they trusted the association would give unbiased detailed account and a timely intervention,” says Namiwa. 

Initially ICTAM wrote the Director General for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services (DICS) offering to help.  But due to conflicting interests, the patriotic gesture was shot down.

However, in his televised national address, President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera invoked his executive powers to grant ICTAM its wish through directing that after conducting a thorough analysis of the ‘hacked’ PIS, the association should furnish the President’s office with a report.

Namiwa says Malawians are still looking forward to reading the much awaited report, which will help the citizenry that double as voters and taxpayers, to exercise their right to know, let alone have first hand information on what really went wrong, from a trusted professional body whose expertise and independence cannot be questioned. 

Meanwhile ICTAM Tsar is not picking up our phone calls as we tried to get his side of the story. 

Tecno Brain Limited contract was terminated by the Malawi Government but Malawians were still proud users of an e-passport, two years after the contractor left unceremoniously in 2021.

Standard Bank Plc appoints new Head of Marketing       


LILONGWE, 16th April 2024—Standard Bank Plc is proud to announce the appointment of Ms Tamanda N’gombe as our new Head of Marketing with effect from April 1, 2024.

Tamanda brings to Standard Bank Plc a wealth of experience spanning 16 years in Integrated Marketing and Communications Strategy, Customer Experience and Engagement, Sales and Brand Management. She takes over from Ms Nyambura Chege who worked in Malawi for two years before relocating to Stanbic Kenya Plc.

Prior to joining Standard Bank Plc, Tamanda was the Head of Marketing at NBS Bank Plc and before that worked in related capacities at FedEx, Gestetner and Blantyre Water Board (BWB).

Following her appointment, Chief Executive Phillip Madinga said; “We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Tamanda to the Standard Bank brand. We are confident that her leadership and experience will inspire innovation and elevate our Marketing game to greater heights.”

Tamanda holds a Master of Philosophy in Corporate Strategy from Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) of the University of Pretoria, a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (BBA) from the University of Malawi, The Polytechnic (now MUBAS) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), UK.

Nyale Institute clarifies on access to safe abortion law  

The news of pregnancy is mostly accompanied by joy, but this is not always the case. There exist circumstances where such news brings not celebration but concern – particularly when the health or life of the pregnant girl or woman is at stake.

In Malawi, before colonialism, termination of pregnancy was traditionally acceptable among women who would manage unwanted pregnancies using local herbs for termination.

However colonial influence introduced penal laws which intertwined with religious doctrines to prohibit abortion, and eventually overshadowed the traditional practices. Yet, the traditional practices have not been extinguished. They just went underground.

Speaking in an interview, Nyale Institute’s Executive Director, who is also a lawyer and scholar on sexual and reproductive justice, Dr. Godfrey Kangaude, stated that while termination of pregnancy is restricted by law, it is essential to understand that it is not an absolute prohibition.

Specifically, termination is permissible when the life or health of the pregnant woman or girl is endangered.

“Recognizing this aspect of the law is crucial as it may prevent women from resorting to unsafe methods of abortion, risking their lives in the process.” said Dr. Kangaude

According to Dr. Kangaude, 141,000 women induce abortion every year and out of those about 500 die from unsafe abortions.

“It is sad that among these are women and girls who had they known that they are eligible for legal abortion would have accessed safe termination of pregnancy at a public facility provided by trained and skilled professionals using the appropriate standards of care.”

This legal interpretation of the abortion law was affirmed in a recent court case where the High Court of Malawi explained that termination of pregnancy is legally permissible when performed to preserve the pregnant girl’s or woman’s life. Further, the preservation of life includes both physical and mental health.

Meanwhile, the recent communication from the government of Malawi to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights reaffirms the position that termination of pregnancy, is in some cases is legally permissible, under the laws of Malawi.

According to the communication, women who seek an abortion because the pregnancy is a threat to their health or life should consult a doctor to address the situation in terms of the Malawi Ministry of Health’s Post Abortion Care Guidelines.

Nyale Institute has applauded the government’s clarification of the abortion law, because it empowers women facing risky pregnancies, to access care at public health facilities, where they can receive appropriate care rather than use unsafe methods for terminating pregnancy. This is consistent with Malawi’s obligations under national and international law.

However, Nyale Institute as a member of the Coalition for the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion (COPUA) continues to champion the full review of the abortion law, to comprehensively address the needs of girls and women who seek termination of termination of pregnancy for various reasons.

 “The Termination of Pregnancy Bill is important because it would address challenges where the current law is falling short”, said Dr. Kangaude.

Nyale Institute is a nongovernmental organization established in 2013 to advance sexual and reproductive justice.

TNM brings innovation to curb mobile money fraud

…Introduces Sim Swap Exemption Feature on Mpamba

TNM Plc, Malawi’s pioneering mobile network and ICT services provider has unveiled a Sim swap security initiative which is designed to protect customers from mobile money fraud.

The new measure gives TNM customers the ability to permanently opt their numbers from being swapped at agent points.

Head of Brand and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi said that the initiative is significant as it enhances customer security in the drive for financial inclusion and growth of the digital money economy.

“At TNM we are glad to see a remarkable increase in the usage of our Mpamba mobile money platform. Millions of customers are using Mpamba, therefore, we have enhanced features to ensure that customers are well secured on the platform. This is a positive development in the drive for financial inclusion in the country,” he said.

Jonazi said digital money fraudsters have been a stumbling block in the growth of mobile money usage.

He further said that fraudsters tactically swap numbers and get access to people’s digital money platforms and steal funds.

“Despite our investment in various digital finance technologies, we are still facing a digital money fraud challenge. Therefore, we believe the new feature will alleviate the challenge that our customers face,” said Jonazi.

TNM customer can access the transformative feature through USSD code and TNM Smart App.

“To access the feature, our customers need to dial *7777# and follow the instructions to exempt their sim cards from being swapped and safeguard their numbers permanently from any exploitation. The innovative service is also available on the TNM Smart App,” said Jonazi.

TNM has made an assurance of more innovations around Mpamba platform to maximize security of customers and motivate the usage of digital transactions.

FDH Bank, MUBAS signs MoU on Graduate Start-ups program

FDH Bank and the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences( Mubas) have signed a long-term Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will see the Bank supporting final year students with business start-ups.

FDH Bank, in 2021, initiated a business entrepreneurship concept dubbed ‘Graduate Start-ups’ targeting Mubas final year students to finance their entrepreneurial ideas and concepts.

The Bank and Mubas officials signed the MoU on Tuesday in Blantyre, where the Graduate Start-ups program will set up a Trust Fund for the sustainability of the program.

In her presentation to the final year students, FDH Bank Senior Manager for Strategy Potamira Kumpumula took them on the processes that could qualify them for financing which include forming groups of like-minded individuals of four to seven to develop innovative and viable business plans that solves real economic problems by also identifying viable marketing opportunities.

After developing the innovative ideas and business plans, the graduates are to present the plans to a special taskforce consisting of  FDH Bank and MUBAS financial experts which will scrutinize them and offer guidance where loopholes are identified, according to Kumpumula.

“Once the business concept is approved, the bank will guide the beneficiary groups through a financial mentorship programme before being granted the loan at subsidized 5% interest, with a one-year repayment holiday.”

“The loan shall not be deposited into the beneficiaries’ bank accounts but FDH Bank shall be paying for costs of the assets and other needs directly to suppliers up until their businesses become self-sustaining,” said Kumpumula.

FDH Bank Deputy Managing Director George Chitera who championed the program back in 2021, impressed on the final year students to think outside the box and not to just expect to be employed because the employment opportunities are shrinking.

“Malawi is poor because we do not produce, we need to change our mindset and start producing because as long as we are not exporting, we shall remain poor. We should not rely on the government to produce goods for exports, it is up to us as citizens to be innovative by creating companies that produce and at the same time create jobs.”

“All these corporate companies we have were born out of the entrepreneurship concept. It is not easy to create a business plan but every challenge has got a solution,” said Chitera.

In her remarks, MUBAS Vice-Chancellor, Nancy Chitera described the program as unique and in line with the MW2063 national vision of Inclusively Wealthy and Self-Reliant Nation as it calls for a shift in focus on entrepreneurship.

“Our partnership with FDH Bank is growing into something very economically huge that involves young minds to be part of the process enshrined in the MW2063 vision. We must utilize all opportunities by solving any challenges that can be met. Mindset change is not just dreaming of getting a job but to become an employer,” said Chitera.

Five business ideas were identified as viable and were taken up for further mentorship and assessment which led to one business, Rise and Shine Primary School in Mulanje to be successfully launched in 2022 with the help of the Bank.

High Court Agrees MDF Docs Sensitive; Proceed to Public Trial or End Case

The High Court in Lilongwe has today cautioned in advance that in the event that disclosures being sought by the defense in the Vice President Saulos Chilima corruption case will be admissible for public trial, the state will have to make a choice to proceed with prosecution or end the case.

In his ruling today, Justice Kapindu, however, said it is premature for the defence to seek some of the disclosures from the State at this stage when trial hasn’t commenced. The court also ruled that, indeed, some of the documents are highly sensitive in nature to be made public.

The Judge however, made it crystal clear that if during the trial such sensitive documents will prove to be relevant to fair trial for the accused, then the State, through the Anti -Corruption Bureau (ACB), will have to decide whether to have such sensitive information disclosed in open court or discontinue the case.

“The State will have to decide either to proceed or disclose the documents or terminate the case in the interest of national security,” said the Judge.

The Judge said the right to fair trial is paramount and that therefore if during trial, the documents will prove to be relevant it will be upon the state to make them public or discontinue the case.

AG, Lead Lawyers from ACB and Defence to view Documents

To appreciate the court’s observation that the documents being sought are indeed sensitive, the Judge has directed that defense team lead lawyer, the Attorney General (AG ) and ACB lead lawyer will be allowed access on *”only see basis”* of the sensitive documents.

The said viewing will take place in the chamber where the custodians of the documents, the MDF, will show the documents to the team next week.

What are these Sensitive Documents? Among others, they include:

  1. Minutes of the Defence Council

These minutes, held on 16 October 2020, allegedly authorising the procurement of armoured personnel carriers (APCs), therefore disaproving any element of influence by Vice-President Chilima as accused.

2. Memo to President Chakwera

A Memorandum to President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, seeking authorisation to procure APCs from Malachite FZE, a company linked to Sattar, using single sourcing.

3. Memo from President Chakwera to MDF

A memorandum from the President, responding to the request from the MDF Commander.

MDF Questions How Chilima Knew about the Documents

Making his last pronouncements today, Justice Kapindu ruled the MDF out of order for questioning how Vice President Chilima was made aware of the documents yet he is not a member of Defence Council.

The Judge said the accused person being the second most powerful person is privy to such information because of the position he holds.

Defense Requests One More Disclosures

The defence has today further requested one more disclosure from the state, an MOU between UK’s National Crimes Agency NCA and the Anti-Corruption Bureau ACB, which defense lawyers said the document in question was made available to other ongoing Sattar related cases except the Dr. Chilima one.

The court will reconvene on 3rd May 2024 for way forward.

NBS Bank opens executive and private banking suite in Zomba

Simwaka (right) explains to customers about the new executive wing as Chief Operating officer Shadrick Chikusilo (left) looks on

NBS Bank Plc has taken the executive and private banking services to Zomba Service Centre following the opening of the third executive and private banking suite on Thursday evening.

Speaking during the opening of the facility, NBS Bank Plc Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) Temwani Simwaka said the Bank is geared to bringing tailor-made banking solutions to all customers.

“Executive and private banking is specific banking for top executives, people running their own businesses, senior officers both in companies and government. The idea is that they are busy people, and therefore for them to come to bank it becomes difficult, so they are offered relationship banking in their personal capacity, not as the institution where they are working.”

“When they come through, they come straight to the suite and they also have their own teller, they will be able to meet the private banking manager, and they can also do banking on our digital platforms,” said Simwaka.

“Private banking also offers wealth creation, so we will also have conversations especially when one works and is energetic, they also have to plan for the future. As a ‘Caring Bank’, we are geared to bringing tailor-made banking solutions to all our customers,” added Simwaka.

Mayor for Zomba City, Dave Maunde commended NBS Bank Plc with a promise to embrace the facility.

“Zomba is a growing city, it is therefore an honour to discover that we are a third place to have such a facility. Being a city which has lots of private and government departments, we needed this kind of facility for our executives,” said Maunde.

The other NBS Bank executive and private banking suites are in Lilongwe and Blantyre.

EASTER MESSAGE: Dr. Kabambe encourages Malawians to hold onto their faith, insists better days are ahead

Former Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) Governor Dr. Dalitso Kabambe and his spouse Brigitte have encouraged Malawians to keep their faith in God amidst economic crisis, saying better days are coming.

The patriotic Dr. Kabambe and his spouse issued the message of hope in their Easter message to the Christian community and the entire Malawians.

“This year’s Easter celebration is taking place at a critical time when our country is going through some social and economic challenges, whether it be poverty, inequality, or political instability.

“However, I encourage all of you to hold onto your faith and trust that better days are ahead,” said Dr. Kabambe, in a statement posted on his official Facebook page.

The statement further reads: “Fellow Malawians, let us keep remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity and to draw strength from his example of perseverance and resilience.

Just as Jesus emerged victorious from the grave, Malawians too can overcome their challenges and achieve greatness through faith and unity.”

Dr. Kabambe then called upon Malawians to practice love, compassion, and forgiveness in their daily lives; “Mirroring the teachings of Jesus who taught us to reach out to those in need, to support on”

Dr. Kabambe is fondly remembered by all Malawians for bringing stability to the Malawian economy, which resulted in low prices of basic needs and services.

During his time at Reserve Bank of Malawi he managed to reduce inflation rate to a single digit within the first year from 24% to 7.1% in 2017 and effectively managed to keep the exchange rate stable at the rate of K 732 to the US$, and turned around a projected loss of K 4 billion to a profit in the excess of K60 billion.

Dr Kabambe’s vast knowledge and experience has pitied him as one of the presidential hopefuls who is ready to stir the country towards social and economic prosperity from 2025 and beyond with a promise of nothing but the best economy.

NBM Plc ladies donate to Dwangwa flood victims

Chirwa (left) handing over a food pack to Chithabwa (centre)and a beneficiary, while NBM official Elwyn Sambo looks on

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc ladies at the weekend donated various items worth approximately MK6.5 million to families that were affected by floods at Dwangwa in Nkhotakota last month.

Speaking when they handed over the items at Dwangwa camp, one of the NBM plc Ladies and Coordinator of the Initiative Enala Chirwa said the ladies within NBM Plc were touched by reports and documentaries on the catastrophes that befell the people of Dwangwa and decided to collaborate and do something to help. 

“Through this initiative, ladies working with NBM Plc contributed and purchased items worth approximately K6.5 million. Among other items, we have procured family packs. In each pack, there is 10kg flour, 2kgs rice, 2kgs beans, 2kgs Sugar, 1Kg Salt, tea leaves and  some soap tablets,” said Chirwa.

One of the beneficiaries, 66-year-old Sydney Jekabu from Mbuna 2 Village commended NBM Plc ladies for the assistance saying they lost everything and the donated items will sustain them for some days as they also seek to recover from the disaster.

“I was heavily affected; I lost a house and all my belongings including foodstuffs yet I have seven children who still depend on me. It is by God’s grace that the floods came in the morning, otherwise if it was night, we could have lost a lot of people. We can now afford to eat courtesy of NBM Plc ladies,” said Jekabu.  

The camp chairperson Emmanuel Chisale said the items  NBM Plc ladies have donated will benefit 200 families that lost everything and were moved to Dwangwa Primary School camp.

Director of Human Resource and Administration at Nkhotakota District Council, Victor Chithabwa also thanked NBM Plc ladies for the donation.

“This is a welcome development. As you know, these floods greatly hit us, leading to the displacement of our sisters and brothers who also lost their property. So, this support is timely,” said Chithabwa.

Apart from the family packs, NBM Plc ladies also donated bags of maize, bags of flour, buckets, and clothes.

NBS Bank Plc celebrates Retail Banking Institute graduates

Changaya (centre) displays the certificate flanked by Chanza (right) and NBS Head of Human resources Austin Thunde (left)

NBS Bank Plc has lauded the accomplishments of 34 of its employees who have recently completed a three-month training program with the Retail Banking Institute (Lafferty), a prestigious UK-based certification body.

The bank announced that 29 of these dedicated individuals achieved Level 1 certification, while five distinguished themselves by completing the more advanced Level 3 certification.

NBS Bank Chief Retail Officer Victoria Chanza said the retail certification program is designed to deepen understanding of credit risk, leadership, brand management, asset and liability committee (ALCO), operations, and digital retail banking.

During the event set to celebrate the achievements on Friday, Chanza praised the graduates for their dedication and hard work adding that the initiative underscores NBS Bank’s commitment to enhancing the expertise and capabilities of its workforce, aligning with international standards in retail banking excellence.

“This program is not just about acquiring knowledge; it is about shaping the future of retail banking. Our graduates, with their exceptional commitment and potential, exemplify the best of what it means to lead in this rapidly evolving sector,” said Chanza.

Chanza then underscored to the graduates the importance of empathy, customer service, and community engagement in the banking industry.

One of the graduates, Gracious Changaya who is NBS Bank Southern Cluster Manager said they are expected to bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to their roles, reinforcing NBS Bank Plc’s vision for retail excellence in the banking sector.

“We will ensure we make use of the knowledge required, and probably share the knowledge with some of our colleagues,” he said.

NBS Bank Plc partnered with the Retail Banking Institute (Lafferty) to underscore its investment in employee development and its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of professional excellence.

FDH Bank Plc earmarks 150 SMEs for the US$10 million ATEX financing

Mkulichi-We can achieve this goal

FDH Bank Plc has earmarked about 150 local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to benefit from the US$10 million Africa Trade Exchange (ATEX) export trade facility.

The deal, which is the fruit of the agreement sealed by FDH Bank Plc and African Export and Import Bank (Afrixembank) signed in November last year during the Third Intra-African Trade Fairs in Cairo, will see local traders exporting their goods to African and Caribbean markets.

FDH Bank Plc Managing Director, Noel Mkulichi addressing traders and others during a breakfast engagement in Blantyre on Tuesday, said the Bank values the relationship it has with the local traders hence the need to offer the opportunity to connect them with local and international importers and exporters, fostering valuable relationships and paving the way for fruitful partnerships.

“Our sponsorship to ATEX will ensure a lot of benefits like access to the platform’s verified suppliers and buyers and discovering different products from all over Africa including supplier and buyer verification and matching.”

“You will have access to a trusted platform that offers access to competitive rates due to economies of scale reached through consolidated negotiations with sellers and services providers. There is also access to real time information on pricing, product data and seasonality, access to simplified quota information and management with clear guidelines for importers and exporters, and also preferential access to foreign currency products through the ATEX foreign currency facility,” said Mkulichi.

Mkulichi further said as a Bank that champions growth, they look at this as a great avenue for growth for the traders’ businesses and the country at large.

“The Malawi 2063 aims to transform Malawi into a wealthy and self-reliant industrialized upper-middle-income country by year 2063. We believe with these strides and continuous innovation, we can achieve this goal,” he said.

Afrixembank Senior Manager responsible for Digital Marketing Solutions, Annerose Ngemu said the platform aims at activating a lot of economic activities.

MBL Holdings Limited Managing Director, Leston Mulli commended FDH Bank Plc saying the platform offers a great opportunity for local traders to be exposed to international markets.

ATEX is a platform connected within the digital ecosystem, supporting the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement.

It is also supported through the Intra African Trade Fair (IATF) with the next one taking place in Algeria in 2025.

Israel workers to send remittances through TNM Mpamba

TNM Mpamba General Manager Christopher Sukasuka

BLANTYRE, March 27, 2024–TNM Mpamba Limited, a wholly subsidiary owned by TNM Plc has introduced a landmark service to help Malawians working in Israel send money back home through Mpamba mobile money.

The development emanates from a sound partnership that Mpamba has with Thunes Hub which onboards various Money Transfer Organizations and Mobile Network Operators for purposes of enabling the transfer of funds within different countries.

The ground-breaking service which is earmarked to enhance financial inclusion and facilitate seamless cross-border transactions, enables locals to receive money from Israel into their Mpamba wallets that will be withdrawn at any TNM agent across the country.

TNM Mpamba General Manager, Christopher Sukasuka said the company has leveraged cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships to launch a service that provides convenience in the receiving of money sent from Israel.

“TNM has in the recent past observed the developments around the Malawi labour market where locals have gone to work in Israel. As an innovative company, we have introduced the service to provide convenience, security, and accessibility when our people in Israel are sending money back home,” said Sukasuka.

The introduction of the service reaffirms Mpambas’s position as a pioneer in the fintech industry, driving innovation and delivering tangible value to Malawians across borders.

“We are thrilled to introduce this service to Malawians in Israel, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to transform financial services. This initiative underscores our dedication to empowering individuals and businesses worldwide, enabling them to transact with confidence and convenience,” he said.

Mpamba has assured customers of more innovative financial solutions aimed at improving access to user-friendly services with a focus on leveraging technology to drive positive change, redefining the future of finance in the process promoting financial inclusion on a global scale.

Castel Malawi awards 50 long serving employees

Castel MD Thomas Reynaud (standing 7th from right) with Zimba (middle) and other Castel senior managers pose with the awardees

Castel Malawi Limited has awarded 50 long serving employees across the country who have served the company between 10 and 30 years.

Speaking after awarding them with certificates and various gifts which included iron sheets, mattresses, mountain bikes, and refrigerators at an event held at the company’s head office in Blantyre, Castel Malawi Limited Human Resource and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba said the aim was to appreciate the employees’ commitment and dedication.

“It is very significant that every year we conduct this event because we would like to show them that we don’t only look at them as human resource where we are demanding their time and their energy into their different energy where they are working.”

“We want to show the staff that we appreciate them as our employees and we know that the different gifts that they have received will go to their families because we know that behind this hardworking and committed employee, there is a family,” said Zimba in an interview on the sidelines of the event.

Castel Malawi Managing Director Thomas Reynaud (right) and Zimba (left) poses with one of the recipients of the awards

“Our expectation is double fold. First, we would like to see these employees whom we have awarded to continue working hard for the company, but also, we want the employees who have just joined us or who are yet to clock 10 years and above, to emulate their example. They should work hard, be committed, respect the company policies, the disciplinary code, and the ethics policy so that they can also one day be given their awards,” added Zimba.

One of the longest serving employees at 30 years, Richard Mseteka who joined the company at 22 years of age, commended Castel Malawi for the honour while describing his journey as a roller coaster.

“I have worked with different bosses from all the three companies as Southern Bottlers Limited, then Carlsberg Malawi and now Castel Malawi. All that is required is hard work and commitment for one to survive,” he said.

Prior to the Blantyre Long Service Award function where 40 Blantyre and 2 Liwonde employees were recognized, the company also awarded 4 employees in Mzuzu and 4 employees in Lilongwe, respectively.

Castel Malawi is the largest producer of alcoholic beverages in the country, and second highest taxpayer, with a workforce of more than 700 employees.

NBM plc posts whooping K72 billion profit after tax

…..pays K48 billion in taxes

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has posted an impressive K71.96 billion profit after tax for the financial year ending 31 December 2023, representing a 56.62% profit jump.

In a statement dated 28 February and signed by the Bank’s Board Chairperson Jimmy Lipunga, Director Dorothy Ngwira, Chief Executive Officer Macfussy Kawawa and Chief Finance Officer Masauko Katsala, the Bank attributed the remarkable results to growth in customer deposits.

“The Group registered a profit after tax of K71.96b representing a 56.62% increase from K45.9b reported in 2022. These results were largely driven by growth in customer deposits which resulted in increases in the loan book and fixed income securities.”

“Consequently, Net interest and investment income grew by 33%. In addition, there was a 86% increase in Other Income mainly arising from growth in foreign exchange commissions by (99%) from K12.8b to K25.5b. Overall net revenue grew by 50%. Operating expenses increased by 25%, within the average inflation for the year. On the other hand, net impairment losses continue to increase, reflecting the realities of the tough operating environment,” reads the statement in part.

Customer deposits increased by 20% (2022: 45%) year on year while the Bank’s loan book grew by 31% (2022: 29%). Investment in Fixed Income securities grew by 10% (2022:16%), according to the statement.

The statement also shows that the group made a profit before tax of K120.13 billion and paid a total of K48.17 billion in taxes.

“All the subsidiaries of the Bank posted profits that contributed positively to the Group performance except for Akiba Commercial Bank (ACB) in Tanzania and an associate company, United General Insurance which posted losses.”

“Positive trends continue to be registered in the two entities where the results improved significantly from the previous period. Consequently, the losses registered for Akiba Commercial Bank and UGI were much lower than those of the prior period,” reads the statement in part.

Commenting on the operating environment, the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) listed Bank said the Malawi economy grew by 1.5% in 2023 up from 1.1% the previous year and was adversely  affected by the prevailing high inflation as well as continued foreign exchange supply challenges.

“The average headline inflation accelerated from 26.1% in the first quarter to 31.5% in the last quarter. Similarly, interest rates were on the rise, with the Policy rate being raised from 18% in the first quarter to 24% in the second quarter of the year.”

“The Malawi kwacha devalued by 63% between January 2023 and December 2023. Despite the devaluation, foreign exchange supply challenges persisted. Generally, the operating environment was very challenging. Weather shocks and geo-political landscape also affected the operating environment,” reads the statement in part.

NBM plc forecasts that the economy is expected to grow by 3.2% in 2024 from 1.5% in 2023 supported by an increase in public investment and recovery in mining and quarrying, manufacturing, information and communication, financial and insurance activities, and education sectors.

“The resumption of the IMF-supported ECF program is expected to unlock foreign exchange inflows going into 2024, which will in turn support importation of raw materials and promote economic activity. The positive outlook is, however, clouded by El Niño-induced weather conditions, and a highly uncertain global economic and geopolitical environment. Inflation is likely to remain elevated in 2024,” reads the statement in part.

“The Board envisages a continuing challenging operating environment due to the factors enumerated above. This notwithstanding, the Bank is expected to sustain its enviable performance through its ability to leverage on its core strengths, address challenges and exploit opportunities in the market,” adds the statement.

The Bank Directors recommend a final dividend of K23b (2023: K15b) making a total dividend of K48.0b in respect of 2023 profits representing K104.94 per ordinary share (2022: K70.67 per share). The final dividend will be payable after approval by the Annual General Meeting scheduled for June 2024.

The Bank also said a second interim dividend of K14 billion will be paid in April 2024 having paid the first interim dividend of K11 billion in September 2023.

TNM Brings Mpamba eTicketing to Super League…Pilots e-ticketing solution at Sapitwa Tournament

Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing

Blantyre, March 22, 2024–In a move to redefine the local football landscape, TNM Plc sponsors of Malawi’s topflight Super League is proud to announce the deployment of electronic ticketing (e-ticketing) for the TNM Super League.

The new solution will be available for the Sapitwa 4 tournament which involves Super League outfits Bangwe All-stars, Dedza Dynamos, FOMO and Mighty Tigers at Mulanje Park scheduled from 23 March to 24th March 2024.

This innovative step aims to enhance convenience, streamline access, elevate the overall matchday experience for supporters, and curb fraud around football arena.

According to TNM, E-ticketing marks a significant transition from traditional paper tickets to digital access, aligning with modern technological advancements and catering to the evolving preferences of football enthusiasts.

“With this initiative, fans will now have the flexibility to purchase, manage, and present their match tickets entirely through digital platforms, and eliminating the need for physical tickets,” said Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing.

The initiative underscores TNM’s commitment towards embracing innovation and leveraging technology to deliver supreme experiences to football enthusiasts in the country.

Jonazi indicated that football fanatics will have to purchase tickets to this year’s super league matches through Mpamba instead of buying with cash at stadium gates.

“As a proud Super League sponsor, TNM is thrilled to bring e-ticketing to our esteemed football fans, which is a pivotal moment in our ongoing efforts to enhance fan engagement and satisfaction.

All they need is a Mpamba account and a Khadi Mbambande debit card which they can buy on their phone and collect from any TNM shops across the country,” he said.

Jonazi emphasizes TNM’s commitment to curbing fraud, an issue hindering the growth of football industry, particularly during matches.

“The traditional practice of handling cash when purchasing physical tickets at entry points poses a lot of challenges for revenue collection such as theft of cash which leads to revenue loss and other associated problems. The e-ticketing is the most secure and convenient solution of handling football matches revenue as tickets will be bought through TNM’s digital platforms,” added Jonazi.

The initiative of e-ticketing also aligns with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Super League of Malawi (SULOM) ongoing efforts to address issues like cash theft and ticket duplication within the TNM Super League.

Apart from safeguarding of revenue, other advantages include real-time attendance tracking and prevention of fraudulent activities.

E-ticketing represents a paradigm shift in the evolution of football in Malawi, resonating with global standards of convenience and efficiency.

REACH OUT & TOUCH: Mama Prophet Linda Mbewe bails out Machinga granny, to renovate her house

Following a news media alert that circulated on social media about an elderly citizen going through tough times in Machinga District, Mama Prophet Linda Mbewe organized a quick preliminary visit on Thursday to cheer her up and also assess the kind of needs that must be met to brighten up her life.

The philanthropist, who is also wife to the celebrated Prophet David Mbewe, supported Mrs. Brown with an assortment of relief items such as maize flour, mattresses, plastic pails, bags of relish, beddings, some cash and bags of cement in readiness for the construction works that Prophet Mbewe will embark on to renovate the old woman’s house.

Speaking to the media, Mama Prophet Linda Mbewe expressed how she was moved with compassion after learning of Mrs. Brown’s situation.

“I am glad to have finally met Mrs. Brown and the Prophet and I will do all that we can to make sure that the story of her life changes. We’ve offered ourselves to let God work wonders through us,” she remarked.

Close sources indicated that Prophet David Mbewe is set to visit Mrs. Brown soon to launch the construction of her house.

World Forestry Day: Standard Bank promotes a Green Lilongwe through tree-planting drive

Nuka symbolically presents the seedlings

LILONGWE, March 21, 2024–Standard Bank Plc has pledged to step up efforts in mitigating the negative effects of climate change by promoting the planting of trees by its customers and staff in line with a commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen.

To encourage customers and staff to plant trees, the bank on Thursday designated its branches as collection points for seedlings to give different individuals better access to tree seedlings. The initiative is part of the Bank’s activities to mark World Forestry Day or World Planting Day which falls on March 21.

Speaking from the Head Office, Chief Information Officer – William Nuka said Standard Bank is determined to transform Lilongwe and Malawi into a green and environmentally vibrant landscape.

“We are determined to make our city and surrounding areas greener and environmentally sustainable. We can make Lilongwe and Malawi green if we work together. At Standard Bank, we are geared to get our hands dirty today and in coming months for a better tomorrow,” he said.

The Bank has partnered with the Lilongwe City Council for the initiative, as a key player in ensuring that Lilongwe gets a green facelift. The City Council provided 1,000 tree seedlings of 7 varieties both indigenous and fruit trees to distribute on this day.

The Chief Information Officer said, “today we successfully distributed 1,000 seedlings to customers and staff in Lilongwe through our 6 branches and service centres. This is the beginning of a larger commitment we have towards supporting the Tree planting agenda for the nation.”

“Lilongwe suffers a tree loss rate of around 17.5% which is one of the highest deforestation rates in Malawi. We must take individual accountability towards planting trees and ensure every person and household has a tree. We are a partner for every Malawian that wants to see our current climate crisis eradicated,” said Nuka.

Mr. Nuka said the initiative is part of efforts by the Bank to contribute to the country attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals on the environment. This also aligns with the Bank’s commitment as a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking (UN PRB).

“As such we are committed to ensuring that our operating strategy is consistent with and contributes to society’s needs and priorities, as expressed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), the Paris Agreement, the African Union’s Agenda 2063, and sustainable banking frameworks,” he said.

Malawi is in line to earn billions of dollars from buyers of carbon credits if its citizens planted more specific trees.

NBS Bank plc to ‘Inspire Inclusion’ through Social Media Campaign

Temwani Simwaka NBS Bank Deputy CEO

In an innovative move to champion diversity and women’s empowerment, NBS Bank plc has unveiled its social media campaign ‘Inspire Inclusion’ which will be spearheaded by Deputy Chief Executive Officer Temwani Simwaka.

The  initiative aims to spotlight the Bank’s dedication to financial literacy and the empowerment of women.

“Through the ‘I Nominate You’ campaign, we are excited to share valuable financial advice, celebrate inclusivity, and highlight the diverse culture within our Bank,” said NBS Bank Acting Head of Marketing and Customer Experience James Chikaonda, underscoring the campaign’s objectives.

Chikaonda further elaborated on the campaign’s approach to recognizing women’s contributions both within and outside NBS Bank.

“We will nominate three outstanding women who, in turn, will share their insights, nominate others, and spread the message of inclusion using the hashtags #INominateYou and #InspireInclusion.”

“The campaign will focus on women in senior and middle management roles at NBS Bank, alongside a distinguished woman who has excelled in her field outside the Bank. By highlighting these women, we affirm our role as leaders in fostering an inclusive culture that transcends the confines of our organization,” said Chikaonda.

Scheduled to run across LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook until the end of the month, the ‘Inspire Inclusion’ campaign aligns with the global celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8.

This year’s IWD theme, ‘Inspire Inclusion’, resonates with the campaign’s mission to underscore the importance of diversity and empowerment in every sphere of society.

Standard Bank sponsors K5m towards Malawi Law Society AGM

Banda presents the sponsorship to MLS Lilongwe Chapter Executive Committee Secretary Chanju Kondowe

Standard Bank Plc has given this year’s Malawi Law Society Annual Conference underway in Mangochi a boost by contributing K5 million.

Head of Private Banking Joshua Banda said the contribution is in recognition of the important role legal minds play in strengthening governance across multiple sectors, thereby contributing to economic growth.

MLS Lilongwe Chapter Executive Committee Secretary Chanju Kondowe, who recieved the sponsorship thanked Standard Bank for the partnership.

This year’s AGM is under the Theme “Interrogating Malawi Electoral System Towards 2025 General Elections.”

Honourable Justice Dr Chifundo J. Kachale, Chairperson of the Malawi Electoral Commission, is the Guest of Honour.

NBS Bank plc supports lawyers’ Indaba with K2 million 

Dossi (left) handing over the cheque to Ngunde while other officials look on

NBS Bank Plc has given K2 million to the Malawi Law Society (MLS) for their Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for this week in Mangochi.

Making a symbolic cheque presentation at NBS Bank’s Head office in Blantyre on Friday, the Bank’s Head of Legal Felister Dossi, said they felt the need to support the conference since they believe that the rule of law is fundamental to political stability and helps a country to achieve economic and social progress and development which is important for a business environment that the Bank is operating in.

“Malawi Law Society has been a partner for several years.  We are aware that this year’s AGM theme touches on electoral system and laws and as a Bank, we feel duty bound to contribute to MLS to help them achieve one of their strategic goals of safeguarding the rule of law,” said Dossi.

MLS Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chrispin Ngunde said the support signifies the Bank’s commitment to promoting the rule of law, professionalism, integrity, and excellence.

“The Bank has been a partner for MLS for many years and the donation of K2 million further cements our collaboration. The theme for this year’s Conference and AGM is very relevant to the business of the Bank.”

“For the Bank’s business and any business to strive, it requires a stable business and political environment. Elections greatly contribute to creating this conducive environment. It is, therefore, pleasing to note that the Bank has taken a keen interest in elections and public interest through its support of MLS,” said Ngunde.

Ngunde added that MLS will continue to promote matters of public interest, rule of law, good governance, integrity, and professionalism by taking an active role, in among others, sharing thoughts on matters of national importance such as election matters

MLS will hold its AGM from March 21 to 24 under the theme ‘Interrogating the Malawi Electoral System Towards 2025 General Elections.’

Standard Bank boosts diaspora remittances

Mughogho: Malawi needs such remittances to boost our foreign currency reserves position

Lilongwe, March 19, 2024–In a bid to boost diaspora remittances and foreign currency inflows into Malawi, Standard Bank Plc is proud to announce prizes worth more than K30 million for diaspora customers who remit U$2,000 back home through the Bank’s Bureau de Change (BDC).

Under the three-month Transfer and Win Diaspora promotion, Standard Bank has dangled a grand prize of a plot worth K20 Million back home and various cash prizes. The promotion is for all individuals who send money to Malawi from the diaspora and Malawians earning in foreign currency abroad with a need to send funds back home.

Announcing the incentives, The Executive Head of Personal and Private Banking (PPB) Charity Mughogho said the promotion recognizes the role of diaspora communities in the economic development of the country through foreign currency remittances.

“Malawi needs such remittances to boost our foreign currency reserves position, supply and circulation. At Standard Bank, we recognize the significance of our diaspora communities in contributing to economic development back home. The promotion is open to individuals living in the diaspora who have a Standard Bank Diaspora Account or any international bank account from their country of residence.

To enter the promotion a client needs to transfer a minimum of US$2,000 into a Malawi Kwacha account through Standard Bank BDC. This will give one entry into the monthly draw and subsequent grand draw.

Through our Diaspora Account, we aim to provide a tailored banking solution that caters specifically to the unique requirements of individuals living abroad,” said Mughogho. She said the promotion aims to empower individuals living outside the country with convenient banking solutions that enable them to seamlessly manage their finances and support their loved ones back home.

This promotion is open to the Bank’s Diaspora Account holders and any other international bank account from the sender’s country of residence. Funds once sent will be deposited directly into the Malawian bank account of the beneficiary.

Malawians residing abroad and who wish to open a Diaspora Account with Standard Bank can do so by simply clicking here to download and complete the application documents or through the e-mail and the bank’s website.

The promotion will run from 11th March 2024 to 31st May 2024 and draws will be conducted at the end of each month. Monthly draws will see seven customers carting home K500, 000 each. Apart from the grand prize of a plot valued at K20 million, other consolation prizes include a solar system valued at Mk4,600,000 to the first runner up and the third winner will walk away with K1 million.

Blantyre City South MP Lipipa talks tough on cutting public expenditure

Lipipa: It is painful but it must be done

The DPP Member of Parliament for Blantyre City South Constituency Noel Lipipa, has called on the government to take decisive action to rein in public expenditure, which he believes could include phasing out the costly SUVs used by most government officials.

Speaking at the budget sitting in Parliament on Tuesday, Mr. Lipipa said that the cost of domestic travel, drivers who are more than the vehicles – an anomaly in itself, misuse of vehicles, was extremely high. He added that the goal should be to reduce expenditure while also avoiding wastage and reducing borrowing, which he said was a necessary sacrifice.
“It is painful but it must be done. There is no wrong time to do the right thing. The 2024/25 budget estimates that the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) will collect K3.3 trillion is an illusion, lest we forget that they failed to collect K2,2 trillion in the 2023/24 budget.” he said.
“The private sector is struggling because of high interest rates and foreign exchange shortage. The private sector can only borrow money if there are good incentives such as lower interest rates and/or if import substitutes are introduced. Which business will borrow money in our current economic situation?” he asked.

Bridge Afric to create more opportunities for Malawian artists…to launch Southern Region chapter Saturday at BICC

Jacob Events which has partnered with Bridge Afric says all is set for Bidge Afric Malawi launch and workshop which is slated for Saturday, March 23 at the majestic Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in the capital Lilongwe.

Wendy Favour Harawa, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Jacob Events has told Malawi Voice that the much awaited event aims at bridging the gap between Malawian artists and other artists around Africa to create more opportunities.

She noted that for decades now Malawi arts has been and is being consumed by mostly Malawians only with no chance of going international hence the coming of Bridge Afric to change the narrative.

“The aim is to Bridge the Gap between Malawian artists and other artists around Africa and the world and create opportunities for them. Jacobs Events has partnered with bridgeAFRIC to host this event at BICC On March 23, ” said Harawa.

According to the veteran musician and event manager Harawa, the workshop will provide a platform for local artists to interact and share their experience with big names in the entertainment industry.

“There will be a workshop with all kinds of artists, questions and answers, one of the major themes is “Collaborations as a tool for developing talents in Africa,” she said

Harawa said Bridge Afric President Victoria Nkong will be among the distinguished guests.

Others dignitaries include The President of Afrima All Africa Awards Mike Dada, Trace Representatives, representative of Live Nation in France, Ace Video Directors, 50 cents Producer and a lot more music business executives and international artists from around Africa.

Local musicians to grace the workshop include Phyzix, Che Kalonda, the Nyau King Tay Grin, Lulu among others.

Veteran music producer and entrepreneur Taps Bandawe will also be part of the speakers at the event while award winning television personality Priscilla Kayira Nsane will be the moderator.

Renowned poet Q Malewezi will be among the Panelists while DJ Neptune will be on the decks.

Bridge Afric’s primary objective is to promote and showcase African artists, providing them with platforms to reach a global audience beyond their home countries.

Triephornia Mpinganjira’s African Child Foundation to launch K10million football league in Neno

Triephornia Mpinganjira: We aim at promoting health through sports in schools

Business tycoon Triephornia Bender Mpinganjira’s African Child Foundation will on Sunday, March 24 launch a K10 million kwacha football and netball leagues for schools in Neno district.

The historic launch will take place at Neno Stadium in the district.

According to the foundation, all schools and clubs from Traditional Authority (TA) Chekecheku will take part in the leagues.

The foundation, according to statement in our custody, aims at promoting health through sports in schools.

“African Child Foundation would like to use sports as a vehicle to advance and promote health in schools and communities in TA Chekucheku,” reads the statement in part.

In view of this development the following schools have been identified to play football and netball games on the launching day: Chiwale Secondary School, Chikonde CDSS, Chikonde Model Primary School and Kaponda Primary School.

Triephornia is one of the gifts that Malawi and the whole Globe have in terms of humanitarian support and services.

The Good Samaritan Triephornia also bailed out Neno District Council lastyear when she paid K5million to water board when the board disconnected water at the council.

Recently, Triephornia was in the news after donating a brand new Nissan Patrol to Malawi’s renowned hip hop artist, Limbani Kalilani better known by his stage name Tay Grin.

She also stormed the social media after donating 2.5 million kwacha to Mai Mbambande, a non-governmental organization dedicated towards assisting the elderly in the country.

As that was not enough, Mai Mpinganjira also supported with air tickets to six children who represented Malawi at Africa Spelling B competition in Uganda.

Apostle Nyirongo says World needs righteous leaders

Apostle Dr. Mc Hellings Nyirongo, who is the founder for Christ Fellowship Church for All Nations (CFCAN), says for the World to prosper needs a “righteous and very honest” leaders.

He made the remarks ahead of a 2 days of God’s answer special prayers themed: “God’s time to receive and follow God’s leaders” slated for Friday 5 to 6 April at Ekwendeni CDSS in Mzimba district.

According to Apostle Nyirongo, time has come for God to lead His people instead of cruel and clueless leaders so that all people should prosper and enjoy good life.

The Apostle said cruel leaders have a habit if oppressing, killing any one whom they perceived to be wiser than them; “They kills people with visions and steal their visions which later they will fail to implement”.

Apostle Nyirongo said: “According to the Holy Ghost bad leaders are: Clue less leaders who just announce decisions and promises what can’t implemented (Jeremiah 8 v11).

They speak peace which is not there. These are vision less leaders who can take a picture of hotel in USA and present to the village as their plan to transform the village,”

While quoting Proverbs 28 Verse 15 and Proverb 29 Verse 2, Apostle Nyirongo said If God blesses the people, He gives them a righteous leader and if God punishes the people He gives them bad and wicked leaders.

“See God chose David and Israel prospered under his regime,” cited Apostle Nyirongo in an exclusive interview, adding that: “During these prayers, we shall pray and the LORD shall provide His spirit, His Angels, His anointed men and women, supernatural wisdom to surpass human practices.”

The prayers, which will start with a night of prayers on Friday, April 5 and a day long service on Saturday April 6, is themed: “God’s time to receive and follow God’s leaders”.

The prayers will be will be characterized with teachings, prophecies, healing and deliverance among others as guided by the Holy spirt.

CFCAN’S Christ melodies and Women of grace will spice up the ‘free for all’ prayers with live music performances.

For more call/WhatsApp on +265997341371.

Apostle Dr. Mc Nyirongo is well known in Malawi and across the globe for his accurate prophecies, miracles healing and deliverance.

 He was called and sent by Jesus Christ Himself and he does what others cannot do except they have Holy Ghost too.

Christ fellowship church for all Nations; giving the word of life: wisdom, revelation, prophecy, healing and deliverance.

NBS Bank Plc Introduces ‘Afana Oyaza’ Promo for University Students

In a significant move aimed at promoting the use of digital banking among university students, NBS Bank Plc has unveiled the ‘Afana Oyaza’ campaign which targets university students across Malawi, encouraging them to utilize the bank’s digital services for their financial transactions, particularly for paying their tuition fees.

The campaign is open to students enrolled at the University of Malawi (UNIMA), Mzuzu University (MZUNI), Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), and Malawi College of Health Sciences (MCHS).

Participants who pay their fees using the bank’s Eazy Bank digital platforms are entered into a competition to win various awards, with the grand prize being a full year’s tuition covered by NBS Bank.

NBS Bank Chief Retail Officer Victoria Chanza, highlighted the bank’s commitment to enhancing educational access through digital banking solutions emphasizing on the convenience of paying fees via smartphones, the Eazy Wallet mobile wallet, and the Bank Pafupi agency banking platforms.

“As the ‘Caring Bank,’ we are devoted to the advancement of education. This campaign is part of our efforts to ensure students have seamless access to education through our digital channels,” said Chanza.

She said the promotion is not only about easing the fee payment process but also includes exciting prizes like laptops, smartphones, and NBS Bank-branded merchandise, such as t-shirts, pens, and wristbands.

“The ‘Afana Oyaza’ campaign represents a forward-thinking approach to integrating digital banking services within the educational sector, offering tangible benefits to students while fostering a digital-first mindset,” said Chanza.

Endorsing the initiative, Steve Omar, Entertainment Director at Mzuzu University, described ‘Afana Oyaza’ as a beneficial and welcome development for the student community.

“This campaign offers significant support to university students, and we hope for NBS Bank Plc’s continued involvement each semester to make a meaningful difference in students’ lives,” said Omar.